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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Thermochemical valorization of greenhouse cucumber, tomato and pepper as biofuel
Reuse of wastewater from the production of microalgae and its effect on the growth of Pelargonium x hortorum
Effect of the Application of Hydrolysate of Chlorella vulgaris Extracted by Different Techniques on the Growth of Pelargonium × hortorum
Fertigation strategies to alleviate fertilizer contamination generated by tomato crops under plastic greenhouses
Effects of Fertigation with Untreated and Treated Leachates from Municipal Solid Waste on the Microelement Status and Biometric Parameters of Viola × wittrockiana
Nutrient extraction in pansy fertigated with pure, diluted, depurated and phytodepurated leachates from municipal solid waste
Effect of the Foliar Application of Microalgae Hydrolysate (Arthrospira platensis) and Silicon on the Growth of Pelargonium hortorum L.H. Bailey under Salinity Conditions
Effect of the foliar application of cyanobacterial hydrolysate (Arthrospira platensis) on the growth of Petunia x hybrida under salinity conditions
Effect of fertigation using fish production wastewater on Pelargonium x zonale growth and nutrient content
The influence of salinity on the vegetative growth, osmolytes and chloride concentration of four halophytic species
Effect of microalgae hydrolysate foliar application (Arthrospira platensis and Scenedesmus sp.) on Petunia x hybrida growth
Fatty acid profiles and sn-2 fatty acid distribution of ?-linolenic acid-rich Borago species
Effect of Water Bicarbonate Concentration, pH and the Presence, or Not, of a Nitrification Inhibitor in the Nitrification Process
Nutritional responses of Cordyline fruticosa var. ‘Red Edge’ to fertigation with leachates vs. conventional fertigation: Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium
Empirical models of calcium and magnesium uptake in Dieffenbachia amoena
A screening test for the determination of cut flower longevity and ethylene sensitivity of carnation
Nutritional responses of Cordyline fruticosa var. 'Red Edge' to fertigation with leachates vs. conventional fertigation: Chloride, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphate
Effects of Treated and Untreated Wastewater from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Leachates on the Nutritional State of Viola spp.: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium
Effects of Nitrogen Form and Application Rates on the Growth of Petunia and Nitrogen Content in the Substrate
Characterization of Porous Cups and Modified Suction Probes for the Extraction of the Soil Solution
Modeling the Contribution of Salts to the Electrical Conductivity of Fertigation Solutions Used in Greenhouses in the Mediterranean Area
Postharvest petal senescence of two cultivars of carnation flowers with different vase lives
Peat Substrate Reuse in Lilium "Helvetia" Crop
Influence of Salt Stress on the Nutritional State of Cordyline fruticosa var. Red Edge: Chloride, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus
Influence of Salt Stress on the Nutritional State of Cordyline fruticosa var. Red Edge, 2: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium
Comparative Study of the Leachates from Syngonium podophyllum using Different Fertilization Techniques and Nitrogen Forms
Improve Water and Nutrient Efficiency in Tomato Crop by a Dynamic Fertigation Management under Saline Conditions
Nutrient Solution and Nutrient Soil Solution Parameter Evolution in Tomato with Dynamic Fertigation under Saline Conditions
Evaluation of ethylene production by ten Mediterranean carnation cultivars and their response to ethylene exposure
Characterization of compost based on crop residues: Changes in some chemical and physical properties of the soil after applying the compost as organic amendment
Empirical models of potassium uptake by dieffenbachia amoena 'tropic snow' under different nitrogen sources
Variation in Ethylene Production among Carnation New Cultivars
Evaluation of the Leakage Contamination through the Nutrient parameters levels of the Substrate Solution in Syngonium podophyllum "Silver" Crop
Physiological stress caused by salinity in cordyline fruticosa and its indicators
Influence of salinity on the nitrogen metabolism of cordyline fruticosa
El sector ornamental en Andalucía
Effect and empirical models of nitrogen uptake under different nitrogen sources in Dieffenbachia amoena
Influencia de diferentes patrones de cerezo sobre la composición mineral de hojas y brotes leñosos
Empirical models of phosphorus uptake under different nitrogen sources in Dieffenbachia amoena 'Tropic Snow'
Sistemas recirculantes y su interés en el cultivo de ornamentales
Influence of the modification of nutritional parameters in Aglaonema commutatum: K<sup>+</sup>, Ca<sup>2+</sup>, Mg<sup>2+</sup> and Na<sup>+</sup>
Evaluation of nitrate quick tests to improve fertigation management
Influence of nitrogen form on the quality of Dieffenbachia amoena 'Tropic Snow'
Influencia de diferentes patrones para el cerezo en la calidad del fruto del cultivar 'Sunburst'
Influencia de diferentes patrones híbridos almendro x melocotonero en la calidad del fruto de melocotonero
Influencia de diferente patrones híbridos almendro x melocotonero en las características productivas y de calidad del fruto de melocotonero
Interés del potencial osmótico en la gestión del fertirriego
Análisis económico del sector ornamental
Fertirrigación en el cultivo del tomate
Los suelos enarenados en el sureste español
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Influence of salinity on vegetative growth of six native mediterranean species
Estudio de la viabilidad de la reutilización de lixiviados para la producción de plantas ornamentales, en el marco de una producción sostenible
Effect of ethanol on postharvest quality of two carnation cultivars
Estudio de los cambios fisiológicos y bioquímicos durante proceso de senescencia de pétalos respecto a la sensibilidad de elileno en clavel (dianthus caryophyllus l.)
Water consumption modelling in Dieffenbachia amoena 'Tropic Snow'
Growth and nutrient evolution of Dipladenia sanderi L. (Apocynaceae) crop in Mediterranean climate
Effect of fertilization method on containerised native plant growth, nutrient uptake and nutrient loss
Quality of cut Tulip sp. With different nutrition sources
Influence of ethanol on the storage life and bud opening of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) flowers during wet storage
The radiation spectrum through ornamental net houses and its impact on the climate generated
Uso de alpechín como enmienda orgánica en cultivo enarenado de melón bajo invernadero en Almería
Influencia de los parámetros nutricionales de la disolución del suelo sobre la producción de tomate
Evolución de ciertos parámetros nutricionales de la solución de sustrato y de drenaje del cultivo de Dieffenbachia maculata "Camille"
Influencia de la relación nitrato/amonio en la composición mineral de la hoja en el cultivo de Dieffenbachia amoena Tropic Snow
Evolution changes in function of electrical conductivity of recirculating solutions in Aglaonema commutatum 'Silver queen' Crop
Comparación de distintas gestiones de fertirriego en cultivo de tomate y su efcto sobre la calidad
Evaluación de la Lixiviación de nutrientes con distintos manejos de fertirriego en cultivo de tomate en suelo bajo invernadero
Manual para la gestión del fertirriego en los invernaderos enarenados de Almería
Estudio nutricional de dieffenbachia amoena "tropic snow
Estimation of the evolution in time of the salts of the soil solution by suction cup
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
VI Memoria de actividades sobre innovación docente y coordinación en la Universidad de Almería. (Curso académico 2011-2012)
V Memoria de actividades sobre innovación docente y coordinación en la Universidad de Almería. (Curso académico 2010-2011)
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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