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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
Geometric Analysis of Greenhouse Roofs for Energy Efficiency Optimization and Condensation Drip Reduction
Improvements in the Characterisation of Permeability and Inertial Factor of Insect-Proof Screens through Pressure Drop Coefficients
Evaluation of ORAC, IR and NMR metabolomics for predicting ripening stage and variety in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
Bruising pattern of table olives (‘Manzanilla’ and ‘Hojiblanca’ cultivars) caused by hand-held machine harvesting methods
On the estimation of three-dimensional porosity of insect-proof screens
Influence of the Diffusivity and Transmittance of a Plastic Greenhouse Cover on the Development of Fungal Diseases in a Cucumber Crop
Effect of the subsidised electrical energy tariff on the residential energy consumption in Jordan
Silicon enhances production and quality of blueberry fruits (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
The Influence of Different Cooling Systems on the Microclimate, Photosynthetic Activity and Yield of a Tomato Crops (<i>Lycopersicum esculentum</i> Mill.) in Mediterranean Greenhouses
¿Son sostenibles los invernaderos?
Energy performance analytics and behavior prediction during unforeseen circumstances of retrofitted buildings in the arid climate
Fertigation Temperature Adjustment Enhances the Yield and Quality of Saffron Grown in a Soilless Culture System
Low Tunnels inside Mediterranean Greenhouses: Effects on Air/Soil Temperature and Humidity
The Effect of Diffuse Film Covers on Microclimate and Growth and Production of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a Mediterranean Greenhouse
The Role of Technology in Greenhouse Agriculture: Towards a Sustainable Intensification in Campo de Dalías (Almería, Spain)
Plásticos fotoselectivos usados como doble techo en un cultivo de tomate
Design and testing of a structural monitoring system in an almería-type tensioned structure greenhouse
Effects of Cover Whitening Concentrations on the Microclimate and on the Development and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Inside Mediterranean Greenhouses
Design and Testing of a Structural Monitoring System in an Almería-Type Tensioned Structure Greenhouse
Analysis of the effect of concentrations of four whitening products in cover transmissivity of mediterranean greenhouses
Application of Semi-Empirical Ventilation Models in A Mediterranean Greenhouse with Opposing Thermal and Wind Effects. Use of Non-Constant Cd (Pressure Drop Coefficient Through the Vents) and Cw (Wind Effect Coefficient)
Application of semi-empirical ventilation models in a Mediterranean greenhouse with opposing thermal and wind effects. Use of non-constant CD (pressure drop coefficient through the vents) and CW (wind effect coefficient)
Refrigeration Capacity and Effect of Ageing on the Operation of Cellulose Evaporative Cooling Pads, by Wind Tunnel Analysis
Basket-handle arch and its optimum symmetry generation as a structural element and keeping the aesthetic point of view
Effect of a Shading Mesh on the Metabolic, Nutritional, and Defense Profiles of Harvested Greenhouse-Grown Organic Tomato Fruits and Leaves Revealed by NMR Metabolomics
Analysis of the Effect of Concentrations of Four Whitening Products in Cover Transmissivity of Mediterranean Greenhouses
Effect of material ageing and dirt on the behaviour of greenhouse insect-proof screens
NMR-Based Metabolomics Approach to Study the Influence of Different Conditions of Water Irrigation and Greenhouse Ventilation on Zucchini Crops
Effects of ventilator configuration on the flow pattern of a naturally-ventilated three-span Mediterranean greenhouse
Wind Tunnel Analysis of the Airflow through Insect-Proof Screens and Comparison of Their Effect When Installed in a Mediterranean Greenhouse
Wind Tunnel Analysis of the Airflow through Insect-Proof Screens and Comparison of Their Effect When Installed in a Mediterranean Greenhouse
Energy efficiency in greenhouse evaporative cooling techniques: Cooling boxes versus cellulose pads
Microclimate evaluation of a new design of insect-proof screens in a Mediterranean greenhouse
Energy Efficiency in Greenhouse Evaporative Cooling Techniques: Cooling Boxes versus Cellulose Pads
Field analysis of the deterioration after some years of use of four insect-proof screens utilized in Mediterranean greenhouses
