Segura Pérez, María Luz Author

Open Access

Use of Compost Based on Invasive Algae Rugulopteryx okamurae as a Peat Alternative in Nursery Growing Media

  • Francesca Berti
  • María del Carmen Salas-Sanjuán
  • Francisco Hernández-López
  • Amelia Correa-Bustos
  • María Luz Segura-Pérez

Agronomy - 23/03/2023


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)
Open Access

Spatio-Temporal Disposition of Micronutrients in Green Bean Grown in Sandy Mulching Soils

  • Alfonso Llanderal
  • Pedro Garcia-Caparros
  • Juana Isabel Contreras
  • María Teresa Lao
  • María Luz Segura

Agriculture - 21/07/2022


Cite count:
Open Access

Approach to Petiole Sap Nutritional Diagnosis Method by Empirical Model Based on Climatic and Growth Parameters

  • Llanderal Quiroz, Alfonso
  • García Caparrós, Pedro
  • Pérez Alonso, José
  • Contreras París, Juana Isabel
  • Segura Pérez, María Luz
  • Reca Cardeña, Juan
  • Lao Arenas, María Teresa
... View more Collapse


Spatio-temporal variations in nutrient concentration in soil solution under greenhouse tomato

  • Llanderal A.
  • García-Caparrós P.
  • Contreras J.
  • Segura M.
  • Teresa Lao M.



Cite count: 5 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Nutritional changes in petiole sap over space and time in a tomato crop greenhouse

  • Llanderal A.
  • García-Caparrós P.
  • Segura M.
  • Contreras J.
  • Lao M.

Journal of Plant Nutrition - 15/06/2019


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Effects of Drought Stress on Biomass, Essential Oil Content, Nutritional Parameters, and Costs of Production in Six Lamiaceae Species

  • García Caparrós, Pedro
  • Romero Solís, María Jose
  • Llanderal Quiroz, Alfonso
  • Lao Arenas, María Teresa
  • Segura Pérez, María Luz


Testing foliar nutritional changes in space and over time in greenhouse tomato

  • Llanderal, Alfonso
  • Garcia-Caparros, Pedro
  • Isabel Contreras, Juana
  • Luz Segura, Maria
  • Teresa Lao, Maria

Journal of Plant Nutrition - 25/02/2019


Cite count: 4 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Integral Management of Irrigation Water in Intensive Horticultural Systems of Almería

  • García Caparrós, Pedro
  • Contreras París, Juana Isabel
  • Segura Pérez, María Luz
  • Baeza, Rafael
  • Lao Arenas, María Teresa


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Scopus: 2

Web of Science: 3

Scopus: 0

Web of Science: 0

Last data update: 9/28/24 3:00 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM