Blanc Molina, Andrea Author

Changes in the Care Activity in Addiction Centers with Dual Pathology Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Cinta Mancheño-Velasco
  • Daniel Dacosta-Sánchez
  • Andrea Blanc-Molina
  • Marta Narvaez-Camargo
  • Óscar Martín Lozano-Rojas

Journal of Clinical Medicine - 26/07/2022


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)
Open Access

Bridge Nodes between Personality Traits and Alcohol-Use Disorder Criteria: The Relevance of Externalizing Traits of Risk Taking, Callousness, and Irresponsibility

  • Ana De la Rosa-Cáceres
  • Marta Narvaez-Camargo
  • Andrea Blanc-Molina
  • Nehemías Romero-Pérez
  • Daniel Dacosta-Sánchez
  • Bella María González-Ponce
  • Alberto Parrado-González
  • Lidia Torres-Rosado
  • Cinta Mancheño-Velasco
  • Óscar Martín Lozano-Rojas
... View more Collapse

Journal of Clinical Medicine - 16/06/2022


Cite count: 4 (Web of Science)

Psychometric Properties of the Attitudes Toward Polyamory Scale (ATP) in the Spanish Context

  • Andrea Blanc
  • Cristina Pérez

Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy - 1/1/2024


Cite count:

Monitoring adherence and abstinence of cannabis use disorder patients: Profile identification and relationship with long-term treatment outcomes

  • Daniel Dacosta-Sánchez
  • Fermín Fernández-Calderón
  • Andrea Blanc-Molina
  • Carmen Díaz-Batanero
  • Oscar M. Lozano

Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment - 05/2023



Use of Rasch person-item maps to validate a theoretical model for measuring Attitudes toward Sexual Behaviors

  • Blanc, Andrea
  • Rojas, Antonio J.

PLoS One - 23/08/2018

10.1371/journal.pone.0202551 View source

Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Psychometric properties of the Spanish adaptation of the Externalizing Spectrum Inventory–Brief Form (ESI-BF).

  • Andrea Blanc-Molina
  • Manuel Sanchez-Garcia
  • Christopher J. Patrick
  • Robert F. Krueger
  • Fermin Fernandez-Calderon
  • Oscar M. Lozano
  • Ana de la Rosa-Cáceres
  • Carmen Diaz-Batanero
... View more Collapse

Psychological Assessment - 19/01/2023


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Comparison of the Predictive Capacity of the Erotophobia–Erotophilia and the Attitudes Toward Sexual Behaviors in the Sexual Experience of Young Adults

  • Blanc Molina A.
  • Sayans-Jiménez P.
  • Ordóñez-Carrasco J.
  • Rojas Tejada A.



Cite count: 10 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

Assessment of sexual behaviors using the paired-comparisons method in a sample from Spain

  • Blanc Molina, Andrea
  • Rojas Tejada, Antonio Jose

Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento - 2017

Valoración de comportamientos sexuales mediante el método de pares comparados en una muestra española

  • Andrea Blanc Molina
  • Antonio José Rojas Tejada

Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento - 1/08/2017

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Acculturation preferences of Spaniards towards Middle Eastern and Syrian refugees and their relationship with the stereotypical dimension of morality

  • Jorge Ordóñez Carrasco
  • Antonio José Rojas Tejada
  • Andrea Blanc Molina
  • Marisol Navas

Revista de Psicologia Social - 2020


Cite count: 1 (Dialnet)
  • Dialnet

Conceptualización y medida de las actitudes hacia comportamientos sexuales en distintos grupos etnoculturales y su relación con el proceso de aculturación

  • Andrea Blanc Molina
  • Antonio José Rojas Tejada


Cite count:
  • Dialnet

This author has no conferences.

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This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 4

Web of Science: 5

Scopus: 0

Web of Science: 3

Last data update: 9/14/24 5:44 AM
Next scheduled update: 9/21/24 3:00 AM