Effectiveness of horizontal air flow fans supporting natural ventilation in a Mediterranean multi-span greenhouse
Determining the emissivity of the leaves of nine horticultural crops by means of infrared thermography
Sonic anemometry to evaluate airflow characteristics and temperature distribution in empty Mediterranean greenhouses equipped with pad-fan and fog systems
Thermography and Sonic Anemometry to Analyze Air Heaters in Mediterranean Greenhouses
Thermography and sonic anemometry to analyze air heaters in Mediterranean greenhouses
Sonic anemometry measurements to determine airflow patterns in multi-tunnel greenhouses
Pad-fan systems in Mediterranean greenhouses: Determining optimal setup by sonic anemometry
Aerodynamic analysis and CFD simulation of several cellulose evaporative cooling pads used in Mediterranean greenhouses
Effects of surrounding buildings on air patterns and turbulence in two naturally ventilated mediterranean greenhouses using tri-sonic anemometry
Eficiencia energética de los invernaderos mediterráneos
Ensayos de efectividad de los paneles evaporadores en invernaderos mediterráneos
Experimental evaluation by sonic anemometry of airflow in a mediterranean greenhouse equipped with a pad-fan cooling system
Influence of water and air flow on the performance of cellulose evaporative cooling pads used in mediterranean greenhouses
A study of natural ventilation in an Almería-type greenhouse with insect screens by means of tri-sonic anemometry
Using computer modeling techniques to design tunnel greenhouse structures
Capacidad jurídica proyectual de los ingenieros agrónomos en virtud de su formación académica en construcción agraria
Ventilación natural en alojamientos ganaderos
Behavior of greenhouse foundations subjected to uplift loads
Behavior of greenhouse foundations subjected to uplift loads
Behavior of greenhouse foundations subjected to uplift loads
Aproximación a los factores de diseño de las edificaciones destinadas a albergue de ganado caprino lechero de la provincia de Almería
Normalización de invernaderos, análisis de la situación en Almería
Presencia medioambiental de metales de interés toxicológico en suelos de Alcala de Henares. Evaluación del riesgo para la población
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Contribución al conocimiento de la actividad fotosintética provocada por diversos sistemas de control climático en invernaderos mediterráneos
Respuesta productiva de un cultivo de sandía en invernadero con uso de agua desalada frente al agua de pozo. Póster
Contribución al conocimiento de los procesos de conversión a productos ecológicos de los cítricos del valle del andarax (almería). Adaptación del cultivo y vías de comercialización del producto fresco y transformado
Influencia de diferentes tipos de estructuras de invernadero, mallas antiinsectos y técnicas de control climático, sobre la fotosíntesis y la transpiración de plantas de tomate
Efecto de dos tipos de mallas anti insectos, 10×20 y 13×30 hilos cm-2, sobre la ventilación natural en invernaderos mediterráneos
Air patterns in a mediterranean greenhouse equipped with a cooling system
Analysis of the effect of rollup vent arrangement and wind speed on Almería-type greenhouse ventilation performance using computational fluid dynamics
Analysis of the effect of rollup vent arrangement and wind speed on Almería-type greenhouse ventilation performance using computational fluid dynamics
Optimisation of Almería-type greenhouse ventilation performance with computational fluid dynamics
Construcciones agrarias: problemas de estructuras hiperestáticas
Infraestructura de control climático, de riego y fertirriego en cultivo sin suelo
Ejercicios de construcción: Vigas
Evaluación de la resistencia a tracción de distintos tipos de cimentaciones poco profundas
Propuesta de integración de la ventilación natural en el diseño de la tipología estructural de alojamientos de ganado caprino de leche
Climatización de invernaderos
Docencia del hormigón estructural en los diversos planes de estudios de la Universidad de Almería
Cimentaciones a tracción para invernaderos
Cimentaciones a tracción en invernaderos
Infraestructuras y equipamientos en los alojamientos ganaderos de las explotaciones de ganado caprino de la comarca almeriense del Campo de Tabernas
Patentes Todos / Ninguno
Dispositivo para medir el comportamiento de cimentaciones ante un esfuerzo de tracción o de comprensión
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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