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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Reappraising personal values in cancer: Meaning‐in‐life adaptation, meaningfulness, and quality of life
Humor interventions in psychotherapy and their effect on levels of depression and anxiety in adult clients, a systematic review
A Scoping Review of the Influence of Mindfulness on Men’s Sexual Activity
Inner Harmony as an Essential Facet of Well-Being: A Multinational Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Evidence-based psychological treatments for adults: A selective review
Is "Self-Experience" Really a Transdiagnostic Concept? Preliminary Evidence in Favor of the Transdiagnostic Conception of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy
An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style
Mindfulness in Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction and Erotic Fantasies in a Non-Clinical Sample
El rechazo escolar y la ansiedad cognitiva
Influencia de los estilos de afrontamiento sobre la satisfacción vital de pacientes en tratamiento de hemodiálisis y con trasplante renal
Psychological impact of COVID-19 confinement and its relationship with meditation
Disordered eating attitudes, anxiety, self-esteem and perfectionism in young athletes and non-athletes
Ecstasy (MDMA): A rebellion coherent with the system
The Influence of Coping and Personality Styles on Satisfaction with Life in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Spanish adaptation of the Personal Meaning Profile-Brief: Meaning in life, psychological well-being, and distress
Influence of coping styles on vital satisfaction of patients on hemodialysis treatment and renal transplantation
Diminished emotional expression in schizophrenia: An interdisciplinary approach based on behavioral interventions
Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso aplicada a la esquizofrenia. Estado actual y direcciones futuras
Satisfacción y conocimientos de los familiares en Andalucía sobre la intervención en el Trastorno Mental Grave.
The mediating role of metacognitive variables in the relationship between Thought-Action Fusion and obsessive-compulsive symptomatology
Relationship between public and private self-focused attention and auditory verbal hallucinations as an interpersonal process
An Exploration of the Reliability and Validity of the Spanish Version of the 'Voice and You' (VAY): A Scale for Measuring the Relationship with Voices
Rethinking schizophrenia in the context of the person and their circumstances: Seven reasons
The relationship of depersonalization and absorption to hallucinations in psychotic and non-clinical participants
Auditory Verbal Hallucinations as Dialogical Experiences
The relationship between perceived pain and personality styles in rheumatic patients
Reliability and validity of a new scale for measuring relationships with voices: The DAIMON Scale
High and low schizotypal female subjects do not differ in spatial memory abilities in a virtual reality task
The role of magical thinking in hallucinations. Comparisons of clinical and non-clinical groups
Relationship between self-focused attention and mindfulness in people with and without hallucination proneness
Relationship Between Childhood Trauma, Mindfulness, and Dissociation in Subjects With and Without Hallucination Proneness
Psychological therapies for auditory hallucinations (voices): Current status and key directions for future research
Person-based contextual therapy applied to a complex case of schizophrenia
Enfermedad crónica: satisfacción vital y estilos de personalidad adaptativos
Relationship of absorption, depersonalisation, and selffocused attention in subjects with and without hallucination proneness
Relationship between drug use and psychopathological variables of risk in university students,Relaciones entre el consumo de drogas y variables de riesgo psicopatológicas en jóvenes universitarios
Dissociative experiences as mediators between childhood trauma and auditory hallucinations
Relationship of metacognition, absorption, and depersonalization in patients with auditory hallucinations
Affinities in the phenomenological perspective of schizophrenia and recent cognitive research: Towards mutual enrichment
Impulsivity differences in recreational cannabis users and binge drinkers in a university population
Opinions and beliefs of the Spanish population on serious mental illnesses (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder)
Skinner's view on hallucinations. Validity and revision
La visión Skinneriana sobre las alucinaciones. Vigencia y revisión
Consumo autoinformado de alcohol y otras drogas en población universitaria
New life for schizophrenia psychotherapy in the light of phenomenology
Depersonalization as a mediator in the relationship between self-focused attention and auditory hallucinations.
Self-reported consumption of alcohol and other drugs in the university population,Consumo autoinformado de alcohol y otras drogas en población universitaria española
A preliminary exploration of trauma, dissociation, and positive psychotic symptoms in a spanish sample
Validity of the self-report on drug use by university students: Correspondence between self-reported use and use detected in urine
Evaluation of Alcohol and Other Drug Use and the Influence of Social Desirability
Defending a Phenomenological–Behavioral Perspective: Culture, Behavior, and Experience
Validity of the self-report on drug use by university students: Correspondence between self-reported use and use detected in urine
Validity of the self-report on drug use by university students: correspondence between self-reported use and use detected in urine.
