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Challenges of Journalists Across All Continents in the Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Beliefs and Self-Perceptions of Spanish Mental Health Professionals about Physical Therapy in Mental Health: An Observational Survey Study
Fact or fiction: An experiment on how information sources and message framing influence vaccine risk perception
Can Twitter posts serve as early indicators for potential safety signals? A retrospective analysis
Anorexia nervosa after the COVID-19 pandemic. New challenges for physiotherapy
Public discourse and debate about vaccines in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative content analysis of Twitter
Cómo ha cambiado la comunicación durante la pandemia covid-19: La prensa española ante las vacunas1
Las fuentes de información sobre vacunas en El País y El Mundo: el efecto covid-19
Redes sociales y vacunación COVID-19: análisis del comportamiento de usuarios en España
Effectiveness of Physiotherapy in Managing Symptomatology in Gambling Disorder Patients: A Systematic Review
Crisis Communication during COVID-19: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish Discourse of AstraZeneca Vaccine and Omicron Variant on Social Media
How Does the Public Receive Information about Vaccines during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study in Spain
Hospitalisation at Home of Patients with COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of User Experiences
Utilisation of health care and operational cost difference in telerehabilitation of COPD patients with a Virtual Autonomous Physiotherapist Agent
Anti-Vaccine Discourse on Social Media: An Exploratory Audit of Negative Tweets about Vaccines and Their Posters
Physical therapy interventions in patients with anorexia nervosa: A Systematic Review
Corporate social responsibility and public diplomacy as formulas to reduce hate speech on social media in the fake news era
Meeting current needs in mental health physical therapy: a qualitative study of students’ experiences
Effect of a new tele-rehabilitation program versus standard rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Who guides vaccination in the portuguese press? An analysis of information sources
Knowledge Update on the Economic Evaluation of Pacemaker Telemonitoring Systems
Tele-rehabilitation program in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis—A single-center randomized trial
The Print Media in Times of Anti-Vaccine Lobby: A Content Analysis of National Newspaper Reporting in Spain
Na era das descrenças e incertezas: a cobertura jornalística sobre as vacinas nos jornais portugueses
En busca de la interdisciplinariedad y especialización: retos del ámbito de la comunicación y salud en España
Experiences from group basic body awareness therapy by patients suffering from fibromyalgia: A qualitative study
Effectiveness and safety in remote monitoring of patients with pacemakers five years after an implant: The Poniente study
Long-term cost-utility analysis of remote monitoring of older patients with pacemakers: the PONIENTE study
Vaccine hesitancy in the age of coronavirus and fake news: Analysis of journalistic sources in the Spanish quality press
Quando os sistemas públicos de saúde são notícia: uma análise comparativa da cobertura jornalista no Brasil e na Espanha
Assessing Communication during Remote Follow-Up of Users with Pacemakers in Norway: The NORDLAND Study, a Randomized Trial
Visual content published by the press during a health crisis: The case of ebola, spain, 2014
Digital mis/disinformation and public engagment with health and science controversies: Fresh perspectives from Covid-19
Prevalence of health priorities during presidential elections communication in France, Spain, and the US
Augmented reality glasses as a new tele-rehabilitation tool for home use: patients’ perception and expectations
La comunicación sobre la pandemia del COVID-19 en la era digital: manipulación informativa, fake news y redes sociales
En memoria del Prof. Dr. Carlos David Santamaría Ochoa (1957-2020)
Long-Term Socioeconomic Impact of Informal Care Provided to Patients with Pacemakers: Remote vs. Conventional Monitoring
Comparing online campaigning strategies to host the European Medicines Agency ; Comparación de las estrategias de campaña online para albergar la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos
Effectiveness and Safety in Remote Monitoring of Patients with Pacemakers Five Years after an Implant: The Poniente Study
Exploring the relationship between newspaper coverage of vaccines and childhood vaccination rates in Spain
Cost–utility analysis of telemonitoring versus conventional hospital-based follow-up of patients with pacemakers. The NORDLAND randomized clinical trial
Severe asthma: oral corticosteroid alternatives and the need for optimal referral pathways
What we know about media communication on antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance: A systematic review of the scientific literature
Telemonitoring and quality of life in patients after 12 months following a pacemaker implant: The nordland study, a randomised trial
Cost-utility analysis on telemonitoring of users with pacemakers: The PONIENTE study
Message analyses about vaccines in the print press, television and radio: characteristics and gaps in previous research
10 años con RECS estimulando la investigación en comunicación en salud = 10 years with RECS stimulating health communication research
A visual content analysis of vaccine coverage in the print media
Effectiveness of movement and body awareness therapies in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Consensus on core phenomena and statements describing Basic Body Awareness Therapy within the movement awareness domain in physiotherapy
Media and mistrust of vaccines: A content analysis of press headlines
Patients’ experience regarding therapeutic person-centered relationships in physiotherapy services: A qualitative study
La desconfianza en las vacunas y los medios de comunicación en España = Vaccine hesitancy and the mass media in Spain
Patients' experiences of remote communication after pacemaker implant: The NORDLAND study
Telemonitoring and Quality of Life in Patients after 12 Months Following a Pacemaker Implant: the Nordland Study, a Randomised Trial
A vocabulary describing health-terms of movement quality – a phenomenological study of movement communication
O que os valores-notícia podem nos dizer sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde? Explorando aportes teórico-conceituais da noticiabilidade
