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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Responses of underground air and drip water geochemistry to meteorological factors: A multi-parameter approach in the Rull Cave (Spain)
Adaptive response of prokaryotic communities to extreme pollution flooding in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, northern Spain)
Microclimate, airborne particles, and microbiological monitoring protocol for conservation of rock-art caves: The case of the world-heritage site La Garma cave (Spain)
A Second Fungal Outbreak in Castañar Cave, Spain, Discloses the Fragility of Subsurface Ecosystems
Study of Rull Cave Dynamics to Understand the Complex Relationships Between Soil, Cave and External Atmosphere
The Marine Bacterial Genus Euzebya Is Distributed Worldwide in Terrestrial Environments: A Review
New insights into the structure, microbial diversity and ecology of yellow biofilms in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, Asturias, Spain)
Prokaryotic Communities Inhabiting a High-Radon Subterranean Ecosystem (Castañar Cave, Spain): Environmental and Substrate-Driven Controls
<i>Crossiella</i>, a Rare <i>Actinomycetota</i> Genus, Abundant in the Environment
222Rn and CO2 monitoring in soil and indoor atmosphere to understand changes in the gaseous dynamics of Rull cave (Spain)
El agua, la cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña, Asturias, España) y la especie neandertal
Tolerància de la fauna cavernícola terrestre de la Cova de sa Font (Sa Dragonera, Illes Balears) envers altes concentracions de diòxid de carboni
Role of subterranean microbiota in the carbon cycle and greenhouse gas dynamics
Diversity of Microfungi in a High Radon Cave Ecosystem
Unraveling the Drivers Controlling the Transient and Seasonal CO<sub>2</sub> Dynamic in a Shallow Temperate Cave
First biological data, associated fauna, and microclimate preferences of the enigmatic cave-dwelling beetle Dalyat mirabilis Mateu, 2002 (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Early Detection of Phototrophic Biofilms in the Polychrome Panel, El Castillo Cave, Spain
The Absolute Age and Origin of the Giant Gypsum Geode of Pulpi (Almeria, SE Spain)
Elevadas dosis de radón ( 222 Rn) y terremotos en la Sima del Vapor (Murcia)
Déficit de oxígeno y temperatura en superficie en cavidades de la zona centro de la Península Ibérica
Comparative analysis of water condensate porosity using mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen and water adsorption techniques in porous building stones
Dominance of Arcobacter in the white filaments from the thermal sulfidic spring of Fetida Cave (Apulia, southern Italy)
Micromorphological Study of Site Formation Processes at El Sidron Cave (Asturias, Northern Spain): Encrustations over Neanderthal Bones
Environment-driven control of fungi in subterranean ecosystems: the case of La Garma Cave (northern Spain)
Squandering water in drylands: the water‐use strategy of the phreatophyte Ziziphus lotus in a groundwater‐dependent ecosystem
Global models for 222Rn and CO2 concentrations in the Cave of Altamira
Biologically mediated release of endogenous N2O and NO2 gases in a hydrothermal, hypoxic subterranean environment
Microbial activity in subterranean ecosystems: Recent advances
Insights on Climate-Driven Fluctuations of Cave 222Rn and CO2 Concentrations Using Statistical and Wavelet Analyses
La geoda gigante de Pulpí: un hito en la conservación y puesta en valor del patrimonio geológico y minero
Geochemical fingerprinting of rising deep endogenous gases in an active hypogenic karst system
Geo-environmental evaluation for the preventive conservation of open-air archaeological sites: the case of the Roman Necropolis of Carmona (Spain)
Evidencias de terremotos cuaternarios en una sima hipogénica: La Sima de Benís (Murcia, SE España)
Actividades de crecimiento cristalino: creando minerales de laboratorio
Seguimiento y caracterización físico-química de gases de efecto invernadero en ambientes subterráneos hipogénicos activos: caso de la Sima del Vapor (Alhama de Murcia)
A study on the state of conservation of the Roman Necropolis of Carmona (Sevilla, Spain)
Radiolysis via radioactivity is not responsible for rapid methane oxidation in subterranean air
First assessment on the air CO2 dynamic in the show caves of tropical karst, Vietnam
Geoarchaeological study of the Sidrón cave (Piloña, Asturias),Estudio geoarqueológico de la cueva de el sidrón (Piloña, Asturias)
Role of soil pore structure in water infiltration and CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and underground air in the vadose zone: A combined laboratory and field approach
Abiotic and seasonal control of soil-produced CO<inf>2</inf> efflux in karstic ecosystems located in Oceanic and Mediterranean climates
Conservación de cavidades naturales: influencia de los visitantes. El caso de la cueva de Altamira
Karst: un concepto muy diverso
