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Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Improvement of psychological variables in Older Adults through Pilates
Análisis transcultural del clima motivacional en alumnado de Costa Rica, México y España
Teacher Autonomy Support in Physical Education Classes as a Predictor of Motivation and Concentration in Mexican Students
Addiction to athletics in master athletes: A study with psychological variables and training habits
Change stages to practice of physical activity within free time in high school students of Victoria of Durango, Mexico
Variables predictoras de la dependencia al entrenamiento en corredores de fondo en ruta españoles y mexicanos
Addiction to athletics in master athletes: A study with psychological variables and training habits
Change stages to practice of physical activity within free time in high school students of Victoria of Durango, Mexico,Etapas de cambio en la práctica de actividad física de tiempo libre en estudiantes de secundaria de Victoria de Durango, México
Leisure-time physical activity in relation to the stages of changes and achievement goals in adolescents: Comparative study of students in Spain, Costa Rica, and Mexico
Prediction level of motivation through physical and sport activities according to goal orientation, success perceived and satisfaction rate. A cross-cultural analysis
Predicción transcultural del clima motivacional en educación física
Estudio transcultural de la percepción de competencia escolar y tiempo de ocio
Socializing Agents for Sport and Physical Activities in Teenage Students: Comparative Studies in Samples From Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain
Percepcióndeléxitoenmaratonistasenfuncióndesushábitosdeentrenamiento Perception of success in marathoners depending on their training habits
Level of sport activity in free time from the stages of change and motivation in students from Costa Rica, Mexico and Spain
Predictor variables of the perception of success: Differential aspects in route runners,Variables predictoras de la percepciãn del éxito: Aspectos diferenciales en corredores de ruta
Precompetitive anxiety in long-distance runners depending on their training variables,Ansiedad precompetitiva en corredores de fondo en ruta en función de sus variables de entrenamiento
Motivation, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in Spanish master athletes
Alcohol consumption among adults in monterrey: Relation to exercise regularly and family
Effects of a pilates-based exercise program on mood states in older adults in Mexico
Predictors of addiction to the sport in Spanish master athletes
Predictive models of motivation in route runners based on their training habits,Modelos predictores de la motivación en corredores de fondo en ruta en función de sus hábitos de entrenamiento
Motivational climate in physical education and sport and physical activity in leisure of students from Spain, Costa Rica and Mexico
Dependence to training and competition in route runners,Dependencia al entrenamiento y competición en corredores de fondo en ruta
Physical-sports activity and familiar context: Predicting variables of tobacco consumption among Spanish adolescents
Prediction of achievement goals in physical education from the satisfaction, motivation and beliefs of success in sport
Tobacco consumption among adults in Monterrey: Relation to exercise regularly and family
Predictor model for running motivations: Analysis of spanish vs. Mexican route runners,Modelo predictor de las motivaciones para correr: Análisis con corredores de ruta españoles vs. mexicanos
Predictors of precompetitive anxiety: Differential aspects in runners in route,Variables predictoras de la ansiedad precompetitiva: Aspectos diferenciales en corredores de fondo en ruta
Determinants of motivation in veteran Spanish athletes
Construct validity internal and external AGQ and PTEGQ in Spanish
Psychometric properties of the Spanish versionof the Achievement Goals Questionnaire
Analysis of motivation in athletics: A study with veterans
Addiction, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in spanish masters athletes
Analysis of motivation amongst spanish marathon runners
Spanish alcohol use over 16 year-old and its relation with physical exercise practice, family and tobacco use
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the perceptions of teacher's emphasis on goals questionnaire
Influence of family environment and peers in physical activity habits of youth people
Goal orientation in physical education and physical activity level on mexican students
Predictor variables of the dropping out of physical sport activity by teenagers
Validation of the Training Addiction Scale (EAE) in master athletes
Analysis of anxiety in athletics; A study with master athletes
Delving into the social ecology of leisure-time physical activity among adolescents from south eastern Spain
Anxiety, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in Spanish master athletes
Socialization of exercise regularly in adults: Relationship family, couple and friends
Predictor variables of motivation on Spanish master athletes
Super-adherence of marathoners: Predictor variables and gender differences
Alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes españoles y mexicanos y su relación con la actividad físico-deportiva y la familia
Validation of the Spanish version of the Commitment to Running scale (CR)
Spanish version of the "Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire or TEOSQ" adapted to Physical Education
Predicting variables of alcohol consumption among Spanish adoles-cents
Commitment and negative addiction to training and competition for marathoners
Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the Running Addiction Scale (RAS)
The Abandonment of an Active Lifestyle Within University Students: Reasons for Abandonment and Expectations of Re-Engagement
Alcohol drinking patterns and physical activity in youth
Role of individual and school factors in physical activity patterns of secondary-level spanish students
Dispositional Goal Orientation, Beliefs about the Causes of Success and Intrinsic Satisfaction in Young Elite Paddlers
Motives for playing sports and its relationship with tobacco and alcohol consumption in a sample of Spanish students
Reasons mentioned by university student who practice physical and sporting activities
Características de la demanda físico-deportiva del alumnado almeriense de Educación Secundaria Postobligatoria.
[Relation of the physical-sport activity practice and alcohol consumption of citizens older than 14 years old].
Physical activity and health from physical education in school centers
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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