Immersive virtual reality and augmented reality in anatomy education: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
Comparison of Virtual Reality Exergames and Nature Videos on Attentional Performance: A Single-Session Study |
Impact of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on stereoscopic vision and retinal structure in adult amblyopic rodents |
Editorial: Gamification as intervention strategy for neuropsychological rehabilitation |
Visual Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease |
Virtual Reality Applications in Neurorehabilitation: Current Panorama and Challenges |
Virtual reality-based therapy improves balance and reduces fear of falling in patients with multiple sclerosis. a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
Rehabilitation of visual functions in adult amblyopic patients with a virtual reality videogame: a case series |
Unveiling the Hidden Challenges: Non-Motor Disorders in Parkinson's Disease |
An Intervention on Anxiety Symptoms in Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease through Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study and Lessons Learned |
A Proposal of Cognitive Intervention in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease through an Assembling Game: A Pilot Study |
Efficacy of Robot-Assisted Gait Therapy Compared to Conventional Therapy or Treadmill Training in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis |
An Innovative Approach for Online Neuroanatomy and Neurorrehabilitation Teaching Based on 3D Virtual Anatomical Models Using Leap Motion Controller During COVID-19 Pandemic |
Gamification as Online Teaching Strategy During COVID-19: A Mini-Review |
Virtual Reality-Based Therapy Reduces the Disabling Impact of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Women: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials |
Virtual Reality-Based Therapy Improves Fatigue, Impact, and Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. A Systematic Review with a Meta-Analysis |
Non-Immersive Virtual Reality to Improve Balance and Reduce Risk of Falls in People Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review |
Immersive Virtual Reality in Stroke Patients as a New Approach for Reducing Postural Disabilities and Falls Risk: A Case Series |
Relationship between transformational leadership, affective commitment and turnover intention of workers in a multinational company / La relacion entre liderazgo transformacional, compromiso afectivo e intencion de rotacion de los trabajadores en una compania internacional |
tDCS recovers depth perception in adult amblyopic rats and reorganizes visual cortex activity |
Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) improves detection of simple bright stimuli by amblyopic Long Evans rats in the SLAG task and produces an increase of parvoalbumin labelled cells in visual cortices |
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves visual acuity in amblyopic Long-Evans rats |
Chronic dietary chlorpyrifos causes long-term spatial memory impairment and thigmotaxic behavior |
Cognitive and histological disturbances after chlorpyrifos exposure and chronic Aβ(1-42) infusions in Wistar rats |
Adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus: Relationship to learning and memory | Neurogénesis en el giro dentado del hipocampo: Implicaciones para el aprendizaje y la memoria en el cerebro adulto |
Un ejemplo de portafolio electrónico para el trabajo en grupo basado en la plataforma WebCT-Blackboard |
Neural coding of reward magnitude in the orbitofrontal cortex of the rat during a five-odor olfactory discrimination task |
Vulnerability of long-term neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos:: effect on schedule-induced polydipsia and a delay discounting task |
Neuropsychological sequelae from acute poisoning and long-term exposure to carbamate and organophosphate pesticides |
Pretraining or previous non-spatial experience improves spatial learning in the Morris water maze of nucleus basalis lesioned rats |
Cholinergic receptor blockade in prefrontal cortex and lesions of the nucleus basalis:: implications for allocentric and egocentric spatial memory in rats |
Is the prefrontal cortex implicated in allocentric spatial working memory? |
Cortical acetylcholine and prefrontal cortex implications on spatial memory processing. |