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Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Inaugural editorial: Updates and future directions
The development and preliminary validation of a new measure of self-efficacy Questionnaire of self-efficacy in learning a foreign language
Test anxiety in primary school children: A 20-year systematic review and meta-analysis
A thematic analysis of self-reported teacher perceptions and management of atypical student behaviours and their relation to the student self-concept
Adaptability vs. buoyancy: Which offers the greater protection against test anxiety and could relations be reciprocal?
COVID-19 meets control-value theory: Emotional reactions to canceled high-stakes examinations
French Study of Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale in Relation to Performance, Age, and Gender
Students’ emotion regulation and school-related well-being: Longitudinal models juxtaposing between- and within-person perspectives.
A Network Analysis of Control–Value Appraisals and Classroom-Related Enjoyment, Boredom, and Pride
Academic Buoyancy: Overcoming Test Anxiety and Setbacks
Riding the bumps in mathematics learning: Relations between academic buoyancy, engagement, and achievement
Student teachers' views about the university's research contribution to professional knowledge development
Anxiety in the mathematics classroom: reciprocal relations with control and value, and relations with subsequent achievement
Warning students of the consequences of examination failure: An effective strategy for promoting student engagement?
Correction to: Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School‑Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders?
Socio-economic status, gender and achievement: the mediating role of expectancy and subjective task value
Test anxiety, anxiety disorders, and school-related wellbeing: Manifestations of the same or different constructs?
Adolescents’ Lockdown-Induced Coping Experiences (ALICE) Study: A Qualitative Exploration of Early Adolescents’ Experiences of Lockdown and Reintegration
Relations between gender stereotyping and foreign language attainment: The mediating role of language learners’ anxiety and self-efficacy
Do teachers’ engaging messages predict motivation to learn and performance?
Does Test Anxiety Predispose Poor School-Related Wellbeing and Enhanced Risk of Emotional Disorders?
Interpretation and use of the Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale (MTAS).
Assessing psychological flexibility in test situations: The Test Anxiety Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Adolescents
The Four Ws of Test Anxiety
Achievement emotions and academic achievement: Reciprocal relations and the moderating influence of academic buoyancy.
Academic buoyancy protects achievement against minor academic adversities
A construct validation and extension of the adolescent attachment questionnaire (AAQ)
An evaluative message fosters mathematics performance in male students but decreases intrinsic motivation in female students
The Development and Validation of a New Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale (MTAS)
Development and Validation of a New Multidimensional Language Class Anxiety Scale
Cognitive–behavioral intervention for test anxiety in adolescent students: do benefits extend to school-related wellbeing and clinical anxiety
The role of achievement emotions in primary school mathematics: Control–value antecedents and achievement outcomes
Attention bias in test anxiety: the impact of a test-threat congruent situation, presentation time, and approach-avoidance temperament
Teacher Use of Loss-Focused, Utility Value Messages, Prior to High-Stakes Examinations, and Their Appraisal by Students
Wellbeing and higher education
School-related stress among sixth-grade students – Associations with academic buoyancy and temperament
“You Heard Me Swear but You Never Heard Me!” negotiating Agency in the pupil referral unit classroom
A Person-Centered Approach to Students' Evaluations of Perceived Fear Appeals and Their Association With Engagement
The role of academic buoyancy and emotions in students’ learning-related expectations and behaviours in primary school
A cross-lagged panel analysis of fear appeal appraisal and student engagement
An examination of the self-referent executive processing model of test anxiety: Control, emotional regulation, self-handicapping, and examination performance
Expectancy of success, attainment value, engagement, and Achievement: A moderated mediation analysis
A multi-component wellbeing programme for upper secondary students: Effects on wellbeing, buoyancy, and adaptability
Teacher self-efficacy moderates the relations between imposed pressure from imposed curriculum changes and teacher stress
Is reducing uncertain control the key to successful test anxiety intervention for secondary school students? Findings from a randomized control trial
The importance of psychological need satisfaction in educational re-engagement
The Development and Validation of a Mental Toughness Scale for Adolescents
Achievement goals, behavioural engagement, and mathematics achievement: A mediational analysis
Control-Value Appraisals, Enjoyment, and Boredom in Mathematics: A Longitudinal Latent Interaction Analysis
Teachers use of fear appeals and timing reminders prior to high-stakes examinations: pressure from above, below, and within
Does Increased Effort Compensate for Performance Debilitating Test Anxiety?
Reciprocal relations between students' academic enjoyment, boredom, and achievement over time
Is Perceived Control a Critical Factor in Understanding the Negative Relationship Between Cognitive Test Anxiety and Examination Performance?
Mental toughness and transitions to high school and to undergraduate study
Developing school practice in preparing students for high-stake examinations in english and mathematics
Fear appeals, engagement, and examination performance: The role of challenge and threat appraisals
Teachers use of fear appeals prior to a high-stakes examination: Is frequency linked to perceived student engagement and how do students respond?
