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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Identifying the antecedents of opportunism in agri-food cooperatives: a comparative analysis between first- and second-tier cooperatives
Performance implications of organizational and interorganizational ambidexterity
Co-exploitation (or co-exploration) vs go it alone? The role of alliance learning capability on firm performance
Curbing members' opportunism in first‐tier and federated agricultural marketing cooperatives
Asignación de surtido, mercado paralelo y enforcement en la cadena de suministro de artículos de gran consumo: Un análisis empírico
Governance and performance in co-exploitation and co-exploration projects
Antecedentes del oportunismo en las cooperativas agroalimentarias
Nonlinear and complementary effects of responsive and proactive market orientation on firms’ competitive advantage
Performance implications of organizational ambidexterity versus specialization in exploitation or exploration: The role of absorptive capacity
International Market Orientation and International Outcomes
Store image influences in consumers’ perceptions of store brands: The moderating role of value consciousness
Transaction costs in agricultural marketing cooperatives: Effects on market performance
Farmers' satisfaction and intention to continue membership in agricultural marketing co-operatives: Neoclassical versus transaction cost considerations
Importance of dynamic capabilities in Colombian born global enterprise
Learning processes, their impact on innovation performance and the moderating role of radicalness
Exploitation- and exploration-based innovations: The role of knowledge in inter-firm relationships with distributors
Methodological proposal for measuring quality of outpatient service in general medicine
Inter-organizational governance, learning and performance in supply chains
Product innovation in small manufacturers, market orientation and the industrýs five competitive forces
Accessing retailer equity through integration in retailers' buying groups
Building online brands through brand alliances in internet
Fostering innovation: The role of market orientation and organizational learning
Effect of brand associations on consumer reactions to unknown on-line brands
Building an investment index into inter-organizational knowledge transfer mechanisms
Outcome- and behaviour-control in distribution partnerships: The role of trust and dependence and their effects on performance
Interfirm strategic integration in retailer buying groups: Antecedents and consequences on the retailer's economic satisfaction
The effects of authoritative mechanisms of coordination on market orientation in asymmetrical channel partnerships
Co-ordination and performance of Spanish second-level agricultural co-operatives: The impact of relationship characteristics
Los compradores de productos hortofrutícolas: Identificación de grupos a partir de los beneficios buscados
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Ambidestreza organizacional en relaciones interorganizacionales
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Improving firm performance through inter-organizational collaborative innovations: The key mediating role of the employee’s job-related attitudes
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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