The Role of Personality Variables in Drug Abuse in a Spanish University Population
Acceptance and commitment therapy applied to treatment of auditory hallucinations
Changing relationship with voices: New therapeutic perspectives for treating hallucinations
Relationship between self-focused attention and dissociation in patients with and without auditory hallucinations
More Aristotle, Less DSM: The Ontology of Mental Disorders in Constructivist Perspective
The role of superstition in psychopathology
Refundar la terapia de conducta: una propuesta desde la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT)
Terapia manual en Fisioterapia y su influencia en la eliminación de los acúmulos disfuncionales del beta amiloide péptico (BAP)
The charcot effect: The invention of mental illnesses
Aproximación al abordaje clínico de los síntomas psicóticos desde la aceptación
Entendimiento filosófico de la esquizofrenia
Metacognitions in patients with hallucinations and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The superstition factor
Metacognitive factors and alterations of attention related to predisposition to hallucinations
Person, behaviour, and contingencies (an aesthetic view of behaviourism)
Changes in the self resulting from the use of mobile phones
The role of meta-cognitions and thought control techniques in predisposition to auditory and visual hallucinations
Evaluación y significado de los procesos cognitivos implicados en las alucinaciones auditivas
Fundamentación experimental y primeras aplicaciones clínicas de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) en el campo de los síntomas psicóticos
Influence of metacognitive variables on paranoid ideation
Experimental foundations and early clinical applications of acceptance and commitment therapy in the field of psychotic disorders
Efecto de la hipnosis y la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) en la mejora de la fuerza física en piragüistas
Aplicación de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) a sintomatología delirante: un estudio de caso
Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in delusional symptomathology: A case study,Aplicación de la terapia de aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) a sintomatología delirante: Un estudio de caso
Influence of metacognitive variables and thought suppression on number of thoughts, discomfort they produce and number and quality of auditory illusions
Personality as a work of art
Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in delusional symptomathology: a case study.
Reivindicación de la persona en esquizofrenia
Social and personality variables related to the origin of auditory hallucinations | Variables sociales y de personalidad relacionadas con el origen de las alucinaciones auditivas
Influence of the suppression of self-discrepant thoughts on the vividness of perception of auditory illusions
ACT como tratamiento de síntomas psicóticos. El caso de las alucinaciones auditivas
Posibilidades y límites de la terapia de acepatación y compromiso (ACT) en el tratamiento de agresiones sexuales
Tratamientos psicológicos eficaces para la depresión
Efficacious psychological treatments for depression
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Modelos psicológicos en la conducta suicida: la perspectiva contextual
Toward a Change of Paradigm in Psychosis: A Contextual Phenomenological Approach
Sentido en la vida y bienestar psicológico en adicción, cáncer y estudiantes universitarios
La filosofía de la ciencia aplicada a la psicología clínica: pensando en psicosis
Terapias contextuales para la psicosis
Evaluación fenomenológica más allá de los síntomas
Fear and trembling: A case study of voice hearing in schizophrenia as a self-disorder
Efectividad de la psicoterapia breve en el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales comunes en los servicios públicos de salud mental: ensayo clínico con diseño de dos grupos aleatorizados con evaluación pre y post tratamiento
Influencia de los estilos de personalidad y de afrontamiento en la satisfacción con la vida de personas con enfermedades crónicas, insuficiencia renal crónica, artritis reumatoide y espondilitis anquilosante
Esquizofrenia; aproximaciones terapéuticas e intervenciones psicológicas con base en el aprendizaje para el tratamiento y recuperación de los síntomas negativos
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Delusions
From neurochemistry to interpersonal chemistry: Towards a psychotherapy of schizophrenia
El papel del pensamiento mágico en las alucinaciones y el trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. Comparación entre grupos clínicos y no clínicos
Social variables related to the origin of hallucinations
Los estilos de vida como sustancia de la adicción: consideraciones a propósito de internet y del teléfono móvil
Guía de tratamientos psicológicos eficaces para la depresión
La psicoterapia analítico-funcional
El papel de la supresión de pensamientos autodiscrepantes sobre la calidad perceptiva de las ilusiones auditivas
El polígrafo como instrumento de prueba en Derecho: garantías científicas y jurídicas
Los parques de la ciudad de Granada para la enseñanza de la biología vegetal
Geomorfología básica en esquemas
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Mindfulness in Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction and Erotic Fantasies in a Non-Clinical Sample
Metodología Proyecto "Psychological Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"-PSICOV20-652016-P
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H