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Datos personales Todos / Ninguno
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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
A Th2-type immune response and low-grade systemic inflammatory reaction as potential immunotoxic effects in intensive agriculture farmers exposed to pesticides
Comparison of Short-Term Effects of Different Spinal Manipulations in Patients with Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Environmental pesticide exposure and Alzheimer's disease in southern Spain: A cross-sectional study
State-trait anxiety levels and vital signs of pregnant women following intervention with virtual reality during the nonstress test: A randomized controlled trial
Depressive symptoms and suicide attempts among farmers exposed to pesticides
Exposure to Environmental Pesticides and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Population-Based Case-Control Study
The comprehensive landscape of prognosis, immunity, and function of the GLI family by pan-cancer and single-cell analysis
Pan-cancer analysis of T-cell proliferation regulatory genes as potential immunotherapeutic targets
Indicators of occupational pesticide exposure are associated with psychiatric symptoms
Systematic analysis of the prognostic value and immunological function of LTBR in human cancer
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides as a Risk Factor for Sleep Disorders
Renal tubular dysfunction in greenhouse farmers exposed to pesticides unveiled by a panel of molecular biomarkers of kidney injury
Experiences of Dyspareunia in Dominican Women with a History of Sexual Abuse: A Phenomenological Study
Occupational exposure to pesticides as a potential risk factor for epilepsy
Determination of Foetal Scalp Blood Sampling pH as an Indicator of Loss of Foetal Well-Being in Women Undergoing Caesarean Section
Environmental pesticide exposure and the risk of irritable bowel syndrome: A case-control study
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Monitoring of Pregnancy and Delivery of Pregnant Women in the Dominican Republic
Effect of virtual reality and music therapy on the physiological parameters of pregnant women and fetuses and on anxiety levels: a randomized controlled trial
Use of Digital Technology as a Collaborative Tool among Nursing Students—Survey Study and Validation
Bioinformatics analysis of genomic and immune infiltration patterns in autism spectrum disorder
Design and validation of a questionnaire for monitoring neurological dysphagia and respiratory deterioration in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (DEREDELA),Diseño y validación de un cuestionario para monitorizar el deterioro neurológico digestivo y respiratorio en pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (DEREDELA)
Comparison of Analytical Values D-Dimer, Glucose, Ferritin and C-Reactive Protein of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients
Motivation and Barriers to Research among Nursing Professionals in Southeast Spain
Comunicación terapéutica en la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica: la enfermera gestora de casos al final de la vida
Association between crystalline silica dust exposure and silicosis development in artificial stone workers
Alexithymia and Insecure Attachment among Male Intimate Partner Violence Aggressors in the Dominican Republic
The impact of using an “anatomy escape room” on nursing students: A comparative study
Comparative Study between the Combination of Dexamethasone and Bupivacaine for Third Molar Surgery Postoperative Pain: A Triple-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
Nursing Interventions to Facilitate the Grieving Process after Perinatal Death: A Systematic Review
Evaluation of conventional and non-conventional biomarkers of liver toxicity in greenhouse workers occupationally exposed to pesticides
Analysis of Anxiety Levels of Nursing Students Because of e-Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Environmental exposure to pesticides and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the South of Spain
Effects of a Clinical Simulation Course about Basic Life Support on Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Learning
Evaluation of Gonadal Alterations in a Population Environmentally Exposed to a Mixture of Endocrine Active Pesticides
Reply to Swaen's letter regarding ‘Environmental exposure to pesticides and risk of thyroid diseases’
Analyzing the prognostic value of DKK1 expression in human cancers based on bioinformatics.
Psychosocial risks at work for paediatric health professionals
Environmental exposure to pesticides and risk of thyroid diseases
LncRNA PCAT-1 plays an oncogenic role in epithelial ovarian cancer by modulating cyclinD1/CDK4 expression.
Association between environmental exposure to pesticides and epilepsy
State-trait anxiety levels during pregnancy and foetal parameters following intervention with music therapy
Effects of prenatal music stimulation on state/trait anxiety in full-term pregnancy and its influence on childbirth: a randomized controlled trial
The SOX2OT/miR-194-5p axis regulates cell proliferation and mobility of gastric cancer through suppressing epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Biomarkers of oxidative stress in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
New Family Models and Their Influence on the Affective Development of Their Children
Association of reproductive disorders and male congenital anomalies with environmental exposure to endocrine active pesticides
Effects of prenatal music stimulation on fetal cardiac state, newborn anthropometric measurements and vital signs of pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial
Activity and determinants of cholinesterases and paraoxonase-1 in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides
Occupational pesticide exposure and adverse health effects at the clinical, hematological and biochemical level
Mapping research activity on mental health disorders in Europe: study protocol for the Mapping_NCD project
No association between fish consumption and risk of stroke in the Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Spain): a 13·8-year follow-up study.
Assessment of chemical mixtures toxicity by novel target organ-specific biomarkers
Unprocessed red meat and processed meat consumption and risk of stroke in the Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
Association between different obesity measures and the risk of stroke in the EPIC Spanish cohort.
Risk of second cancers cancer after a first primary breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Environmental exposure to pesticides and cancer risk in multiple human organ systems
Toxic effects of pesticide mixtures at a molecular level: Their relevance to human health
Pesticide exposure and genetic variation in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes interact to induce biochemical liver damage
Association between environmental exposure to pesticides and neurodegenerative diseases
An ecological study of pesticide exposure and different health conditions in Andalusia (South Spain)
Characterization of poly neuropathologies in Almeria providence in regions with differing pesticide use levels
Emerging human health concerns from chronic exposure to pesticide mixtures
The relationship between breast cancer and pesticide exposure in regions with differing pesticide use levels
Increased breast cancer risk in women with environmental exposure to pesticides
A liver cancer study comparing two geographical areas with different levels of pesticide use
Exposición medioambiental a xenoestrógenos y riesgo de criptorquidias
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Estudio de diversas patologías respiratorias en trabajadores expuestos a polvo de sílice
Plaguicidas y su impacto en la salud humana
Asociación entre la exposición ambiental y ocupacional a plaguicidas y la epilepsia
El eje sox2ot/mir-194-5p regula la proliferación celular y la movilidad del cáncer gástrico mediante la supresión de la transición epitelial-mesenquimatosa
Lncrna pcat-1 juega un papel oncogénico en el cáncer epitelial de ovario a través de la modulación de la expresión de cyclind1/cdk4
Miembro inferior: artrología
Miembro inferior: miología
Miembro superior: miología
Eje axial: miología
Asociación entre la exposición medioambiental a plaguicidas y enfermedades tiroideas
Estudio de los estilos educativos y la afectividad en niños y niñas que viven en familias homopararentales o monoparentales en comparación con familias heterosexuales
Efectos de la estimulación musical prenatal en las respuestas fisiológicas materno-fetales
Nivel de estrés de las madres de recién nacidos prematuros en cuidados intensivos
Estudio andaluz de prevalencia de diversas patologías en áreas con distinto nivel de utilización de plaguicidas
Estudio andaluz de prevalencia de diversas patologías en áreas con distinto nivel de utilización de plaguicidas
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
Game-Based Learning Outcomes Among Physiotherapy Students: Comparative Study (Preprint)
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
Indice H