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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Ecological risk assessment of mercury and chromium in greenhouse soils
Potentially toxic elements in commonly consumed fish species from the western Mediterranean Sea (Almería Bay): Bioaccumulation in liver and muscle tissues in relation to biometric parameters
Soil organic carbon stock on the Majorca Island: Temporal change in agricultural soil over the last 10?years
Mercury contents in relation to biometrics and proximal composition and nutritional levels of fish eaten from the Western Mediterranean Sea (Almería bay)
Assessing soil contamination and temporal trends of heavy metal contents in greenhouses on semiarid land
Climate-driven changes of riparian plant functional types in permanent headwater streams. Implications for stream food webs
Soil features in rookeries of Antarctic penguins reveal sea to land biotransport of chemical pollutants
Assessment of the soil organic carbon stock in Spain
Screening for new accumulator plants in potential hazards elements polluted soil surrounding Peruvian mine tailings
Areas of endemism as a conservation criterion for Iberian gypsophilous flora: a multi-scale test using the NDM/VNDM program
Impact of 70 years urban growth associated with heavy metal pollution
Concentrations of Available Heavy Metals in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils and their Relation with Some Soil Selected Properties: A Case Study in Typical Mediterranean Soils
Concentrations of available heavy metals in Mediterranean agricultural soils and their relation with some soil selected properties: A case study in typical Mediterranean soils
Influence of parent material and soil use on arsenic forms in soils: A case study in the Amble´s Valley (Castilla-Leo´n, Spain)
Ecology, genetic diversity and phylogeography of the Iberian endemic plant Jurinea pinnata (Lag.) DC. (Compositae) on two special edaphic substrates: Dolomite and gypsum
Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality
Spatial relations of heavy metals in arable and greenhouse soils of a Mediterranean environment region (Spain)
Background levels and baseline values of available heavy metals in Mediterranean greenhouse soils (Spain)
The paradox of the conservation of an endangered fish species in a Mediterranean region under agricultural intensification
Biogeography of the baetic ranges (SE Spain): A historical approach using cluster and parsimony analyses of endemic dolomitophytes
Selenium and heavy metals content in some Mediterranean soils
Determination and assessment of mercury content in calcareous soils
The dolomite shrublands of the Convolvuletalia boissieri order and their preservation by means of the Habitats Directive
Can gypsophytes distinguish different types of gypsum habitats?
Preliminary essay on the chorology of the Iberian gypsicolous flora: Rarity and richness of the gypsum outcrops
Dolomite flora of the Baetic Ranges glades (South Spain)
Determination and evaluation of cadmium, lead and nickel in greenhouse soils of Almería (Spain)
Estudio da las características de los antrosoles cumílicos de los invernaderos de la comarca del poniente almeriense. Influencia de las prácticas agrícolas sobre los cambios de sus propiedades
Niveles estándar de Cu, Zn y Co y evaluación de la contaminación en los suelos de los invernaderos de la comarca del poniente (Almeria, España)
Xylem sap extraction: A method
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Niveles de Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb y Zn en suelos de invernadero con producción integrada en el poniente almeriense (España)
Patrones biogeográficos de la flora gipsícola ibérica
Content and evolution of mercury in greenhouse soils of almeria, Spain
Estudio de la contaminación por metales pesados y otros procesos de degradación química en los suelos de invernadero del poniente almeriense
Los suelos en el paisaje del sector oriental de Sierra Nevada: sus relaciones con la vegetacion
Los suelos en el paisaje del sector oriental de Sierra Nevada Carlos Gil de Carrasco
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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