Vázquez, Diego Alfonso Autor

The social and environmental responsibility of informal artisanal and small-scale mining in Ghana: An Akan philosophical perspective

  • Vazquez-Brust D.A.
  • Arthur-Holmes F.
  • Yakovleva N.

Journal of Environmental Management - 1/6/2024


Número de citas:
Open Access

How is the circular economy embracing social inclusion?

  • Souza Piao R.
  • de Vincenzi T.B.
  • da Silva A.L.F.
  • de Oliveira M.C.C.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Monteiro Carvalho M.

Journal of Cleaner Production - 20/7/2023


Número de citas: 6 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)

The changing roles of actors in ‘fortuitous’ sustainability transitions: An analysis of Brazil's passenger vehicles fuel technology from 1970 to 2020

  • Benvenutti L.M.M.
  • de Souza Campos L.M.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Liston-Heyes C.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change - 1/7/2023


Número de citas:

Method to Develop Potential Business Cases of Plastic Recycling from Urban Areas: A Case Study on Nonhousehold End-Use Plastic Film Waste in Belgium

  • Lase I.S.
  • Frei R.
  • Gong M.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Peeters E.
  • Roelans G.
  • Dewulf J.
  • Ragaert K.
  • De Meester S.
... Ver más Contraer

ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering - 1/1/2023


Número de citas:

The orchestration of green supply chain management practices to enable performance measurement and evaluation

  • Assumpção J.J.
  • Campos L.M.S.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.A.
  • M. Carvalho M.



Número de citas:

An Ethnographic Study Exploring the Effect of Family on the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions of Its Younger Members in the Delhi-NCR Region of India

  • Gaur A.
  • Robson P.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.

Entrepreneurship Research Journal - 1/1/2023


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Barriers toward circular economy transition: Exploring different stakeholders' perspectives

  • Souza Piao R.
  • Vincenzi T.B.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.A.
  • Yakovleva N.
  • Bonsu S.
  • Carvalho M.M.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management - 1/1/2023


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)

Electric versus ethanol? A fleet-based well-to-wheel system dynamic model for passenger vehicles

  • Livia Benvenutti
  • Lucila Campos
  • Diego Vazquez-Brust
  • Catherine Liston-Heyes



Número de citas: 3 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

The role of green human resource management in the translation of greening pressures into environmental protection practices

  • Diego Vázquez‐Brust
  • Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour
  • José Antonio Plaza‐Úbeda
  • Miguel Perez‐Valls
  • Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour
  • Douglas W. S. Renwick

Business Strategy and the Environment - 4/12/2022


Número de citas: 13 (Web of Science) 9 (Scopus)

Guest editorial: The UN sustainable development goals and management theory and practice

  • Souza Piao R.
  • Scalco A.R.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Plaza-Ubeda J.A.
  • Tavera Cortés M.E.

RAUSP Management Journal - 4/11/2022


Número de citas:

Collaboration for sustainability and innovation: A role for sustainability driven by the global South? A cross-border, multi-stakeholder perspective

  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Sarkis J.
  • Cordeiro J.

Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation: A Role for Sustainability Driven by the Global South?: A Cross-Border, Multi-Stakeholder Perspective - 1/1/2014


Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

The roles of first and second tier suppliers in greening international supply chains

  • Liu C.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Sarkis J.

Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation: A Role for Sustainability Driven by the Global South?: A Cross-Border, Multi-Stakeholder Perspective - 1/1/2014


Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)

“The biofuels program”: Decreasing rural poverty and environmental deterioration through cooperative land-use innovation

  • Zapata C.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Plaza-Ubeda J.
  • De-Burgos-Jiménez J.

Collaboration for Sustainability and Innovation: A Role for Sustainability Driven by the Global South?: A Cross-Border, Multi-Stakeholder Perspective - 1/1/2014


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

The case of Argentina

  • Natenzon C.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • López S.

Business and Environmental Risks: Spatial Interactions Between Environmental Hazards and Social Vulnerabilities in Ibero-America - 1/9/2012


Número de citas:

Concluding remarks

  • De Burgos-Jiménez J.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Plaza-Úbeda J.
  • Natenzon C.

Business and Environmental Risks: Spatial Interactions Between Environmental Hazards and Social Vulnerabilities in Ibero-America - 1/9/2012


Número de citas:

Evaluating the firm's environmental hazardousness: Methodology

  • López S.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.

Business and Environmental Risks: Spatial Interactions Between Environmental Hazards and Social Vulnerabilities in Ibero-America - 1/9/2012


Número de citas:

Achieving greener growth: A business perspective for proactive commitment

  • Martinez F.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Peattie K.
  • Zokaei K.

Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Learning by Doing in East Asia and Europe - 1/1/2012


Número de citas: 7 (Scopus)

Why consumers buy green

  • Darnall N.
  • Ponting C.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.

Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Learning by Doing in East Asia and Europe - 1/1/2012


Número de citas: 26 (Scopus)

Green growth: Managing the transition to a sustainable economy: Learning by doing in East Asia and Europe

  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Sarkis J.

Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Learning by Doing in East Asia and Europe - 1/1/2012


Número de citas: 17 (Scopus)

Conclusion: The green way forward?

  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Sarkis J.

Green Growth: Managing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Learning by Doing in East Asia and Europe - 1/1/2012


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)


  • Frei R.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • Gong M.
  • Litaudon V.

11th Simulation Workshop, SW 2023 - 1/1/2023


Número de citas:

Textile waste management practices in the garment industry: A circular economy perspective

  • Dos Santos P.S.
  • Campos L.M.S.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.A.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management - 1/1/2021

Número de citas:

The coordination of packaging recycling chain in Brazil

  • De Vincenzi T.B.
  • Piao R.S.
  • Vazquez-Brust D.
  • de Carvalho M.M.

Industrial Engineeering and Operations Management - 29/08/2021


Número de citas:

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Scopus: 18

Web of Science: 17

Scopus: 22

Web of Science: 23

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 6:59
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00