A cobertura jornalística sobre temas de interesse para a Saúde Coletiva brasileira: uma revisão de literatura
The Potential of Specialized Media in Public Health: Analysis of Health-Related Content in Sports Newspapers
Specialty matters. Analysis of health journalists’ coverage about vaccines
Health-related quality of life on tele-monitoring for users with pacemakers 6 months after implant: the NORDLAND study, a randomized trial
How is communication of vaccines in traditional media: a systematic review
El uso por los periodistas de las recomendaciones de la OMS para la prevención del suicidio. El caso del periódico Abc
The Use of Traditional Media for Public Communication about Medicines: A Systematic Review of Characteristics and Outcomes
Online communication in a rehabilitation setting: Experiences of patients with chronic conditions using a web portal in Denmark
Ubiquitous laptop use in higher education: Multitasking and students’ perception of distraction in a European setting
Conclusions and recommendations from the 6th International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health (ICPPMH), Spain 2016
Avances en dolor crónico, tema central de la II Jornada Nacional de Fisioterapia en Salud Mental
Workload, time and costs of the informal cares in patients with tele-monitoring of pacemakers: the PONIENTE study
Moving forward in Physiotherapy and Mental Health
Revisión sistemática de evaluaciones económicas de los sistemas de telemonitorización en los marcapasos
Considering the Role of Physical Therapists Within the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Individuals With Eating Disorders: An International Survey of Expert Clinicians
Effectiveness of pacemaker tele-monitoring on quality of life, functional capacity, event detection and workload: The PONIENTE trial
Exercise improves depressive symptoms in older adults: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Counterfeit medicines in internet and the fakeshare European project: Experiences and activities in Spain
Journalism in Healthcare. Analysis of audiences, formats and effects
Home-based versus hospital-based rehabilitation program after total knee replacement
Comparative effectiveness of remote monitoring of people with cardiac pacemaker versus conventional: Quality of life at the 6 months
A systematic review of physical therapy interventions for patients with anorexia and bulemia nervosa
El rol de la comunicación sanitaria en prensa deportiva
A systematic review on physical therapy interventions for patients with binge eating disorder
Características clínicas y funcionales de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular
Home care rehabilitation and physiotherapy in knee prosthesis
Estudio piloto sobre la efectividad de una intervención fisioterapéutica en pacientes con trastornos alimentarios
Clinical and Functional Characteristics of patients with cerebrovascular disease | Características clínicas y funcionales de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular
Systematic review of the benefits of physical therapy within a multidisciplinary care approach for people with schizophrenia
Analysis of the most prevalent disorders in home-rehabilitation and physiotherapy units in the province of Almería (Spain) | Análisis de las patologías con mayor prevalencia en las Unidades Móviles de Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia de la provincia de Almería
La rehabilitación y fisioterapia domiciliaria en las prótesis de rodilla
A pilot study on the effect of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients with eating disorders: A randomized controlled trial
La fisioterapia en personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria
[Communication and satisfaction among primiparas in a public health service].
El rol de las campañas de comunicación en la promoción de la salud y la prevención de lesiones en salud laboral
Análisis de la actividad en las unidades móviles de rehabilitación-fisioterapia en atención primaria
Physiotherapy in Mental Health: its effectiveness and current status
(DOI:10.1016/j.rifk.2009.01.001) | Fe de errores de "Los servicios de fisioterapia domiciliaria en el sistema sanitario público de la Península Ibérica"
Homecare physiotherapy in the iberian peninsula public health system | Los servicios de fisioterapia domiciliaria en el sistema sanitario público de la Península Ibérica
How do newspapers deal with health in Sweden? A descriptive study
Efeitos da hidroterapia na dor lombar crónica: fisioterapia baseada na evidência
Tratamiento fisioterapéutico sistemático del tejido conjuntivo en el aparato musculoesquelético
Psychosocial aspects of physiotherapy in disability,Aspectos psicosociales de la fisioterapia en la discapacidad
Physiotherapist's strategical intervention in the family environment of the disabled patient
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
La explotación de los recursos marinos en el mundo fenicio
La atención de fisioterapia a las personas con acondroplasia: análisis de la situación actual en España
Estudio sobre la efectividad de la fisioterapia domiciliaria en la provincia de Almería: independencia funcional y satisfacción en la población geriátrica
Puntos débiles y fuertes de la Implantación del Crédito Europeo en una titulación de nueva creación: Fisioterapia en la Universidad de Almería
Fisioterapia en salud mental: efectividad de una intervención fisioterapéutica en trastornos alimentarios
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Telemonitoring of users with pacemakers: Informal caregivers at 5 years after implant
Communicating with public health organizations: Technical solution
The Rett syndrome. Current strategies for the physiotherapist
The effects of muscular stretching: What do we really now?
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Vaccine Hesitancy Among Religious Groups: Reasons Underlying This Phenomenon and Communication Strategies to Rebuild Trust
Erratum: Correction: A non-randomized clinical trial to examine patients' experiences and communication during telemonitoring of pacemakers after five years follow-up (PloS one (2021) 16 12 (e0261158))
Coronavirus in Spain: Fear of ‘Official’ fake news boosts WhatsApp and alternative sources
Correction: Patients' experiences of remote communication after pacemaker implant: The NORDLAND study (PLoS One (2019) 14:6 (e0218521) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218521)
Basic Body Awareness Therapy in patients suffering from fibromyalgia: A randomized clinical trial
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