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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Lower plasma melatonin levels in non-hypoxic premature newborns associated with neonatal pain
Dynamic Workflow Proposal for Continuous Frameless Electromagnetic Neuronavigation in Rigid Neuroendoscopy
Microsurgical Fenestration of Middle Fossa Arachnoid Cyst in a Pediatric Patient Through a Keyhole Approach with Endoscopic Inspection. 2-Dimensional Operative Video
The problem of calculating the prevalence of sexual dysfunction: a meta-analysis attending gender
Environmental Exposure to Pesticides and the Risk of Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Dorsum Sellae as Key Landmark in ETV with Disminished Prepontine Cistern: Technical Note and Case Series
Neuroendoscopic access to the third ventricle in patients with narrow foramen of monro without stenosis/obstruction: role of foraminoplasty
Neuropsychiatric symptoms of patients two years after experiencing severe COVID-19: A mixed observational study
Social and Preventive Factors That Explain Oral Health among Pregnant Women in the Canton of Cuenca, Ecuador
Neuronavigated foraminoplasty, shunt removal, and endoscopic third ventriculostomy in a 54-year-old patient with third shunt malfunction episode: how I do it
Neuronavigated endoscopic aqueductoplasty with panventricular stent plus septostomy for isolated fourth ventricle in complex hydrocephalus and syringomyelia associated with myelomeningocele: how I do it
Evaluation of biometric formulas in the calculation of intraocular lens according to axial length and type of the lens
Quality of Sexuality during Pregnancy, We Must Do Something—Survey Study
Body Image Dissatisfaction as a Risk Factor for Postpartum Depression
Kangaroo mother care and skin-to-skin care in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit: A bibliometric analysis
Effect of the Kangaroo Mother Method after Preterm Delivery on Maternal Stress and Anxiety in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Cohort Study
Using QR Codes as a Form of eHealth to Promote Health Among Women in a Pandemic: Cross-sectional Study
Use of Digital Technology as a Collaborative Tool among Nursing Students—Survey Study and Validation
Validation of a Scale on Society’s Attitudes towards the Sexuality of Women with Intellectual Disabilities—Survey Study
Biohazard Accidents, Harmful Elements to the Wellness of Healthcare Workers, and Their Risk Factors
Maternal and fetal risks of planned vaginal breech delivery vs planned caesarean section for term breech birth: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Competence and Attitude of Family Physicians towards Sexuality Regarding Their Sexual Orientation, Age, or Having a Partner—Survey Study and Validation
Evaluation of Urine and Vaginal Self-Sampling versus Clinician-Based Sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening: A Field Comparison of the Acceptability of Three Sampling Tests in a Rural Community of Cuenca, Ecuador
Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) as an Extension of the Physical Examination in Patients with Bacteremia or Candidemia
Benefits of Kangaroo Mother Care on the Physiological Stress Parameters of Preterm Infants and Mothers in Neonatal Intensive Care
Design and validation of a questionnaire for monitoring neurological dysphagia and respiratory deterioration in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (DEREDELA),Diseño y validación de un cuestionario para monitorizar el deterioro neurológico digestivo y respiratorio en pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (DEREDELA)
Real-Life Early Anthropometric, Lipid and Liver Changes after Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy in PLWHIV with HCV Co-Infection
Role of Self-Sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening: Diagnostic Test Properties of Three Tests for the Diagnosis of HPV in Rural Communities of Cuenca, Ecuador
Consumption of Psychiatric Drugs in Primary Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Serum 25(OH) Vitamin D Levels in Pregnant Women with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Case-Control Study
Pediatric apps: what are they for? A scoping review
Effects of Kangaroo Mother Care in the NICU on the Physiological Stress Parameters of Premature Infants: A Meta-Analysis of RCTs
Comunicación terapéutica en la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica: la enfermera gestora de casos al final de la vida
Mapping the field in stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression in mothers of preterm infants in neonatal intensive care
Association between crystalline silica dust exposure and silicosis development in artificial stone workers
The impact of Nonpharmacological Interventions on Cortisol During Heel Lance Procedures on Preterm Infants: A Meta-Analysis Of RCTs
Medication errors detected in primary health care after hospital discharge
Users evaluation of a Spanish eHealth pediatric website
Profile of the users and the most visited topics of a pediatric ehealth website
Neuroendoscopic training in neurosurgery: a simple and feasible model for neurosurgical education
Microsurgical training: vascular control and intraoperative vessel rupture in the human placenta infusion model
Assessment of the Risk of Antipsychotics in Patients with Dementia in Actual Clinical Practice in Primary Health Care
Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Quality of Life of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Cost and potential savings generated by a paediatrics e-Health web site for parents,Coste y ahorro potencial generado por una web de eSalud de pediatría para padres
Evaluation of conventional and non-conventional biomarkers of liver toxicity in greenhouse workers occupationally exposed to pesticides
Incidence and related factors of infidelity among medical doctors and nurses
Fendrix®Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthcare Workers Who Are Non-Responsive to Engerix B® Vaccination
Environmental exposure to pesticides and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the South of Spain
¿Existen cuestionarios de enfermería para predecir el deterioro neurológico en la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica?
