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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Some properties of differentiable p-adic functions
Modes of convergence of random variables and algebraic genericity
The Set of p-Adic Continuous Functions not Satisfying the Luzin (N) Property
On Special Partitions of [0,1] and Lineability within Families of Bounded Variation Functions
Quasilineability and topological properties of the set of fuzzy numbers
Supports of quasi-copulas
Fórmulas que generan números primos
Construction of dense maximal-dimensional hypercyclic subspaces for Rolewicz operators
Lineability and K-linear discontinuous functions
Lineability, spaceability, and latticeability of subsets of C([0, 1]) and Sobolev spaces
Classical vs. non-Archimedean analysis: an approach via algebraic genericity
On distributions with fixed marginals maximizing the joint or the prior default probability, estimation, and related results
Several algorithms for constructing copulas via ⁎-product decompositions
Baire category results for stochastic orders
On the measure induced by copulas that are invariant under univariate truncation
Lineability, algebrability, and sequences of random variables
A study of topological conjugacies between alternate representation systems
A generalization of a copula-based construction of fuzzy implications
Best-possible bounds on the set of copulas with a given value of Spearman's footrule
Correction: “Best-possible bounds on the set of copulas with a given value of Spearman's footrule” [Fuzzy Sets Syst. 428 (2022) 138–152]
Extreme semilinear copulas
Markov product invariance in classes of bivariate copulas characterized by univariate functions
Operators invariant under finitely many input changes with applications to aggregation of sequences
Extensions of Discrete Copulas to Sparse Copulas
Banach spaces and Banach lattices of singular functions
Lineability, differentiable functions and special derivatives
Construction of Copulas with Hairpin Support
Some properties of double shuffles of bivariate copulas and (extreme) copulas invariant with respect to Lüroth double shuffles
On the extension of signature-based representations for coherent systems with dependent non-exchangeable components
Nested Square Roots of 2 Revisited
On the Size of Subclasses of Quasi-Copulas and Their Dedekind–MacNeille Completion
Lineability and integrability in the sense of Riemann, Lebesgue, Denjoy, and Khintchine
Highly tempering infinite matrices II: From divergence to convergence via Toeplitz–Silverman matrices
Obtaining algebrability in subsets of real functions
Spatially homogeneous copulas
New results on discrete copulas and quasi-copulas
Relationships between importance measures and redundancy in systems with dependent components
Connecting copula properties with reliability properties of coherent systems
Zero-sets of copulas
A note on an idempotent transformation of absolutely continuous Archimedean copulas
On the Structure of the Classes of Copulas and Quasi-Copulas with a Given Diagonal Section
Extreme biconic copulas: Characterization, properties and extensions to aggregation functions
Zero-linear copulas
On degrees of asymmetry of a copula with respect to a track
Solution to two open problems on perturbations of the product copula
A note on bivariate Archimax copulas
Constructions of copulas with given diagonal (and opposite diagonal) sections and some generalizations
Maximum asymmetry of copulas revisited
Proving Sklar’s Theorem Via Zorn’s Lemma
A note on singularity of a recently introduced family of Minkowski's question-mark functions,Note sur la singularité d'une famille de fonctions « Minkowski's question-mark » récemment introduite
Extensions of subcopulas
A Salem generalised function
Copulas with given track and opposite track sections: Solution to a problem on diagonals
Pisot numbers and strong negations
Copulas with given values on the tails
Mass distributions of two-dimensional extreme-value copulas and related results
Some members of the class of (quasi-)copulas with given diagonal from the Markov kernel perspective
Characterization of copulas with given diagonal and opposite diagonal sections
Proving the characterization of Archimedean copulas via Dini derivatives
A family of singular functions and its relation to harmonic fractal analysis and fuzzy logic
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative on a dense set with Hausdorff dimension one
Baire category results for exchangeable copulas
Baire category results for quasi-copulas
Functions with unusual differentiability properties
Independence results for multivariate tail dependence coefficients
Diagonal plane sections of trivariate copulas
The distribution of the probability mass of conic copulas
The distribution of the probability mass of biconic copulas
On the singular components of a copula
Conditioning-based metrics on the space of multivariate copulas and their interrelation with uniform and levelwise convergence and Iterated Function Systems
A typical copula is singular
Convergence results for patchwork copulas
Singularity aspects of Archimedean copulas
Copulas, diagonals, and tail dependence
Flipping of multivariate aggregation functions
A characterization of the orthogonal grid constructions of copulas
Solution to an open problem about a transformation on the space of copulas
A note on quasi-copulas and signed measures
Harmonic analysis on the Sierpiński gasket and singular functions
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative on a dense set
Multivariate copulas with hairpin support
A note on the compatibility of bivariate copulas
Copulas with continuous, strictly increasing singular conditional distribution functions
Semi-polynomial copulas
Demostraciones de la infinidad de los números primos
PCF self-similar sets and fractal interpolation
Some results on homeomorphisms between fractal supports of copulas
On (α,β)-homogeneous copulas
The hausdorff dimension of the generalized level sets of takagi's function
On the interrelation between Dempster-Shafer Belief Structures and their Belief Cumulative Distribution Functions
Multivariate patchwork copulas: A unified approach with applications to partial comonotonicity
On the existence of a trivariate copula with given values of a trivariate quasi-copula at several points
Bivariate copulas generated by perturbations
Absolutely continuous copulas with given sub-diagonal section
A copula-based family of fuzzy implication operators
Copulae, Self-Affine Functions, and Fractal Dimensions
A topological proof of Sklar's theorem
Some results on shuffles of two-dimensional copulas
A note on the notion of singular copula
Discontinuity sets of some interval bijections
A singular function with a non-zero finite derivative
Singular functions with applications to fractal dimensions and generalized Takagi functions
Moments and associated measures of copulas with fractal support
Characterization of all copulas associated with non-continuous random variables
Copulas and associated fractal sets
On copulas that generalize semilinear copulas
Idempotent and multivariate copulas with fractal support
On the approximation of copulas via shuffles of Min
Sklar's theorem obtained via regularization techniques
On the alpha-migrativity of multivariate semi-copulas
Multivariate copulas, quasi-copulas and lattices
Measure-Preserving Functions and the Independence Copula
Bivariate quasi-copulas and doubly stochastic signed measures
A note on biconic copulas
A note on the Hausdorff dimension of general sums of pulses graphs
On the duality of aggregation operators and k-negations
The Hausdorff dimension of the level sets of Takagi's function
Another proof of euler's formula for ζ(2κ)
On the classes of copulas and quasi-copulas with a given diagonal section
On Concordance Measures and Copulas with Fractal Support
Multivariate shuffles and approximation of copulas
Takagfs function revisited from an arithmetical point of view
A generalised dyadic number system
Ejemplos de funciones sin integral elemental
Acerca de la Geometría de Lobachevski
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Associative copulas: A survey
Copulas and self-affine functions
How to prove sklar’s theorem
An explicit expression for k-negations
Contribuciones al estudio de funciones peculiares y teoría de cópulas
On concordance measures and copulas with fractal support
Síntesis de nagilactona f y estructuras relacionadas
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Some consequences of the markov kernel perspective of copulas
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H