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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Heuristics-based mediation for building smart architectures at run-time
Emulating home automation installations through component-based web technology
Integrating cyber-physical systems in a component-based approach for smart homes
Quality-aware architectural model transformations in adaptive mashups user interfaces
Integrating Cyber-Physical Systems in a Component-Based Approach for Smart Homes
Modeling Big data-based systems through ontological trading
A cloud service for COTS component-based architectures
A collaborative testbed web tool for learning model transformation in software engineering education
Toward the adaptation of component-based architectures by model transformation: behind smart user interfaces
OntoTrader: An Ontological Web Trading Agent Approach for Environmental Information Retrieval
Metamodeling the structure and interaction behavior of cooperative component-based user interfaces
Metamodeling the structure and interaction behavior of cooperative component-based user interfaces
Open-Environmental Ontology Modeling
A model-driven approach for deploying trading-based knowledge representation systems
A model transformation approach for automatic composition of COTS user interfaces in web-based information systems
Design of a Snort-Based Hybrid Intrusion Detection System
Desarrollo de sistemas interactivos en base a modelos de usuario
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
A Web Services Infrastructure for the Management of Mashup Interfaces
Coscore: una infraestructura de servicios para el despliegue de aplicaciones Mashup.
Una metodología basada en modelos y mediación para la adaptación de interfaces de usuario dinámicas (a trading and model-based methodology for adapting dynamic user interfaces)
Semantic Matching of Components at Run-Time in Distributed Environments
Dynamic mashup interfaces for information systems using widgets-as-a-Service
Un sistema de representación del conocimiento basado en mediación ontológica
Using COTS-Widgets architectures for describing user interfaces of web- based information systems
Resolving platform specific models at runtime using an MDE-based trading approach
An Ontology-Driven Case Study for the Knowledge Representation of Management Information Systems
An MDE approach for Runtime Monitoring and Adapting Component-based Systems: Application to WIMP User Interface Architectures
Runtime adaptation of architectural models: An approach for adapting user interfaces
Domain-specific ontologies trading for retrieval and integration of information in web-based information systems
User interface composition with COTS-UI and trading approaches: Application for web-based environmental information systems
An interaction meta-model for cooperative component-based user interfaces
Ontological trading in a multi-agent system
Optimización de sistemas de detección de intrusos en red utilizando técnicas computacionales avanzadas
An eclipse GMF tool for modelling user interaction
Modelling an environmental knowledge-representation system
SOLERES-HCI: Modelling a human-computer interaction framework for open EMS
Administración de sistemas operativos Windows y Linux: un enfoque práctico
Especificación de sistemas cooperativos
Diseño de entornos cooperativos
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Identification System Based on Facial Recognition Services in the Cloud
A Discovery Pull Model for Devices in IoT andWoT Environments
A safe approach using virtual devices to evaluate home automation architectures prior installations
Una aproximación MDA para la construcción de componentes COTSgets en aplicaciones web
Exploring quality-aware architectural transformations at run-time: The ENIA case
Mediación semántica A* basada en MDE para la generación de arquitecturas en tiempo de ejecución
A component-based user interface approach for Smart TV
An interface agent for the management of COTS-based user interfaces
Information retrieval using an Ontological Web-Trading model
Composing model transformations at runtime: An approach for adapting component-based user interfaces
Adaptive transformation pattern for architectural models
A trading-based knowledge representation metamodel for management information system development
Adapting component-based user interfaces at runtime using observers
Involving web-trading agents & MAS: An implementation for searching and recovering environmental information
A model-driven approach to graphical user interface runtime adaptation
Implementing trading agents for adaptable and evolutive UI-COTS components architectures
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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