Assessment of CO<inf>2</inf> dynamics in subsurface atmospheres using the wavelet approach: from cavity–atmosphere exchange to anthropogenic impacts in Rull cave (Vall d′Ebo, Spain)
Composition, uses, provenance and stability of rocks and ancient mortars in a Theban Tomb in Luxor (Egypt)
Changes in the CO2 dynamics in near-surface cavities under a future warming scenario: Factors and evidence from the field and experimental findings
Flash flood events recorded by air temperature changes in caves: A case study in Covadura Cave (SE Spain)
High radon levels in subterranean environments: Monitoring and technical criteria to ensure human safety (case of Castañar cave, Spain)
The deterioration of Circular Mausoleum, Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain
Subterranean atmospheres may act as daily methane sinks
Changes in the storage and sink of carbon dioxide in subsurface atmospheres controlled by climate-driven processes: the case of the Ojo Guareña karst system
Climate-driven changes on storage and sink of carbon dioxide in subsurface atmosphere of karst terrains
Definition of microclimatic conditions in a Karst cavity: Rull cave (Alicante, Spain)
Recolonization of mortars by endolithic organisms on the walls of San Roque church in Campeche (Mexico): A case of tertiary bioreceptivity
EnvironmentalWaveletTool: Continuous and discrete wavelet analysis and filtering for environmental time series
Combining stable isotope (13C) of trace gases and aerobiological data to monitor the entry and dispersion of microorganisms in caves
Main drivers of diffusive and advective processes of CO<inf>2</inf>-gas exchange between a shallow vadose zone and the atmosphere
Effect of water vapour condensation on the radon content in subsurface air in a hypogeal inactive-volcanic environment in Galdar cave, Spain
Petrophysical properties, composition and deterioration of the Calatorao biogenic stone: case of the sculptures masonry of the Valley of the Fallen (Madrid, Spain)
Cave aerosols: distribution and contribution to speleothem geochemistry
A GIS-based methodology to quantitatively define an Adjacent Protected Area in a shallow karst cavity: The case of Altamira cave
Leaching of uranyl-silica complexes from the host metapelite rock favoring high radon activity of subsoil air: Case of Castañar cave (Spain)
Neanderthal medics? Evidence for food, cooking, and medicinal plants entrapped in dental calculus
Comportamiento de los elementos conservativos en las aguas de infiltración de la cueva del Canelobre (Busot, Alicante)
Biogenic Mn oxide minerals coating in a subsurface granite environment
The role of microorganisms in the formation of calcitic moonmilk deposits and speleothems in Altamira Cave
The biogeochemical role of Actinobacteria in Altamira Cave, Spain
Salt damage and microclimate in the Postumius Tomb, Roman Necropolis of Carmona, Spain
Detection of human-induced environmental disturbances in a show cave
Short-term CO2(g) exchange between a shallow karstic cavity and the external atmosphere during summer: Role of the surface soil layer
Rare earth elements in a speleothem analyzed by ICP-MS, EDS, and spectra cathodoluminescence
Mineral-variations study of Canelobre cave phosphate stalactites by Raman and luminescence methods
Uranyl-evansites from Porto (Northwest Portugal) and Galicia (Northwest Spain): Structure and assignment of spectra catholuminescence and Raman bands
Characterization of trace gases' fluctuations on a 'low energy' cave (Castañar de Íbor, Spain) using techniques of entropy of curves
Impacto Antrópico en las Aguas de Goteo de la Cueva de Canelobre (Alicante)
Microbiological study of bulls of indulgence of the 15th-16th centuries
Fungal outbreak in a show cave
Variations in seepage water geochemistry induced by natural and anthropogenic microclimatic changes: Implications for speleothem growth conditions
Effect of ventilation on karst system equilibrium (Altamira Cave, N Spain): An appraisal of karst contribution to the global carbon cycle balance
Influence of daily visiting regime in tourist cave at different seasons
Mineral-forming processes at Canelobre cave (Alicante, SE Spain)
The fungal colonisation of rock-art caves: Experimental evidence
Annual and transient signatures of gas exchange and transport in the Castañar de Ibor cave (Spain)
Climatic conditions, diapause and migration in a troglophile caddisfly
Speleothems in gypsum caves and their paleoclimatological significance
Hydrogeochemical processes as environmental indicators in drip water: Study of the Cueva del Agua (Southern Spain)
Variación espacio-temporal de Ca-Mg-Sr en el agua de goteo de la Cueva de Canalobre (Alicante): ejemplo de procesos de infiltración en ambientes kársticos semiáridos
Estimating groundwater recharge induced by engineering systems in a semiarid area (southeastern Spain)
Stalactite drip rate variations controlled by air pressure changes: An example of non-linear infiltration processes in the 'Cueva del Agua' (Spain)
Distribución espacio-temporal de Trechus diecki Putzeys, 1870 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) en las cuevas del Karst en Yeso de Sorbas (Almería, España)
