Elegir campos a generar del autor Eligius María Thedorus

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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
On Dealing with Minima at the Border of a Simplicial Feasible Area in Simplicial Branch and Bound
On Optimizing Ensemble Models using Column Generation
On the use of overlapping convex hull relaxations to solve nonconvex MINLPs
On Order Policies for a Perishable Product in Retail
Local search versus linear programming to detect monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound
Experiments with Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency
On monotonicity and search strategies in face-based copositivity detection algorithms
Design optimization of a 3-stage membrane cascade for oligosaccharides purification using mixed integer non-linear programming
A column generation algorithm for solving energy system planning problems
Separable Attention Network in Single- and Mixed-Precision Floating Point for Land-Cover Classification of Remote Sensing Images
On new methods to construct lower bounds in simplicial branch and bound based on interval arithmetic
On derivative based bounding for simplicial branch and bound
The decomposition-based outer approximation algorithm for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming
Retailer replenishment policies with one-way consumer-based substitution to increase profit and reduce food waste
On decomposition and multiobjective-based column and disjunctive cut generation for MINLP
Rotation Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Preface: Special issue Europt 2018
On computational procedures for Value Iteration in inventory control
On regular simplex division in copositivity detection
On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition
On computing optimal policies in perishable inventory control using value iteration
A CUDA approach to compute perishable inventory control policies using value iteration
Decomposition-based Inner- and Outer-Refinement Algorithms for Global Optimization
On the δ-service level for demand substitution in inventory control⁎
On solving the Best-Worst Method in multi-criteria decision-making⁎
Parallel algorithms for computing the smallest binary tree size in unit simplex refinement
An adjustment restriction on fish quota: resource rents, overcapacity and recovery of fish stock
A simple heuristic for perishable item inventory control under non-stationary stochastic demand
Generating a smallest binary tree by proper selection of the longest edges to bisect in a unit simplex refinement
A minimax regret analysis of flood risk management strategies under climate change uncertainty with emerging information on peak flows
On parallel Branch and Bound frameworks for Global Optimization
Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory control on heterogeneous platforms
Pooling Problems with Polynomial-Time Algorithms
Application of stochastic programming to reduce uncertainty in quality-based supply planning of slaughterhouses
On production planning and scheduling in food processing industry:Modelling non-triangular setups andproduct decay
On competition in a Stackelberg location-design model with deterministic supplier choice
Order quantities for perishable inventory control with non-stationary demand and a fill rate constraint
On Bisecting the Unit Simplex Using Various Distance Norms
Pipe Replacement in a Water Supply Network: Coordinated Versus Uncoordinated Replacement and Budget Effects
Food chain design using multi criteria decision making, an approach to complex design issues
On the Minimum Number of Simplex Shapes in Longest Edge Bisection Refinement of a Regular n-Simplex
On heuristic bi-criterion methods for semi-obnoxious facility location
Impacts of rainfall variability and expected rainfall changes on cost-effective adaptation of water systems to climate change
On Benchmarking Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms
On refinement of the unit simplex using regular simplices
Preface: special issue MAGO 2014
Bi-criterion procedures to support logistics decision making: Cost and uncertainty
SDP in inventory control: Non-stationary demand and service level constraints
Heuristics for Longest Edge Selection in Simplicial Branch and Bound
Traffic responsive control of intersections with predicted arrival times: A Markovian approach
On solving a bi-level stochastic dynamic programming model for analyzing fisheries policies: Fishermen behavior and optimal fish quota
Heuristics to Reduce the Number of Simplices in Longest Edge Bisection Refinement of a Regular n-Simplex
Erratum to Pareto optimality and robustness in bi-blending problems (TOP, 10.1007/s11750-012-0253-9)
Pareto optimality and robustness in bi-blending problems
On Simplicial Longest Edge Bisection in Lipschitz Global Optimization
Fluctuating quota and management costs under multiannual adjustment of fish quota
On the minimum volume simplex enclosure problem for estimating a linear mixing model
Recent insights in Huff-like competitive facility location and design
Coalition Formation: The Role of Procedure and Policy Flexibility
On Computational Aspects of a Regular n-Simplex Bisection
On estimating workload in interval branch-and-bound global optimization algorithms
Dynamic and hierarchical load-balancing techniques applied to parallel branch-and-bound methods
On interval branch-and-bound for additively separable functions with common variables
A threaded approach of the quadratic bi-blending algorithm
Global Optimization Simplex Bisection Revisited Based on Considerations by Reiner Horst
On Lower Bounds Using Additively Separable Terms in Interval B&B
