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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
The -Analog of the Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum: a Review from Special Functions
The complete solution of the Schrödinger equation with the Rosen–Morse type potential via the Nikiforov–Uvarov method
Stability of solitary waves in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations
On classical orthogonal polynomials related to Hahn's operator
Uniform convergence of basic Fourier-Bessel series on a q-linear grid
Externally driven nonlinear Dirac equation revisited: Theory and simulations
On linearly related sequences of difference derivatives of discrete orthogonal polynomials
Using D-operators to construct orthogonal polynomials satisfying higher order q-difference equations
Paramagnetic colloidal ribbons in a precessing magnetic field
General approach for dealing with dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities
Kink topology control by high-frequency external forces in nonlinear Klein-Gordon models
On the limit of generalized non-standard q-Racah polynomials
Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order difference equations
Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order difference equations
Comment on "ratchet universality in the presence of thermal noise"
Time-shift invariance determines the functional shape of the current in dissipative rocking ratchets
On the properties of special functions on the linear-type lattices
On the generalized Askey-Wilson polynomials
Orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second order difference equations
Propulsion efficiency of a dynamic self-assembled helical ribbon
On the orthogonality of q-classical polynomials of the Hahn class
The q-Racah-Krall-type polynomials
Spectral properties of certain tridiagonal matrices
À la carte recurrence relations for continuous and discrete hypergeometric functions
Ratchet effect on a relativistic particle driven by external forces
On the Krall-type polynomials on q-quadratic lattices
Symmetries shape the current in ratchets induced by a biharmonic driving force
Structural and recurrence relations for hypergeometric-type functions by nikiforov-uvarovmethod
Driven and damped double sine-Gordon equation: The influence of internal modes on the soliton ratchet mobility
Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on the uniform lattice
A characterization of the classical orthogonal discrete and q-polynomials
Dual properties of orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables associated with the quantum algebra U<sub>q</sub>(su(2))
On recurrence relations for radial wave functions for the N-TH dimensional oscillators and hydrogenlike atoms: Analytical and numerical study
Special volume on orthogonal polynomials and mathematical physics
On characterizations of classical polynomials
Limit relations between q-Krall type orthogonal polynomials
A q-analog of Racah polynomials and q-algebra SU <sub>q</sub>(2) in quantum optics
Special volume on orthogonal polynomials and approximation theory
On some tridiagonal k-Toeplitz matrices: Algebraic and analytical aspects. Applications
On a q-extension of the linear harmonic oscillator with the continuous orthogonality property on ℝ
Recurrence relations for discrete hypergeometric functions
Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on non-uniform lattices: Dynamical algebra
On the Krall-type polynomials
On the Krall-type discrete polynomials
Asymptotic properties of generalized Laguerre orthogonal polynomials
Modifications of quasi-definite linear functionals via addition of delta and derivatives of delta Dirac functions
Some limit relations in the A<sub>1</sub> tableau of Dunkl-Cherednik operators
Mellin transforms for some families of q-polynomials
Recurrence relations for radial wavefunctions for the Nth-dimensional oscillators and hydrogenlike atoms
On a q-extension of the Hermite polynomials H<sub>n</sub>(x) with the continuous orthogonality property on ℝ
Distributions of zeros of discrete and continuous polynomials from their recurrence relation
On a modification of the jacobi linear functional: Asymptotic properties and zeros of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials
q-Classical polynomials and the q-Askey and Nikiforov-Uvarov tableaus
On the q-polynomials: a distributional study
On the "Favard theorem" and its extensions
Factorization method for difference equations of hypergeometric type on nonuniform lattices
Chebychev polynomials in a speech recognition model
On the connection and linearization problem for discrete hypergeometric q-polynomials
On the q-polynomials in the exponential lattice x(s) = c<sub>1</sub>q<sup>s</sup> + c<sub>3</sub>
On the linearization problem involving Pochhammer symbols and their q -analogues
Some Extension of the bessel-type orthogonal polynomials
Second order difference equations for certain families of 'discrete' polynomials
WKB approximation and Krall-type orthogonal polynomials
Jacobi-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: Second-order differential equation and zeros
Modified Clebsch-Gordan-type expansions for products of discrete hypergeometric polynomials
The distribution of zeros of general q-polynomials
Limit relations between generalized orthogonal polynomials
Recurrence relations for connection coefficients between Q-orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables in the non-uniform lattice cursive greek chi(s) = q<sup>2s</sup>
A generalization of the class laguerre polynomials: Asymptotic properties and zeros
The dual Hahn q-polynomials in the lattice x(s) = [s]<sub>q</sub>[s + 1]<sub>q</sub> and the q-algebras SU<sub>q</sub>(2) and SU<sub>q</sub>(1, 1)
A generalization of the classical Laguerre polynomials
On the properties for modifications of classical orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables
The modification of classical hahn polynomials of a discrete variable
Difference Equation for Modifications of Meixner Polynomials
q-deformed vibron model for diatomic molecules
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Polinomios hipergeométricos clásicos y q-polinomios Renato Álvarez-Nodarse
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Differential properties for Sobolev orthogonality on the unit circle
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H