Elegir campos a generar del autor David Erik

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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Ecological intensification strategies increase abundance of denitrifying functional genes in a greenhouse agricultural soil
Insights into the abundance, expression and diversity of key denitrification genes in an ecologically managed greenhouse agricultural soil
Short-Term Effects of Changing Soil Management Practices on Soil Quality Indicators and Crop Yields in Greenhouses
Short-term effects of changing soil management practices on soil quality indicators and crop yields in greenhouses
Effectiveness of chemical and thermal treatments on control rhizopus stolonifer fruit infection comparing tomato cultivars with different sensitivities to cracking
Evaluación de herramientas de seguimiento del estado salino del suelo
Comparative study of tomato production strategies for long-cycle crop in enarenado and for inter-planting in different substrates systems in the Mediterranean area
Effect of Organic and Synthetic Fertilizers on the Crop Yield and Macronutrients Contents in Soil and Pepper
Generation and evaluation of typical meteorological year datasets for greenhouse and external conditions on the Mediterranean coast
A comparison of three different cooling systems in parral type greenhouses in Almería
Ensayo de ocho cultivares de pepino "Almería" tolerantes al CVYV
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Comparison of passive and active methods of soil solution sampling for fertigation control in a Mediterranean greenhouse
Evaluación de un plástico fotoselectivo NIR como materia de cubierta de invernadero.
Ensayo de cultivares de tomate en ramotolerantes a TYLCV en invernadero
Experiences in cultivation inside the watergy prototype of a closed greenhouse for semi-arid regions
Ensayo de cultivares de melón galia (Cuculis melo L.) entutorado en invernadero
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Evaluation of different training systems and crop densities to increase greenhouse tomato production and profitability in the Mediterranean area
Comparison of different strategies for fruit set in greenhouse zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.)
Performance of a day/night water heat storage system for heating and cooling of semi-closed greenhouses in mild winter climate
Influence of the sulphur application method on pests, diseases and natural enemies in a greenhouse pepper crop
Screenhouses on the mediterranean basin: Pest incidence and productivity of a tomato crop
Evaluation of two cooling systems in parral type greenhouses with pepper crops: Low pressure fog system verses whitening
Response to salinity of a tomato crop in Mediterranean climate conditions
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