Elegir campos a generar del autor Agustín Javier

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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stress and sleep in emergency room professionals
Breaking the Stigma in Mental Health Nursing through High-Fidelity Simulation Training
Sleep analysis of hospital and out-of-hospital emergency professionals
The stigma of mental health professionals towards users with a mental disorder,EL ESTIGMA DE LOS PROFESIONALES DE SALUD MENTAL HACIA LOS USUARIOS CON TRASTORNO MENTAL
El estigma de los profesionales de salud mental hacia los usuarios con trastorno mental
Use of high-fidelity clinical simulation for the development of cultural competence of nursing students
Adaptation of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSP) and Psychometric Properties of Reduced Versions of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (R-HSP Scale) in Spanish Nursing Students
Stress in Emergency Healthcare Professionals: The Stress Factors and Manifestations Scale
Occupational Therapy in Severe Mental Disorder—A Self-Controlled Quasi-Experimental Study
Triggers of Agitation in Psychiatric Hospitalization Ward According to Professional Experience Questionnaire
Romani Women and Health: The Need for a Cultural Safety-Based Approach
The stigma of mental health professionals towards users with a mental disorder.
Romani Women and Health: The Need for a Cultural Safety-Based Approach
Phytoprostanes and phytofurans modulate COX-2-linked inflammation markers in LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes by lipidomics workflow
Fatty Acid Hydroxytyrosyl Esters of Olive Oils Are Bioaccessible According to Simulated in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion: Unraveling the Role of Digestive Enzymes on Their Stability
Relationship between sleep habits and academic performance in university Nursing students
Unravelling the capacity of hydroxytyrosol and its lipophenolic derivates to modulate the H2O2-induced isoprostanoid profile of THP-1 monocytes by UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS lipidomic workflow
Initial management of the patients with psychiatric involvement in hospital emergency departments: A systematic review
Reliability and Validity of a Stress Scale in Public Employees from Murcia (Spain)
The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on homebound nursing students
Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of hydroxytyrosol are dependent on the food matrix in humans
Work Shift and Circadian Rhythm as Risk Factors for Poor Sleep Quality in Public Workers from Murcia (Spain)
Effectiveness of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation in reducing stress before exams and improving academic performance in Nursing students: A randomized trial
A new tool to assess patients’ comfort during hospitalization: The Hospital Discomfort Risk questionnaire
Quality of sleep, stress and diurnal somnolence of hospital and outpatient emergency professionals
Risk factors for mental workload: Influence of the working environment, cardiovascular health and lifestyle. A cross-sectional study
Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep hygiene of working adults in Spain
Reliability and validity of the student stress inventory-stress manifestations; questionnaire and its association with personal and academic factors in university students
Impact of the implementation of a multidisciplinary sudden death protocol
Midwives and gynecologists: Knowledge about sterile water injections for pain relief in labor
Influential factors in the sleep quality of institutionalized patients
Training for home care service staff and its benefits to users/patients,Formación del personal de ayuda a domicilio y el beneficio generado en el usuario
Formación del personal de ayuda a domicilio y el beneficio generado en el usuario
Training for home care service staff and its benefits to users/patients
Dietary habits of patients with schizophrenia: A self-reported questionnaire survey
Noticias Sanitarias en la Región de Murcia. Un análisis bibliométrico
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Detonantes de agitación según la experiencia de los profesionales sanitarios en pacientes psiquiátricos y estudio comparativo de la contención mecánica tras la formación en el personal sanitario del Área VI de la Región de Murcia, años: 2018-2019
Análisis del sueño y estrés en profesionales de urgencias de la Región de Murcia
Evolución y aplicación de la ocupación en salud mental en la región de murcia
Generalidades del proceso quirúrgico
Sueño y estrés en los funcionarios de la comunidad autónoma de murcia
Calidad de la anticoagulación oral con antagonistas de la vitamina k: papel del tiempo en rango terapéutico como variable pronóstica de eventos adversos en la fibrilación auricular
Calidad del sueño y confort de pacientes hospitalizados de la Región de Murcia.
Percepción materna de leche insuficiente y lactogénesis II: Factores de riesgo en el postparto temprano y relación con el abandono prematuro de la lactancia.
Evolución del Riesgo Metabólico-Cardiovascular y de Aspectos Cognitivos y de Bienestar en Pacientes con Trastorno Mental Grave sometidos a Ejercicio Físico.
Calidad del sueño y somnolencia diurna en estudiantes de enfermería: estudio de prevalencia
La personalidad
Estilos o rasgos de personalidad
Esquizofrenia y obesidad: Influencia de los hábitos alimenticios, tratamiento farmacológico y aspectos socio familiares
Historia de la enfermería: una asignatura para la reflexión
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Occupational Therapy in the Process of Recovering from Severe Mental Disorder
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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