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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Determination of personal care products in water using UHPLC–MS after solid phase extraction with mesoporous silica-based MCM-41 functionalized with cyanopropyl groups
Solid phase extraction of pesticides from environmental waters using an MSU-1 mesoporous material and determination by UPLC-MS/MS
Selectivity enhancement using sequential mass isolation window acquisition with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry for pesticide residues
Identification and measurement of veterinary drug residues in beehive products
Identification of unexpected chemical contaminants in baby food coming from plastic packaging migration by high resolution accurate mass spectrometry
High-resolution mass spectrometry with data independent acquisition for the comprehensive non-targeted analysis of migrating chemicals coming from multilayer plastic packaging materials used for fruit purée and juice
Further improvements in pesticide residue analysis in food by applying gas chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-QqQ-MS/MS) technologies
Ultrasound-assisted extraction based on QuEChERS of pesticide residues in honeybees and determination by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS
Improvements in identification and quantitation of pesticide residues in food by LC-QTOF using sequential mass window acquisition (SWATH®)
Analysis of pesticide residues in olive oil and other vegetable oils
High-throughput gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of pesticide residues in spices by using the enhanced matrix removal-lipid and the sample dilution approach
Pesticide residue analysis in fruit-And vegetable-based baby foods using GC-Orbitrap MS
Shifting the paradigm in gas chromatography mass spectrometry pesticide analysis using high resolution accurate mass spectrometry
European Union proficiency tests for pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables from 2009 to 2016: Overview of the results and main achievements
Matrix interference evaluation employing GC and LC coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry
Multiresidue method for trace pesticide analysis in honeybee wax comb by GC-QqQ-MS
Non-target evaluation of contaminants in honey bees and pollen samples by gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Determination of pesticides in edible oils by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry employing new generation materials for dispersive solid phase extraction clean-up
Miniaturisation and optimisation of the Dutch mini-Luke extraction method for implementation in the routine multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
The evaluation of matrix effects in pesticide multi-residue methods: Via matrix fingerprinting using liquid chromatography electrospray high-resolution mass spectrometry
Screening of pesticide residues in honeybee wax comb by LC-ESI-MS/MS. A pilot study
A sensitive and efficient method for routine pesticide multiresidue analysis in bee pollen samples using gas and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Microflow liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry-an approach to significantly increase sensitivity, decrease matrix effects, and reduce organic solvent usage in pesticide residue analysis
Identification in residue analysis based on liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry: Experimental evidence to update performance criteria
Evaluation of zirconium dioxide-based sorbents to decrease the matrix effect in avocado and almond multiresidue pesticide analysis followed by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Determination of pesticide residues in high oil vegetal commodities by using various multi-residue methods and clean-ups followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Comparison of three multiresidue methods to analyse pesticides in green tea with liquid and gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
Inclusion of 1-naphthylacetic acid and 2-(1-naphthyl)acetamide into three typical multiresidue methods for LC/MS/MS analysis of tomatoes and zucchini
Pesticide analysis in teas and chamomile by liquid chromatography and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry using a modified QuEChERS method: Validation and pilot survey in real samples
Determination of nicotine in mushrooms by various GC/MS- and LC/MS-based methods
Pesticide residue analysis of fruit juices by LC-MS/MS direct injection. One year pilot survey
Evaluation of Relevant Time-of-Flight-MS Parameters Used in HPLC/MS Full-Scan Screening Methods for Pesticide Residues
Overcoming matrix effects using the dilution approach in multiresidue methods for fruits and vegetables
Benefits and pitfalls of the application of screening methods for the analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
Large-scale pesticide testing in olives by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry using two sample preparation methods based on matrix solid-phase dispersion and QuEChERS
Method development and validation for determination of thiosultap sodium, thiocyclam, and nereistoxin in pepper matrix
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Pesticide Residues and Their Metabolites in Food Samples
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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