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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
The problem of calculating the prevalence of sexual dysfunction: a meta-analysis attending gender
Environmental Exposure to Pesticides and the Risk of Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Impact of breastfeeding on ICU admissions and need for mechanical ventilation in infants younger than 6 months with RSV+ bronchiolitis. An observational study
Comparison of Easy-to-Use Bronchiolitis Scores in the Post-COVID-19 Era—An Observational Study
The Contribution of Mediastinal Transbronchial Nodal Cryobiopsy to Morpho-Histological and Molecular Diagnosis
Social and Preventive Factors That Explain Oral Health among Pregnant Women in the Canton of Cuenca, Ecuador
Renal tubular dysfunction in greenhouse farmers exposed to pesticides unveiled by a panel of molecular biomarkers of kidney injury
Using QR Codes as a Form of eHealth to Promote Health Among Women in a Pandemic: Cross-sectional Study
Use of Digital Technology as a Collaborative Tool among Nursing Students—Survey Study and Validation
Motivation and Barriers to Research among Nursing Professionals in Southeast Spain
Association between crystalline silica dust exposure and silicosis development in artificial stone workers
Alexithymia and Insecure Attachment among Male Intimate Partner Violence Aggressors in the Dominican Republic
Evaluation of conventional and non-conventional biomarkers of liver toxicity in greenhouse workers occupationally exposed to pesticides
Evaluation of Gonadal Alterations in a Population Environmentally Exposed to a Mixture of Endocrine Active Pesticides
Biomonitoring of common organophosphate metabolites in hair and urine of children from an agricultural community
Biomarkers of oxidative stress in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
Bioactive compounds of the Mediterranean diet and prostate cancer
Determination of metalloid, metallic and mineral elements in herbal teas. Risk assessment for the consumers
Activity and determinants of cholinesterases and paraoxonase-1 in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
Increased N7-methyldeoxyguanosine DNA adducts after occupational exposure to pesticides and influence of genetic polymorphisms of paraoxonase-1 and glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1
Mediterranean diet adherence and prostate cancer risk
Modulation of the endogenous antioxidants paraoxonase-1 and urate by pesticide exposure and genetic variants of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Apego y alexitimia en maltratadores de pareja
Musicoterapia durante la monitorización cardiaca fetal: efectos en gestantes y bienestar cardiaco fetal
Operaciones básicas de toma de muestra y análisis in-situ en plantas químicas
Evaluación de la toxicidad de plaguicidas mediante biomarcadores moleculares y enzimáticos
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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