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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
Correo Electrónico
Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Wet cooling tower performance prediction in CSP plants: A comparison between artificial neural networks and Poppe's model
A comparative study on predicting wet cooling tower performance in combined cooling systems for heat rejection in CSP plants
Cogeneration of Fresh Water and Electricity with High-Temperature Power Cycles: Comparative Assessment of Multi-Effect Distillation and Reverse Osmosis
Dynamic modeling of a multi-effect vertical falling-film evaporator for water reuse in CSP plants
A solar energy desalination analysis tool, sedat, with data and models for selecting technologies and regions
Thermo-economic assessment of forward osmosis as pretreatment to boost the performance and sustainability of multi-effect distillation for seawater desalination
Analysis of the Time Step Influence in the Yearly Simulation of Integrated Seawater Multi-Effect Distillation and Parabolic trough Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants
Multi-objective optimization of a Concentrating Solar Power + Photovoltaic + Multi-Effect Distillation plant: Understanding the impact of the solar irradiation and the plant location
Experimental assessment of a pilot scale hybrid cooling system for water consumption reduction in CSP plants
Comparative assessment of the annual electricity and water production by concentrating solar power and desalination plants: A case study
Thermodynamic performance and water consumption of hybrid cooling system configurations for concentrated solar power plants
Annual thermoeconomic analysis of a Concentrating Solar Power + Photovoltaic + Multi-Effect Distillation plant in northern Chile
Optimal operation of solar thermal desalination systems coupled to double-effect absorption heat pumps
Parabolic trough collector field dynamic model: Validation, energetic and exergetic analyses
Energetic evaluation of a double-effect LiBr-H2O absorption heat pump coupled to a multi-effect distillation plant at nominal and off-design conditions
Techno-economic analysis of a stand-alone solar desalination plant at variable load conditions
Performance analysis of a red-med salinity gradient heat engine
Techno-economic assessment of a Multi-effect Distillation plant installed for the production of irrigation water in Arica (Chile)
Optimal operating conditions analysis for a multi-effect distillation plant according to energetic and exergetic criteria.
Optimal operating conditions analysis of a multi-effect distillation plant
A dynamic model for MED-TVC transient operation
Experimental characterization of a multi-effect distillation system coupled to a flat plate solar collector field: Empirical correlations
Operational analysis of the coupling between a multi-effect distillation unit with thermal vapor compression and a Rankine cycle power block using variable nozzle thermocompressors
Preliminary evaluation of the use of vacuum membrane distillation for the production of drinking water in Arica (Chile)
Single and dual stage closed-loop pressure retarded osmosis for power generation: Feasibility and performance
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a double-effect absorption heat pump
Experimental parametric analysis of a solar pilot-scale multi-effect distillation plant
Quasi-steady state simulations of thermal vapor compression multi-effect distillation plants coupled to parabolic trough solar thermal power plants
Parametric study of a multi-effect distillation plant with thermal vapor compression for its integration into a Rankine cycle power block
Large-scale solar desalination by combination with CSP: Techno-economic analysis of different options for the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Gulf
Characterisation of the coupling of multi-effect distillation plants toconcentrating solar power plants
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a solar-assisted multi-effect distillation plant
Techno-economic assessment of a pilot-scale plant for solar desalination based on existing plate and frame MD technology
Dynamic modeling and performance of the first cell of a multi-effect distillation plant
Operational improvements to increase the efficiency of an absorption heat pump connected to a multi-effect distillation unit
Forward osmosis pretreatment of seawater to thermal desalination: High temperature FO-MSF/MED hybrid system
Steady state model for multi-effect distillation case study: Plataforma Solar de Almería MED pilot plant
Preliminary thermoeconomic analysis of combined parabolic trough solar power and desalination plant in Port Safaga (Egypt)
Parametric equations for the variables of a steady-state model of a multi-effect desalination plant
Evaluation of cooling technologies of concentrated solar power plants and their combination with desalination in the mediterranean area
Experimental analysis of a multi-effect distillation unit operated out of nominal conditions
Simulation and evaluation of the coupling of desalination units to parabolic-trough solar power plants in the Mediterranean region
Comparative evaluation of two membrane distillation modules
Modeling of the heat transfer of a solar multi-effect distillation plant at the Plataforma Solar de Almería
Assessment of different configurations for combined parabolic-trough (PT) solar power and desalination plants in arid regions
Experimental analysis of an air gap membrane distillation solar desalination pilot system
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Concentrating solar power and desalination plants
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Optimal operation of a combined cooling system
Comparison between an artificial neural network and Poppe's model for wet cooling tower performance prediction in CSP plants
Assessment of a concentrating solar power plant coupled to a multi-effect distillation with an air-cooled condenser
Experimental characterization of a double-effect absorption heat pump-med system driven by parabolic trough collectors
Yearly simulations of the electricity and fresh water production in PT-CSP+MED-TVC plants: Case study in Almería (Spain)
Control strategies in a thermal oil - Molten salt heat exchanger
Comparison between CSP+MED and CSP+RO in Mediterranean Area and MENA Region: Techno-economic Analysis
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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