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Global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of a dynamic model for the biosystem lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crop-greenhouse
Interrelaciones en biomasa final de plántulas de fresa (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) ‘Festival’ en un sistema hidropónico vertical
Yield of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by selective flower pruning and lateral bud trimming at the fourth bifurcation
Horizontal and vertical hydroponic systems for strawberry production at high densities
Culture of lily (Lilium sp.) ‘Table Dance’ in an aquaponic system
Yield of two cultivars of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in hydroponic and aquaponic systems
Effect of plant row arrangement on yield components of bell pepper
Water content virtual sensor for tomatoes in coconut coir substrate for irrigation control design
Climate and irrigation control
Natural ventilation rates of a greenhouse at central México estimated by energy balance
Determination of night-time thermal gradients in a greenhouse using computational thermal dynamics,Determinación de los gradientes térmicos nocturnos en un invernadero usando dinámica de fluidos computacional
Nutrient extraction of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in mixtures of volcanic rock with fresh and recycled sawdust
Uncertainty analysis of a greenhouse lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa L.) model,Análisis de Incertidumbre de un Modelo Para Lechugas (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivadas en Invernadero
Postharvest quality in fruit of hydroponic tomato cultivated with wastewater and well water,Calidad poscosecha en frutos de tomate hidropÓnico producidos con agua residual y de pozo
Multiobjective hierarchical control architecture for greenhouse crop growth
Pine sawdust as hydroponic substrate. I: Variation in physical properties during five crop cycles,Aserrín de pino como sustrato hidropónico. I: Variación en características físicas durante cinco ciclos de cultivo
Grape berry skin features related to ontogenic resistance to Botrytis cinerea
Sensitivity analysis of a dynamic growth model for greenhouse grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.),Análisis de sensibilidad de un modelo dinámico de crecimiento para lechugas (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivadas en invernadero
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Control jerárquico multiobjetivo de crecimiento de cultivos bajo invernadero José Armando Ramírez Arias ; dirigida por los doctores Francisco Rodríguez Díaz, Manuel Berenguel Soria y Diego Luis Valera Martínez
Uncertainty analysis of modified VegSyst model applied to a soilless culture tomato crop
Crop growth control
Advice and suggestions for greenhouse technicians and producers
The greenhouse dynamical system
Control strategies of greenhouse climate for vegetables production
Sawdust and coco coir as growing media for greenhouse cherry tomatoes
Modeling uncertainty of greenhouse crop lettuce growth model using kalman filtering
Extraction and nutrient efficiency during the vegetative growth of tomato under hydroponics conditions
Empirical models for tomato crop using temperature and photosynthetically active radiation
Modeling of greenhouse climate using evolutionary algorithms
The effect of antitranspirant on growth and water uptake of sweet pepper plants: Experiments and empirical modelling
Ventilation rate models of mediterranean greenhouses for control purposes
Control jerárquico multiobjetivo de crecimiento de cultivos bajo invernadero
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Analysis of energy consumption for tomato production in low technology greenhouses of Mexico
Response of tilapia and tomato to the complementation of nutrients in an aquaponic system
Vegetative growth for three Mexican strawberry cultivars grown in two bed systems
Data assimilation to improve states estimation of a dynamic greenhouse tomatoes crop growth model
Nutrimental balance in aquaponic lettuce production
A multiobjective approach to hierarchical control of greenhouse crop production
Discrete-time nonlinear FIR models with integrated variables for greenhouse indoor temperature simulation
Improving efficiency of greenhouse heating systems using model predictive control
Calibration and validation of complex and simplified tomato growth models for control purposes in the Southeast of Spain
Automatic Irrigation Control in Real Time
Amount of Water Supply in Soilless Irrigation System with Fuzzy Logic
Automatic Systems in Hydroponics Chemical Solutions
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