The role of attainment value, academic self-efficacy, and message frame in the appraisal of value-promoting messages
""Sink or swim': buoyancy and coping in the cognitive test anxiety - academic performance relationship"
The appraisal of fear appeals as threatening or challenging: frequency of use, academic self-efficacy and subjective value
The impact of fear appeals on subjective-task value and academic self-efficacy: The role of appraisal
Hard to reach and hard to teach: supporting the self-regulation of learning in an alternative provision secondary school
Expectancy of success, subjective task-value, and message frame in the appraisal of value-promoting messages made prior to a high-stakes examination
Fear appeals prior to a high-stakes examination can have a positive or negative impact on engagement depending on how the message is appraised
Experiencing fear appeals as a challenge or a threat influences attainment value and academic self-efficacy
The enabling and protective role of academic buoyancy in the appraisal of fear appeals used prior to high stakes examinations
Examining the context of instruction to facilitate student success
Academically buoyant students are less anxious about and perform better in high-stakes examinations
The Relationship Between Goal Setting and Students' Experience of Academic Test Anxiety
The Scare Tactic: Do Fear Appeals Predict Motivation and Exam Scores?
Fear appeals used prior to a high-stakes examination: What makes them threatening?
Test anxiety prevalence and gender differences in a sample of English secondary school students
Reducing test anxiety among school-aged adolescents: a field experiment
The perceived value of maths and academic self-efficacy in the appraisal of fear appeals used prior to a high-stakes test as threatening or challenging
Predictors of adolescents' academic motivation: Personality, self-efficacy and adolescents' characteristics
Does the confidence of first-year undergraduate students change over time according to achievement goal profile?
Performance-Evaluation Threat Does Not Adversely Affect Verbal Working Memory in High Test-Anxious Persons
Relationship between undergraduate student confidence, approach to learning and academic performance: the role of gender
Academic self-efficacy in study-related skills and behaviours: Relations with learning-related emotions and academic success
Resilient children are less test anxious and perform better in tests at the end of primary schooling
Identification and Validation of a Brief Test Anxiety Screening Tool
Do clusters of test anxiety and academic buoyancy differentially predict academic performance?
A reciprocal model of achievement goals and learning related emotions in the first year of undergraduate study
Using the 2×2 framework of achievement goals to predict achievement emotions and academic performance
The key to successful achievement as an undergraduate student: confidence and realistic expectations?
Fear and efficacy appeals in the classroom: The secondary teachers' perspective
Is academic buoyancy anything more than adaptive coping?
Stress and anxiety surrounding forthcoming Standard Assessment Tests in English schoolchildren
Do highly test anxious students respond differentially to fear appeals made prior to a test?
Do creativity self-beliefs predict literacy achievement and motivation?
Achievement goals as mediators of the relationship between competence beliefs and test anxiety
How is examination stress experienced by secondary students preparing for their General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations and how can it be explained?
Fear appeals in the primary classroom: Effects on test anxiety and test grade
Thematic versus subject-based curriculum delivery and achievement goals: Findings from a single-school study
Teachers' use of fear appeals in the Mathematics classroom: Worrying or motivating students?
Developing and piloting a dot-probe measure of attentional bias for test anxiety
Perceived fear appeals and examination performance: Facilitating or debilitating outcomes?
Do cognitive distortions mediate the test anxiety-examination performance relationship?
Personal and situational predictors of test anxiety of students in post-compulsory education.
Is the relationship between competence beliefs and test anxiety influenced by goal orientation?
Assessment and examination stress in Key Stage 4
The development of an instrument to measure teachers' use of fear appeals in the GCSE classroom.
Situated and Contextual Features of Test Anxiety in UK Adolsecent Students
Deconstructing test anxiety
Do examinations stakes moderate the test anxiety - examination performance relationship?
Examination stress and test anxiety
Test anxiety and GCSE performance: the effect of gender and socio-economic background
Supporting assessment stress in key stage 4 students
Test anxiety in UK schoolchildren: Prevalence and demographic patterns
Researching academic stress and anxiety in students: some methodological considerations
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention for Test Anxiety: Could Teachers Deliver the STEPS Program and What Training Would They Require?
Developmental and educational psychology for teachers: An applied approach: Second edition
Individual differences in education outcomes: Applying a model of mental toughness
The relationship between academic confidence, approach to learning, self-regulation, stress coping and resilience in the university undergraduate
Personal Self-regulation, Self-regulated Learning and Coping Strategies, in University Context with Stress
Action-emotion style, test anxiety and resilience in undergraduate students
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
‘We should just be told to try our best’
School-related subjective well-being promotes subsequent adaptability, achievement, and positive behavioural conduct
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H