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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Relative Gorenstein flat modules and Foxby classes and their model structures
(<named-content content-type="inline-formula"><inline-formula><math display="inline"><semantics><mrow><mi mathvariant="bold-script">X</mi><mo>,</mo><mi mathvariant="bold-script">Y</mi></mrow></semantics></math></inline-formula></named-content>)-Gorenstein Categories, Associated (Global) Homological Dimensions and Applications to Relative Foxby Classes
A new approach to projectivity in the categories of complexes
Coherent quivers
Relative Gorenstein flat modules and dimension
Flat-precover completing domains
Precover completing domains and approximations
A New Approach to Projectivity in the Categories of Complexes, II
Relative Gorenstein Dimensions over Triangular Matrix Rings
On relative counterpart of Auslander's conditions
Subprojectivity in Abelian Categories
The Category of Modules on an <i>n</i>-Trivial Extension: the Basic Properties
On Proper and Exact Relative Homological Dimensions
Matemáticas y ajedrez: El problema de asignación y el problema de desarreglo
Gorenstein flat precovers and Gorenstein injective preenvelopes in Grothendieck categories
Ajedrez, go y matemáticas
Hay quinto malo
Rugged modules: The opposite of flatness
Pasatiempos y curiosidades: Alcachofas, matemáticas y cintas de vídeo
On the Stability Question of Gorenstein Categories
On torsion free and cotorsion discrete modules
Relative Gorenstein Dimensions
When do Foxby classes coincide with the classes of modules of finite Gorenstein dimensions?
Relative Gorenstein global dimension
Relative Projective and Injective Dimensions
Semidualizing and tilting adjoint pairs, Applications to comodules
On tilting, coperfect tilting complexes and strong derived equivalences of comodules over a coalgebra
On homological frobenius complexes and bimodules
On Gorenstein injective discrete modules over profinite groups
Relative attached primes and coregular sequences
Injective representations of infinite quivers. Applications
Gorenstein categories and Tate cohomology on projective schemes
Group convolutional codes
Locally projective monoidal model structure for complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves on P1(k)
DG-Modules vs. Relative Hopf Modules
Gorenstein quivers
Galois and coGalois groups associated with cotorsion theories
Flat covers in the category of quasi-coherent sheaves over the projective line
Flat and cotorsion quasi-coherent sheaves. Applications
Conormal morphisms
Flat covers of representations of the quiver A ∞
Noetherian quivers
Exact and Semisimple Differential Graded Algebras
Exact and semisimple differential graded algebras
Covers and envelopes in Grothendieck categories: Flat covers of complexes with applications
The Brauer group of irreducible coalgebras
Picard groups and strongly graded coalgebras
On the existence of flat covers in R-gr
On the Brauer group of A cocommutative coalgebra
Finitely generated cotorsion modules
Divisorially graded coalgebras
Generalized matlis duality
Subgroups of the Brauer Group of a Cocommutative Coalgebra: To the memory of M. M. Marqués Escámez
Are covering (enveloping) morphisms minimal?
Compact coGalois groups
Picard groups for graded coalgebras
Covering morphisms
Exact envelopes of complexes
Preserving of covers by hopf invariants
Flat Covers of Complexes
Gorenstein injective and projective complexes
Covers of modules over a fixed ring
Preserving and reflecting covers by functors. Applications to graded modules
On the existence of covers by injective modules relative to a torsion theory
Relative injective covers
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Dimensiones (x ,y )-Gorenstein: Aplicaciones en la categoría de módulos
Cubiertas y envolventes en categorías de representaciones
Grupos de Braver y pícaro de coálgebras
Problemas resueltos de álgebra lineal
Problemas resueltos de álgebra básica y matemática discreta
Covers and envelopes in the category of complexes of modules
Cubiertas relativas inyectivas
Closed covers on Krull domains
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Existence of covers over fixed rings
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
The role of w-tilting modules in relative Gorenstein (co)homology
Covers and Relative Purity over Commutative Noetherian Local Rings
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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