Elegir campos a generar del autor José Del

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Artículos Todos / Ninguno
An estimation of distribution algorithm based on interactions between requirements to solve the bi-objective Next Release Problem
Salience-based stakeholder selection to maintain stakeholder coverage in solving the next release problem
Assisted requirements selection by clustering
Hourly PV production estimation by means of an exportable multiple linear regression model
Efficient anytime algorithms to solve the bi-objective Next Release Problem
Stability prediction of the software requirements specification
Analysis and prediction of power demand of a greenhouse in southeastern of Spain
Bayesian networks for greenhouse temperature control
Bayesian networks for enhancement of requirements engineering: a literature review
Three steps multiobjective decision process for software release planning
The application of Bayesian network classifiers to cloud classification in satellite images
Ant Colony Optimization for Requirement selection in Incremental Software development
Multi-objective ant colony optimization for requirements selection
Modeling of energy demand of a high-tech greenhouse in warm climate based on Bayesian networks
Architectural model for agrarian software management with decision support features
SAIFA: A web-based system for Integrated Production of olive cultivation
Requirement risk level forecast using bayesian networks classifiers
Burned data time series for Tropical Africa (1981-2000) with the Daily Tile NOAA/NASA Pathfinder AVHRR 8-km Land dataset
Qualitative combination of Bayesian networks
Los conjuntos de Mandelbrot, de Julia y la familia de transformaciones no lineales
Libros, capítulos, tesis Todos / Ninguno
Development of knowledge-based systems which use Bayesian networks
Metaheuristics in requirements engineering: refining the next release planning problem (meta-heurísticas en ingeniería de requisitos: refinación del problema de planificación de la siguiente versión de software).
Supervised classification using hybrid probabilistic decision graphs
Bayesian networks for greenhouse temperature control
Metaheuristic aided software features assembly
Architecture for the use of synergies between knowledge engineering and requirements engineering
Olive fly infestation prediction using automatic learning techniques
Olive fly infestation prediction using machine learning techniques
Teoría de autómatas y lenguajes formales
Teoría de autómatas y lenguajes formales José del Sagrado Martínez
Fusión topológica y cuantitativa de redes causales
Fusión topológica y cuantitativa de redes causales José del Sagrado Martínez
Descripciones declarativas de distinto nivel: aplicación al diseño de invernaderos
Conferencias Todos / Ninguno
Use of a conversational entity to reinforce learning
Machine learning and software defect prediction
Aprendizaje automático y predicción de defectos en el software
Expansión cuantitativa del método MoSCoW para la priorización de requisitos
Impacto de las métricas CK en la refactorización
Workflow for collaborative experimentation in search-based software engineering
Workflow for collaborative experimentation in search-based software engineering
Flujo de trabajo para la experimentación colaborativa en Ingeniería del Software guiada por búsqueda
Dos estrategias de búsqueda anytime basadas en programación lineal entera para resolver el problema de selección de requisitos
Análisis de las soluciones guiadas por búsqueda para el problema de selección de requisitos
Resolviendo un problema multi-objetivo de selección de requisitos mediante resolutores del problema SAT
Metamodeling of Bayesian networks for decision-support systems development
Metaheurísticas como soporte a la selección de requisitos del software
Requirements interaction in the next release problem
Architecture for the use of synergies between knowledge engineering and requirements engineering - extended abstract
Seamless software development for systems based on Bayesian networks: An agricultural pest control system example
Requirements selection: Knowledge based optimization techniques for solving the next release problem
Ant colony optimization for the next release problem a comparative study
Representing canonical models as probability trees
Qualitative aggregation of Bayesian networks
Informes y otros Todos / Ninguno
SAIFA. Una aplicación Web para la gestión de la producción integrada del cultivo del olivo
Requirements interaction in the next release problem - long version
Métricas del autor Todos / Ninguno
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