Elegir campos a generar del autor Macarena Del Mar

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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Enhancing earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) tolerance to plastic contamination through gut microbiome fortification with plastic-degrading microorganisms
Seed priming by application of Microbacterium spp. strains for control of Botrytis cinerea and growth promotion of lettuce plants
Sustainable approach to the control of airborne phytopathogenic fungi by application of compost extracts
Effect of Upstream Bioactivation of Plant Residues to Accelerate the Composting Process and Improve Product Quality
Development of plastic-degrading microbial consortia by induced selection in microcosms
Biopriming of cucumber seeds using actinobacterial formulas as a novel protection strategy against Botrytis cinerea
Mitigation of phytotoxic effect of compost by application of optimized aqueous extraction protocols
Compost quality and sanitation on industrial scale composting of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge
Revisiting the succession of microbial populations throughout composting: A matter of thermotolerance
Seed biopriming with cyanobacterial extracts as an eco-friendly strategy to control damping off caused by Pythium ultimum in seedbeds
Microbial communities of the olive mill wastewater sludge stored in evaporation ponds: The resource for sustainable bioremediation
Integral approach using bacterial microbiome to stabilize municipal solid waste
Prospection of cyanobacteria producing bioactive substances and their application as potential phytostimulating agents
Evaluating the influence of raw materials on the behavior of nitrogen fractions in composting processes on an industrial scale
Comparative analysis of phytotoxicity and compost quality in industrial composting facilities processing different organic wastes
Bioremediation of Olive Mill Wastewater sediments in evaporation ponds through in situ composting assisted by bioaugmentation
Industrial composting of low carbon/nitrogen ratio mixtures of agri-food waste and impact on compost quality
Uncovering new indicators to predict stability, maturity and biodiversity of compost on an industrial scale
Role of bacteria isolated from a plant waste-based compost producing bioactive substances in the control of bacterial spot syndrome caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
Enzymatic profiles associated with the evolution of the lignocellulosic fraction during industrial-scale composting of anthropogenic waste: Comparative analysis
Bioprospecting from plant waste composting: Actinobacteria against phytopathogens producing damping-off
Biotic aspects involved in the control of damping-off producing agents: The role of the thermotolerant microbiota isolated from composting of plant waste
Biodiversity and succession of mycobiota associated to agricultural lignocellulosic waste-based composting
Enhanced turnover of organic matter fractions by microbial stimulation during lignocellulosic waste composting
Dynamics of bacterial microbiota during lignocellulosic waste composting: Studies upon its structure, functionality and biodiversity
Enzymatic characterization of microbial isolates from lignocellulose waste composting: Chronological evolution
Evolution of enzymatic activities and carbon fractions throughout composting of plant waste
Increasing native microbiota in lignocellulosic waste composting: Effects on process efficiency and final product maturity
Exploiting composting biodiversity: Study of the persistent and biotechnologically relevant microorganisms from lignocellulose-based composting
Isolation of bio-protective microbial agents from eco-composts
Tracking organic matter and microbiota dynamics during the stages of lignocellulosic waste composting
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
El compost como fuente de agentes biofertilizantes solubilizadores de fósforo y potasio y su aplicación como promotores del crecimiento vegetal
Estudio de la biodiversidad funcional durante el compostaje a escala industrial de lodos de depuradora
Empleo de extractos acuosos procedentes de compost de residuos agroalimentarios como herramienta agrobiotecnológica: Biopriming
Valorización biotecnológica de residuos con plásticos: Proyecto RECOVER
Estudio y manejo de comunidades microbianas de lodos de alpechín en balsas de evaporación para su biorremediación y aprovechamiento
Estudio de la estructura de la microbiota bacteriana del compostaje de residuos vegetales
Empleo de inoculantes microbianos en el proceso de compostaje de restos vegetales
Actividad pectinasa producida por microorganismos procedentes del compostaje de residuos vegetales
Microbiota amilolítica asociada al proceso de compostaje de residuos hortícolas
Producción de lipasas por microorganismos asociados al proceso de compostaje: selección e identificación
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
La pila de compostaje como fuente de microorganismos degradadores de plástico
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H