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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Roman water management impacted the hydrological functioning of wetlands during drought periods
Sulfate sources, biologic cycling, and mobility in Atacama Desert soils revealed by isotope signatures
Examination of the parameters controlling the triple oxygen isotope composition of grass leaf water and phytoliths at a Mediterranean site: a model–data approach
High diversity and isolated distribution of aquatic heterotrophic protists in salars of the Atacama Desert at different salinities
17O‐excess and d‐excess of atmospheric water vapor measured by cavity ring‐down spectrometry: Evidence of a matrix effect and implication for the calibration procedure
The triple oxygen isotope composition of phytoliths, a new proxy of atmospheric relative humidity: controls of soil water isotope composition, temperature, CO<sub>2</sub> concentration and relative humidity
Triple oxygen isotope systematics of evaporation and mixing processes in a dynamic desert lake system
The spatial distribution of soluble salts in the surface soil of the Atacama Desert and their relationship to hyperaridity
Author Correction: The evolution of <sup>17</sup>O-excess in surface water of the arid environment during recharge and evaporation (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (4972), 10.1038/s41598-018-23151-6)
The evolution of <sup>17</sup>O-excess in surface water of the arid environment during recharge and evaporation
Triple oxygen isotope systematics of structurally bonded water in gypsum
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Triple oxygen isotopes in Atacama Desert waters since the late Miocene
How hydroclimate variability drives triple oxygen isotope dynamics in permanent and temporal lakes in Southern Spain
Supplementary material to "17O-excess of grass phytoliths record daytime air relative humidity at a natural Mediterranean site"
17O-excess of grass phytoliths record daytime air relative humidity at a natural Mediterranean site
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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