Validation of the short version of the experiences in close relationship in adults with a same sex partner,Validación de la Versión Breve de la Experiences in Close Relationship en Adultos con Pareja del mismo Sexo
Coronavirus Covid-19 infection and breastfeeding: an exploratory review,Infección por coronavirus Covid-19 y lactancia materna: una revisión exploratoria
Del Apego Adulto a la Infidelidad Sexual: Un Análisis de Mediación Múltiple
Validación de la versión breve de la Experiences in Close Relationship en adultos con pareja del mismo sexo
Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria: mitos y falsas creencias de la reproducción asistida
Infección por coronavirus COVID-19 y lactancia materna: Una revisión exploratoria
Coronavirus Covid-19 infection and breastfeeding: an exploratory review
Prevalence of iron deficiency and related factors in Spanish adolescents
Reply to Swaen's letter regarding ‘Environmental exposure to pesticides and risk of thyroid diseases’
Validation of a Questionnaire Developed to Evaluate a Pediatric eHealth Website for Parents
Changes in Sexual Desire in Women and Their Partners during Pregnancy.
Risk factors associated with unwanted pregnancies in female medical students,Factores de riesgo asociados con embarazos no deseados en mujeres estudiantes de medicina
El sexting y su relación con los esquemas tempranos de inadaptación en adolescentes
Significance of affection changes during pregnancy: Intimacy, passion, and commitment
Environmental exposure to pesticides and risk of thyroid diseases
Psychosocial Correlates of Vaginismus Diagnosis: A Case-Control Study
The value of ABPM and subclinical target organ damage parameters in diagnosis of resistant hypertension,El valor de la MAPA y de los parámetros de lesión subclínica de órgano diana en el diagnóstico de hipertensión refractaria
Risk factors associated with unwanted pregnancy in female medical students
Sexting and its relationship with early maladaptive schemes in adolescents
Validation of the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire in adults with a same-sex partner
Virgin Olive Oil and Health: Summary of the III International Conference on Virgin Olive Oil and Health Consensus Report, JAEN (Spain) 2018
Self esteem levels vs global scores on the Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Risk factors associated with unwanted pregnancies in female medical students,Factores de riesgo asociados con embarazos no deseados en mujeres estudiantes de medicina
Epidemiologia de la poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante en el área sanitaria de Granada: valor del diagnóstico genético preimplantacional en prevención primaria
Discurso laudatio de contestación al ingreso del Ilmo Sr. Dr. D. Emilio García de la Torre como Académico correspondiente en la ravao
Association between environmental exposure to pesticides and epilepsy
State-trait anxiety levels during pregnancy and foetal parameters following intervention with music therapy
Effects of prenatal music stimulation on state/trait anxiety in full-term pregnancy and its influence on childbirth: a randomized controlled trial
Risk of Recurrence in Operated Parasagittal Meningiomas: A Logistic Binary Regression Model
Biomarkers of oxidative stress in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
A comparative study between traditional fixation with miniplates and modified lag screws for the treatment of mandibular fractures
Characterization and evaluation of liver fibrosis grade in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection and normal transaminases.
The value of ABPM and subclinical target organ damage parameters in diagnosis of resistant hypertension.
