Elegir campos a generar del autor Pedro Juan

Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
A Network Analysis Study on the Structure and Gender Invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale among Spanish University Students
Comparison of Emotional Processing Between Patients with Substance Use Disorder and Those with Dual Diagnosis: Relationship with Severity of Dependence and Use During Treatment
Validation of the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II in Spanish University Students
Impulsivity Predicts Relapse—but Not Dropout—in Outpatients with SUD: a Longitudinal Study
Validation of the Problematic Media Use Measure (PMUM) and its short version in the Spanish population
Changes in Drug-Related Implicit Associations during Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Role of the Therapeutic Context
Personality Traits and Impulsivity Tasks Among Substance Use Disorder Patients: Their Relations and Links With Retention in Treatment
Cyber dating violence: A review of its research methodology
Dimensions of leisure and perceived health in young university students
Impairments in Executive Functioning in Patients with Comorbid Substance Use and Personality Disorders: A Systematic Review
Síndrome de Potocki-Lupski : Una revisión narrativa bibliográfica .
Association of Religious Activity with Male Suicide Deaths
Reliability and validity evidence of a new interpretation bias task in patients diagnosed with drug use disorder: a preliminary study of the Word Association Task for Drug Use Disorder (WAT-DUD)
Relations between facets and personality domains with impulsivity: New evidence using the DSM-5 section III framework in patients with substance use disorders
Navegación Espacial en Niños de 3 y 6 Años en un Laberinto Circular: La interacción entre diferentes marcos geométricos de referencia
Adaptation to spanish of an ethnocultural empathy scale
Role stress and job satisfaction: Examining the mediating role of work engagement,Estrés de rol y satisfacción laboral: examinando el papel mediador del engagement en el trabajo
Routine leisure activities: Opportunity and risk in adolescence,Rutinas de tiempo libre: Oportunidad y riesgo en la adolescencia
Structural model of acculturation attitudes and related psychosocial variables: Empirical evidence in native Spaniards
Factor structure of the ASSIST test: Application of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,Estructura factorial del test ASSIST: aplicación del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio
Prejudice attitude test (PAT): Reliability and validity evidences based on the internal structure studies in autochthonous and immigrant,Test de actitud prejuiciosa (TAP): Estudios de fiabilidad y evidencias de validez basadas en la estructura interna en autóctonos e inmigrantes
Prejudiced attitude measurement using the Rasch rating scale model.
Propiedades psicométricas del GHQ-28 en pacientes con dependencia a opiáceos
Evidencias de validez de la adaptación al español de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios
Relation between experiential avoidance, hallucination-like experiences and clinical symptoms, in a non-clinical Spanish sample
[Psychometric properties of the GHQ-28 in opiate-dependent patients].
Integrated analysis of the health and social inequalities of Spanish adolescents
Cross-national associations between parent and peer communication and psychological complaints
Electronic media communication with friends from 2002 to 2006 and links to face-to-face contacts in adolescence: an HBSC study in 31 European and North American countries and regions
Adolescencia, grupo de iguales y consumo de sustancias. Un estudio descriptivo y relacional
Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivas
Girls growing through adolescence have a higher risk of poor health
Assessment by pupils, teachers and parents of school coexistence problems in spain, france, austria and hungary: Global psychometric data
Incidencia del maltrato entre iguales durante la adolescencia en España
Estudio comparativo de la calidad de vida en personas mayores de las ciudades de Iquitos (Perú) y Sevilla (España)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Test de actitud prejuiciosa(tap): evidencias de validez en el contexto del proceso de aculturación en grupos mayoritarios y minoritarios
Los adolescentes españoles y su salud. Resumen del Estudio Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC-2002)
Hábitos de vida y empleo del tiempo libre en adolescentes y jóvenes sevillanos
Los adolescentes españoles y su salud. Un análisis en chicos y chicas de 11 a 17 años
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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