The Pulpi gigantic geode (Almeria, Spain): geology, metal pollution, microclimatology, and conservation
Microclimate processes characterization of the giant Geode of Pulpí (Almería, Spain): Technical criteria for conservation
Geostatistical spatiotemporal analysis of air temperature as an aid to delineating thermal stability zones in a potential show cave: Implications for environmental management
Spatiotemporal analysis of air conditions as a tool for the environmental management of a show cave (Cueva del Agua, Spain)
Influencia de la presión del aire en el goteo de una estalactita. Caso de la Cueva del Agua (Iznalloz, Granada)
Consideraciones sobre la evolución hidrogeoquímica de las aguas superficiales en el río Andarax (Almería)
Ptinidos de cavidades en yeso de Almería (Coleoptera, Ptinidae)
Environmental control for determining human impact and permanent visitor capacity in a potential show cave before tourist use
Aproximación al conocimiento de la entomofauna de la Cueva del Yeso (Sorbas, Almería)
Experiencia de visitas masivas a cavidades en condiciones naturales: la Cueva del Agua de Iznalloz (Granada)
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Curso MOOC: Introducción a la modelización geoquímica con PHREEQC
Cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña): Investigación y difusión 2017-2022
Desarrollo de material y metodologías docentes de docencia no presencial para el estudio cristalográfico de los minerales y sólidos cristalinos
Adaptación, implementación y evaluación de docencia online para modelización geoquímica con PHREEQC
El grupo neandertal de la cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña. Asturias. España)
Desarrollo de herramientas y metodologías para modelización geoquímica
Geoestadística con Sofware libre: material para prácticas docentes
La cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña): campañas de excavación, investigación y difusión 2013-2016
Variabilidad de la concentración de radón-222 como gas trazador de procesos geodinámicos en ambientes subterráneos
Las causas de la degradación
La Cueva de El Sidrón: (Piloña, Asturias)
El Sidrón: (Piloña, Asturias)
Aplicación de la señal isotópica d13co2 para la caracterización de mecanismos de transporte de CO2-gas entre atmósfera y subsuelo en sistemas kársticos someros: (cueva de Altamira, Cantabria)
Monitorización de las condiciones microambientales, hidrogeoquímicas y de conservación del sistema kárstico subterráneo de Ojo Guareña (Burgos)
Conservación del arte rupestre: aspectos geológicos y microambientales
La cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña): Campañas de excavación e investigación 2007-2012
Caracterización microclimática e hidrogeoquímica de la Cueva del Canelobre: (Busot, Alicante)
Decay of building materials in the circular mausoleum, necropolis of carmona, Spain
El modelo de relleno, o cómo llegaron los restos a la Galería del Osario
Mechanical characterisation of ancient Egyptian mortars
Condiciones de ventilación e influencia antrópica en la Cueva del Canelobre (Alicante): alteración microclimática en una cavidad turística
Geología - Geoquímica - Microclima aplicados a la conservación del Patrimonio
Patrón espacial de las condiciones del aire: una herramienta para la gestión ambiental de cavidades turísticas
Caracterización microclimática de cavidades y análisis de la influencia antrópica de su uso turístico
Caracterización microclimática de cavidades y análisis de la influencia antrópica de uso turístico
Protección del medio subterráneo: variables físicas
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
CaViX: Método simplificado de cálculo de la visitabilidad máxima en cavidades turísticas (aplicación web-cloud)
Cálculo de la visitabilidad máxima en cavidades turísticas mediante el método Cavix: El Soplao (Cantabria)
The conservation of the carmona necropolis (Sevilla, Spain)
Enhancement of the historical “royal quicksilver way”
Detection of urban subsurface pollution by rapid multiparametric surveys in the 16th century Paranhos spring water tunnel (Porto, Portugal)
Microclimatic monitoring in altamira cave: Two decades of scientific projects for its conservation
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Geomorphological and sedimentary features of an underwater lava tube: the Túnel de la Atlántida (Lanzarote, Spain)
What is the source of CO2 and CH4 at 150 meters depth? Studying CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations and carbon isotopic signatures in the air of the Vadose Zone in Spain
Radon dynamic and air quality in the Rull cave (southeast Spain)
Isotopic tracking of condensation, infiltration and interstitial water to detect microbial activity in caves
Multi-disciplinary approach for assessing the impact of a flood event in a shallow karst cavity (Pindal Cave, Spain)
Paleolithic art in peril: Policy and science collide at altamira cave
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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