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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Smart tourism city governance: exploring the impact on stakeholder networks
Smart city and smart destination planning: Examining instruments and perceived impacts in Spain
Thoughts on Spanish urban tourism in a post-pandemic reality: challenges and guidelines for a more balanced future
Crowd Monitoring in Smart Destinations Based on GDPR-Ready Opportunistic RF Scanning and Classification of WiFi Devices to Identify and Classify Visitors’ Origins
Touristification, smartization, and social sustainability in European regions
Expanding our understanding of cruise visitors' expenditure at destinations: The role of spatial patterns, onshore visit choice and cruise category
Measuring the progress of smart destinations: The use of indicators as a management tool
Smart destinations: a new planning and management approach?
Sustainable tourism indicators: what’s new within the smart city/destination approach?
The use of private vehicles in residential and holiday tourism destinations: the case of Spain
Modelling the intra-destination behaviour of cruise visitors based on a three-dimensional approach
Análisis del comportamiento espacio-temporal intradestino mediante GPS: Una aproximación de los visitantes independientes de crucero en la ciudad de València
Cruise tourism: the role of shore excursions in the overcrowding of cities
Smart destinations and tech-savvy millennial tourists: hype versus reality
Overtourism in urban destinations: the myth of smart solutions
Turismo sostenible y patrimonio. Herramientas para la puesta en valor y la planificación. Viñals, M.J. (dir), Mayor, M., Martínez-Sanchís, I., Teruel, L., Alonso Monasterio, P. y Morant, M. Editorial Universitat Politécnica de València, València. 191 pp. ISBN 978-84-9048-618-4
Territorial tourism planning in Spain: from boosterism to tourism degrowth?
Smart sustainability: A new perspective in the sustainable tourism debate *
Integrating overtourism in the smart tourism cities Agenda
The typological classification of tourist destinations: The region of Valencia, a case study
Smart destinations and the evolution of ICTs: a new scenario for destination management?
Tourism planning in Spain. From traditional paradigms to new approaches: smart tourism planning
Towards a conceptualisation of smart tourists and their role within the smart destination scenario
The end of growth in residential tourism destinations: steady state or sustainable development? The case of Calpe
Smart sustainability: A new perspective in the sustainable tourism debate
Smart Tourism. A study on systematic mapping
Tourism management and information and communication technologies (ICTs): The new smart destinations approach | Gestió turística i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC): La nova perspectiva de les destinacions intelligents | La gestion du tourisme et les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC): La nouvelle approche des destinations intelligentes | Gestión turística y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC): El nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes
The evolution of consolidated coastal tourist destinations. Comparative analysis of Balneario Camboriu (Brazil) and Benidorm (Spain) | La evolución de destinos turísticos litorales consolidados. Análisis comparado de Balneario Camboriú (Brasil) y Benidorm (España)
Innovation policies in tourism and cluster development: The managerial point of view in the innovative business group programme (IBG's) | Políticas de Innovación en Turismo y Desarrollo de Clusters: La Percepción Gerencial en el Programa Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEIs)1
Nuevos enfoques en gestión turística: El programa de agrupaciones empresariales innovadoras en España
Innovation policies in tourism and cluster development: The managerial point of view in the innovative business group programme (IBG's)
The evolution of mass tourism destinations: New approaches beyond deterministic models in Benidorm (Spain)
Indicadores para analizar la evolución del ciclo de vida de los destinos turísticos litorales
Spread of low-cost carriers: Tourism and regional policy effects in Spain | Le développement des transporteurs à faible coût: Effets du tourisme et de la politique régionale en Espagne
Tourism planning in Spain - Evolution and perspectives
Regional development policies: an assessment of their evolution and effects on the Spanish tourist model
Measuring sustainability in a mass tourist destination: Pressures, perceptions and policy responses in Torrevieja, Spain
Turismo y espacios rurales : conceptos, filosofías y realidades
El turismo rural: una alternativa para el desarrollo integrado de los municipios rurales de La Montaña alicantina
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Planificación turística de los espacios regionales en España Josep A. Ivars
Reinventing Destination Management and Planning: Taking Stock of a Decade of Smart Destinations Development in Spain
The Pathway from Smartness to Sustainability: Exploring the Transmission Mechanisms
Diccionario de turismo
Towards a sustained competitiveness of Spanish tourism
Spain: From the mass model to a new tourism economy
Measuring sustainability in a mass tourist destination: Pressures, perceptions and policy responses in Torrevieja, spain
Planificación y gestión del desarrollo turístico sostenible: propuestas para la creación de un sistema de indicadores [redacción del documento, Josep A. Ivars Baidal]
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Do smart tourism destinations really work? The case of Benidorm
Evolución y metabolismo de un lugar transformado por el turismo de masas. Una interpretación del modelo turístico de Torrevieja desde la teoría de la dependencia de la trayectoria (Path Dependence)
El turismo rural en España: ¿de la ilusión al desencanto?
Region, tourism
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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