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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Effects of ketogenic diets on cancer-related variables: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Environmental pesticide exposure and Alzheimer's disease in southern Spain: A cross-sectional study
Exposure to Environmental Pesticides and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Population-Based Case-Control Study
Cognitive and Emotional Effect of a Multi-species Probiotic Containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis in Healthy Older Adults: A Double‐Blind Randomized Placebo‐Controlled Crossover Trial
Impact of Cervical Cancer on Quality of Life and Sexuality in Female Survivors
The Effect of Very-Long-Chain <i>n</i>-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Central Nervous System and Their Potential Benefits for Treating Alcohol Use Disorder: Reviewing Pre-Clinical and Clinical Data
Changes in Gut Microbiota and Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review
Environmental pesticide exposure and the risk of irritable bowel syndrome: A case-control study
Effects of probiotics on cognitive and emotional functions in healthy older adults: Protocol for a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial
Central nervous system stimulation therapies in phantom limb pain: a systematic review of clinical trials
New Perspectives in Health: Gut Microbiota
The effect of multiprobiotics on memory and attention in fibromyalgia: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Probiotics as a therapeutic strategy in obesity and overweight: a systematic review
The impact of using an “anatomy escape room” on nursing students: A comparative study
Intentional mass-casualty incident simulation-based training: A qualitative study into nursing students' perceptions and experiences
Opioid system influences gut-brain axis: Dysbiosis and related alterations
Relationship between temporomandibular disorders and psychological and sleep aspects in university teaching staff: A regression model
Effects of probiotics supplementation on dementia and cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical and clinical studies
Stress and the gut microbiota-brain axis
Gut microbiota and neurological effects of glyphosate
Microbiota and organophosphates
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Explore Cognitive and Emotional Effects of Probiotics in Fibromyalgia
Gut-brain axis in the executive function of austism spectrum disorder
Are probiotic treatments useful on fibromyalgia syndrome or chronic fatigue syndrome patients? A systematic review
Probiotics in digestive, emotional, and pain-related disorders
In vivo stimulation of locus coeruleus: Effects on amygdala subnuclei
Probiotics for fibromyalgia: Study design for a pilot double-blind, randomized controlled trial,Probióticos en fibromialgia: Diseño de un estudio piloto doble ciego y randomizado
Comparative study on short- and long-term behavioral consequences of organophosphate exposure: Relationship to AChE mRNA expression
Chronic dietary exposure to chlorpyrifos causes behavioral impairments, low activity of brain membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase, and increased brain acetylcholinesterase-R mRNA
Dose-dependent regional brain acetylcholinesterase and acylpeptide hydrolase inhibition without cell death after chlorpyrifos administration
Long term compulsivity on the 5-choice serial reaction time task after acute Chlorpyrifos exposure
Chlorpyrifos-, diisopropylphosphorofluoridate-, and parathion-induced behavioral and oxidative stress effects: Are they mediated by analogous mechanisms of action?
Impulsivity as long-term sequelae after chlorpyrifos intoxication: Time course and individual differences
Impulsivity characterization in the roman high-and low-avoidance rat strains: Behavioral and neurochemical differences
Neonatal exposure to chlorpyrifos affects maternal responses and maternal aggression of female mice in adulthood
Long-term monoamine changes in the striatum and nucleus accumbens after acute chlorpyrifos exposure
Vulnerability of long-term neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos: Effect on schedule-induced polydipsia and a delay discounting task
Long-term neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos: Spatial learning impairment on repeated acquisition in a water maze
Long-term functional neurotoxicity of paraoxon and chlorpyrifos: Behavioural and pharmacological evidence
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
1.29 - Gut Microbial Dysbiosis and Environmental Chemicals
Cadena de supervivencia ante incidentes de múltiples victimas intencionados
Lectura de artículos preclínicos: modelos animales
Eje axial: osteología
Eje axial: artrología
Miembro superior: artrología
Miembro inferior: osteología
Manual de prácticas de anatomía
Miembro superior: osteología
Efecto de los probióticos en fibromialgia.Probiotics effects on fibromyalgia
Idoneidad terapéutica de los alimentos funcionales en el dolor crónico
Organofosforados: consecuencias moleculares y comportamentales a corto y a largo plazo.
Actividades integradas en anatomía y fisiología humanas
Neurotoxicidad de los organofosforados: efectos a corto y a largo plazo del clorpirofitos
Neurotoxicidad de los organofosforados: efectos a corto y a largo plazo del clorpirifos
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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