Performance Driven Cooperation between Kernel and Auto-tuning Multi-threaded Interval B&B Applications
On endmember identification in hyperspectral images without pure pixels: A comparison of algorithms
A new minimum-volume enclosing algorithm for endmember identification and abundance estimation in hyperspectral data
On determining the cover of a simplex by spheres centered at its vertices
Preface: Special issue SAGO08
On Nash equilibria of a competitive location-design problem
Locating a competitive facility in the plane with a robustness criterion
Land speculation and interest rate subsidies as a cause of deforestation: The role of cattle ranching in Costa Rica
An empirical test of new developments in coalition theory for the design of international environmental agreements
On a branch-and-bound approach for a Huff-like Stackelberg location problem
The semi-continuous quadratic mixture design problem: Description and branch-and-bound approach
The smoothed Monte Carlo method in robustness optimization
Methods for computing Nash equilibria of a location-quantity game
Preface: Special issue Go05
Infeasibility spheres for finding robust solutions of blending problems with quadratic constraints
Stability likelihood of coalitions in a two-stage cartel game: An estimation method
On the computation of stability in multiple coalition formation games
Matching stochastic algorithms to objective function landscapes
On the investigation of stochastic global optimization algorithms
Design of a supply chain network for pea-based novel protein foods
Qualitative methodology for efficient food chain design
Towards a theory of revealed economic behavior: The economic-neurosciences interface
On optimisation of agri chains by dynamic programming
Generation and presentation of nearly optimal solutions for mixed-integer linear programming, applied to a case in farming system design
On success rates for controlled random search
Trading sulphur emissions in Europe: 'Guided bilateral trade'
A framework to study nearly optimal solutions of linear programming models developed for agricultural land use exploration
Global Optimization Problems in Optimal Design of Experiments in Regression Models
On Uniform Covering, Adaptive Random Search and Raspberries
Willow supply strategies to energy plants
Analysing production and environmental risks in arable farming systems: A mathematical approach
On-line control and optimisation of the pelleting process of animal feed
Replicationfree optimal designs in regression analysis
Finding robust solutions for product design problems
Generalized bilinear programming: An application in farm management
Global optimization with a limited solution time
Framework to support decisions on chemical pest control under uncertainty, applied to aphids and brown rust in winter wheat
A comparison of algorithms for global characterization of confidence regions for nonlinear models
An application of Lipschitzian global optimization to product design
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
On Computational Procedures for Optimising an Omni-Channel Inventory Control Model
On Training Set Selection in Spatial Deep Learning
On Monotonicity Detection in Simplicial Branch and Bound over a Simplex
On Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency
On Local Convergence of Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms
Multi-tree decomposition methods for large-scale mixed integer nonlinear optimization
On Trajectory Optimization of an Electric Vehicle
Dynamic control of traffic lights
On grid aware refinement of the unit hypercube and simplex: Focus on the complete tree size
Optimal fishery policies
On computing order quantities for perishable inventory control with non-stationary demand
Data parallelism in traffic control tables with arrival information
On modelling approaches for planning and scheduling in food processing industry
On solving a stochastic programming model for perishable inventory control
On robustness in food supply chain networks
Mathematical modeling, cases
Stochastic GO algorithms
Goodness of optimization algorithms
Deterministic GO algorithms
NLP optimality conditions
Nonlinear programming algorithms
On the goodness of global optimisation algorithms, an introduction into investigating algorithms
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
On Polytopal Branch and Bound with Monotonicity
A New Max-Min Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
A resource constraint approach for one global constraint minlp
On function monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound
Modelling vessel fleet composition for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms
A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance
A sample-based method for perishable good inventory control with a service level constraint
On a pooling problem with fixed network size
An MILP approximation for ordering perishable products with non-stationary demand and service level constraints
On a hybrid MPI-Pthread approach for simplicial branch-And-bound
On Lower Bounds Using Additively Separable Terms in Interval B&B
Simulation to discover structure in optimal dynamic control policies
Minimum volume simplicial enclosure for spectral unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral data
Exploring industry specific social welfare maximizing rates of water pollution abatement in linked terrestrial and marine ecosystems
Branch-and-Bound interval global optimization on shared memory multiprocessors
Optimization of monitoring networks for estimation of the semivariance function
Locally optimal designs in non-linear regression: A case study of the Michaelis-Menten function
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H