Reference Values of Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content in Healthy Adolescents
New Family Models and Their Influence on the Affective Development of Their Children
Análisis de la repercusión de un programa de actividad física sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en una cooperativa hortofrutícola
Association of reproductive disorders and male congenital anomalies with environmental exposure to endocrine active pesticides
Effects of prenatal music stimulation on fetal cardiac state, newborn anthropometric measurements and vital signs of pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial
Perceptions and use of the e-cigarette among university students
Perceptions and use of the e-cigarette among university students,Percepciones y uso del cigarrillo electrónico en estudiantes universitarios
Contestación al discurso de ingreso como Académica correspondiente de la Ilma. Sra. Dra. Dña. María Dolores Suárez Ortega
Contestacion al discurso de ingreso como académico de número del Iltmo. Sr. D. Antonio Gálvez del Postigo Ruiz
Cognitive Profile of Zonisamide and Valproic Acid in the Treatment of Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy: A Comparative Observational Study
Activity and determinants of cholinesterases and paraoxonase-1 in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
Enacted sexual stigma, stigma consciousness, and subjective happiness scale adaptation: A two-country study
Adaptation of the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale-Short Form Into Spanish
Occupational pesticide exposure and adverse health effects at the clinical, hematological and biochemical level
Contestación al discurso de ingreso como académico correspondiente del Dr D. Jesús Usón Gargallo
Contestación al discurso de ingreso como académico correspondiente del Dr. D. José Juán Gaforio Martínez
Pre- and postnatal exposures to pesticides and neurodevelopmental effects in children living in agricultural communities from South-Eastern Spain
Epidemiology of pseudoexfoliation syndrome: Demystifying legends and looking to the future,Epidemiología del síndrome pseudoexfoliativo: desmitificando leyendas con la mirada en el futuro
Trends in the dispensation of antidepressant drugs over the past decade (2000–2010) in Andalusia, Spain
Reference Values of Serum Transferrin Receptor and sTfR/Log Ferritin Index in Healthy Adolescents
Environmental exposure to pesticides and cancer risk in multiple human organ systems
Ingesta nutricional de migrados marroquíes en Almeria: estudio comparativo en el lugar de origen y con la poblacion española
Nutritional intake of north African migrants in Almeria: Comparative study in the native place and with the Spanish population,Ingesta nutricional de migrados marroquiés en Almeria: Estudio comparativo en el lugar de origen y con la poblacion Española
Nutritional intake of north African migrants in Almeria: Comparative study in the native place and with the Spanish population | Ingesta nutricional de migrados marroquiés en Almeria: Estudio comparativo en el lugar de origen y con la poblacion Española
Toxic effects of pesticide mixtures at a molecular level: Their relevance to human health
Pesticide exposure and genetic variation in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes interact to induce biochemical liver damage
Predictive model for refractoriness in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy based on clinical and diagnostic test data
Analysis of the thoracic and lumbar morphology in women workers from a fruit and vegetable company
Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia
Pesticides and asthma
Qualidade de vida em mulheres climatéricas que trabalham no sistema sanitário e educativo
Quality of life in perimenopausal women working in the health and educational system
Association between environmental exposure to pesticides and neurodegenerative diseases
Factors related to non-participation in a breast cancer early detection program
Exposición medioambiental a xenoestrógenos y riesgo de criptorquidias
An epidemic outbreak with respiratory symptoms in the province of Almeria [Spain] due to toxic microalgae exposure,Brote con síntomas respiratorios en la provincia de Almería por una posible exposición a microalgas tóxicas
[An epidemic outbreak with respiratory symptoms in the province of Almeria [Spain] due to toxic microalgae exposure].
Glucemia capilar. ¿Alcohol o suero fisiológico en la limpieza de la piel?
Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) as a predictor of biochemical outcomes in farmers
Changes in antioxidant enzymes in humans with long-term exposure to pesticides
Las intoxicaciones por plaguicidas en la provincia de Almería
Neuropsychological sequelae from acute poisoning and long-term exposure to carbamate and organophosphate pesticides
Voluntary interruption of pregnancy among women in an health district within the 1998-2002 period. Almeria, Spain,Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en mujeres de un distrito sanitario de Almería durante el período 1998-2002
Voluntary interruption of pregnancy among women in an health district within the 1998-2002 period. Almeria, Spain
Changes in erythrocyte enzymes in humans long-term exposed to pesticides: Influence of several markers of individual susceptibility
Neuropsychological effects of long-term exposure to organophosphate pesticides
[Voluntary interruption of pregnancy among women in an health district within the 1998-2002 period. Almeria, Spain].
Hepatitis B case grouping serological study among six Chinese families in Almeria, Spain,Estudio serológico de agrupación de casos de hepatitis B en seis familias de raza China en Almería
[Hepatitis B case grouping serological study among six chinese families in Almeria, Spain].
Hepatitis B case grouping serological study among six Chinese families in Almeria, Spain
Análisis de los riesgos de exposición biológica en Centros de Salud
Epidemiología de maloclusiones en niños de 12 y 15 años aplicando el índice estético dental
Paraoxonase activity and genetic polymorphisms in greenhouse workers with long term pesticide exposure
Biomonitoring of four European populations occupationally exposed to pesticides: use of micronuclei as biomarkers.
Estudio comparativo de brucelosis humana y en ganado en la provincia de Almería en el periodo 1990-1998
Study of 1,595 brucellosis cases in the Almeria province (1972-1998) based on epidemiological data from disease reporting
A follow-up study on micronucleus frequency in Spanish agricultural workers exposed to pesticides
Evolución de la accidentalidad en cinco sectores de la producción almeriense
Cytogenetic biomonitoring of Spanish greenhouse workers exposed to pesticides: Micronuclei analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelial cells
The self-measurement of blood glucose and mean glycemias in patients with diabetes mellitus,Automedición de la glucosa sanguínea y media de glucemias en pacientes con diabetes mellitus.
[The self-measurement of blood glucose and mean glycemias in patients with diabetes mellitus].
Estrógenos ambientales : Feminización masculina ?
Clinical and biochemical changes in greenhouse sprayers chronically exposed to pesticides
Increased risk of suicide with exposure to pesticides in an intensive agricultural area. A 12-year retrospective study
Afectación de la fonación en profesionales de enseñanza
The construction and validation of a questionnaire on the satisfaction of primary health care users,Construcción y validación de una encuesta de satisfacción de usuarios de atención primaria.
[The construction and validation of a questionnaire on the satisfaction of primary health care users].
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Prevalencia de ferropenia en adolescentes sanos almerienses: Utilidad diagnóstica del receptor sérico de la transferrina y el contenido de hemoglobina reticulocitaria
Incidencia y factores relacionados a la infidelidad en una población de médicos y enfermeras
Estudio de diversas patologías respiratorias en trabajadores expuestos a polvo de sílice
El apego y su relación con infidelidad y la satisfacción en la relación de pareja
Análisis y evaluación de un sitio web de eSalud de pediatría para padres.
Influencia del embarazo sobre el amor y el deseo sexual
Plaguicidas y su impacto en la salud humana
Sexting en adolescentes y universitarios de cuenca (ecuador)
Análisis de factores de riesgo para la recurrencia en meningiomas parasagitales operados: modelo de regresión logística binaria
Estudio de los estilos educativos y la afectividad en niños y niñas que viven en familias homopararentales o monoparentales en comparación con familias heterosexuales
Importancia pronóstica de la monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial en el diagnóstico de la hipertensión arterial refractaria
Evaluación del grado de afectación hepática en pacientes infectados por el virus de la hepatitis b con transaminasas normales
Efectos de la estimulación musical prenatal en las respuestas fisiológicas materno-fetales
Empleo de plasma rico en plaquetas en el tratamiento de fístulas perianales complejas
Educando en autoexploración genital masculina: Una oportunidad de mejora en prevención primaria
Repercusión clínica y analítica de la exposición ocupacional a plaguicidas
Estudio etnográfico sobre salud sexual y vulnerabilidad al vih/sida de las trabajadoras sexuales ayoreas de bolivia
Calidad de vida del paciente obeso tras cirugía bariátrica. Resultados a corto, medio y largo plazo
Estudio de utilización de fármacos antidepresivos en el ámbito de la atención primaria de almería
Análisis de la repercusión económica y sobre la salud laboral de la implantación de un programa de actividad física en la empresa
Aspectos positivos y negativos de ser no heterosexual
Factores pronósticos de refractariedad a tratamiento médico en la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal
Epidemiological Studies of Anticholinesterase Pesticide Poisoning in Spain
Fisiología médica
Valor patognomónico de la mácula eritematosa en la cara lateral de la cabeza astragalina en la patología tibial en niños
Estudio del suicidio y la depresión en tres distritos de la provincia de Almería con diversos niveles de utilización de plaguicidas
Estudio andaluz de prevalencia de diversas patologías en áreas con distinto nivel de utilización de plaguicidas
Análisis de la situación de salud de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Almería según el método precede-proceed. Un proyecto de educación para la salud
Brote con clínica respiratoria en la provincia de Almería por posible exposición a microalgas
Estudio experimental sobre la acción de la terapia cráneo-sacral en la fibromialgia
Efectos nocivos de la exposición continuada a plaguicidas con especial incidencia en la depresión y el suicidio en la zona del poniente almeriense
Manual de fisiología humana
Atención sanitaria
Criptorquidias y xenoestrogenicidad por pesticidas en la provincia de Almería
Red de alertas sanitarias. Significado. Resultados de las producidas durante la campañadel pimiento en Almería
II Estudio sobre el absentismo laboral en el Departamento de enfermería del Hospital Torrecárdenas
Estrógenos ambientales. Estudio en la zona de mayor uso de plaguicidas
Efectos nocivos de la exposición continuada de plaguicidas con especial incidencia en la depresión y el suicidio en la zona del poniente almeriense
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Role of Endoscopic Aqueductoplasty with Panventricular Stent in the Treatment of Isolated Fourth Ventricle during Shunt Malfunction: 2-Dimensional Operative Video
Perceptions of Self Sampling and Urine Sampling Versus Traditional Pap Smear in Rural Settings of Cuenca Ecuador
Users evaluation of a Spanish eHealth pediatric website. Survey Study. (Preprint)
Validation of a questionnaire developed to evaluate a Spanish eHealth paediatric web for parents. (Preprint)
eHealth: advantages, disadvantages and guiding principles for the future. (Preprint)
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H