Sánchez Molina, Jorge Antonio Author

Open Access

Virtual sensors for designing irrigation controllers in greenhouses

  • Sánchez, J.A
  • Rodríguez, F.
  • Guzmán, J.L.
  • Arahal, M.R.

SENSORS - 1/11/2012


Cite count: 28 (Web of Science) 27 (Scopus)
Open Access

Stability analysis of a run-of-river diversion hydropower plant with surge tank and spillway in the head pond

  • Sarasúa J.I.
  • Elías P.
  • Martínez-Lucas G.
  • Pérez-Díaz J.I.
  • Wilhelmi J.R.
  • Sánchez J.Á.

Scientific World Journal - 1/1/2014


Cite count: 9 (Scopus)

Effect of N uptake concentration on nitrate leaching from tomato grown in free-draining soilless culture under Mediterranean conditions

  • Thompson, R. B.
  • Gallardo, M.
  • Rodriguez, J. S.
  • Sanchez, J. A.
  • Magan, J. J.



Cite count: 35 (Web of Science) 30 (Scopus)

Phytopathogenicity of Pythium spp. from the irrigation water of the Poniente Almeriense (south-eastern Spain)

  • Sánchez J.
  • Gallego E.

Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia - 1/9/2002

Cite count: 4 (Scopus)

Seasonal variation of Pythium Pringsh (Pythiaceae, Oomycetes) in the irrigation reservoirs of the Poniente Almeriense (Almería, Spain)

  • Sánchez J.
  • Gallego E.

Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia - 1/9/2002

Cite count: 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Control en red basado en eventos: de lo centralizado a lo distribuido

  • Guinaldo M.
  • Sánchez J.
  • Dormido S.

Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI - 1/01/2017


Cite count: 5 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)
Open Access

Identification of first and second order systems by reset control

  • Zaragoza S.
  • Sánchez J.
  • Baños A.

Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial - 1/1/2020


Cite count:

A control system for low-head diversion run-of-river small hydro plants with pressure conduits considering the tailwater level variation

  • Pérez-Díaz J.I.
  • Sarasúa J.I.
  • Fraile-Ardanuy J.
  • Wilhelmi J.R.
  • Sánchez J.A.

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal - 1/4/2010


Cite count: 3 (Scopus)

Efficient management of a dehumidifier in a greenhouse under warm weather conditions

  • Jorge Antonio Sanchez Molina
  • J.M. Cámara-Zapata
  • J.A. Sánchez-Molina
  • F. Rodríguez
  • J.C. López

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal - 1/4/2018


Cite count:

Voltage dip generator for testing wind turbines connected to electrical networks

  • Veganzones C.
  • Sanchez J.A.
  • Martinez S.
  • Platero C.A.
  • Blazquez F.
  • Ramirez D.
  • Arribas J.R.
  • Merino J.
  • Herrero N.
  • Gordillo F.
... View more Collapse



Cite count: 11 (Scopus)

Control de trips en pimiento mediante nemátodos entomopatógenos frente al control químico

  • Gázquez Garrido, Juan Carlos
  • Sánchez Molina, Jorge Antonio
  • Fernández Maldonado, Francisco J.
  • López, Carola
  • Meca Abad, David Erik
  • Hernández, Jorge L.

XXXVII Seminario de Técnicos y Especialistas en Horticultura: Almería, 2007 - 2009

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Contribuciones al control en red basado en eventos para sistemas lineales

  • María Guinaldo Losada
  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • Sebastián Dormido Canto

XI SIMPOSIO CEA DE INGENIERÍA DE CONTROL: Automática y Biología celular: una combinación emergente - 2013

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

A new application of GIS to transportation: Highway design consistency and safety analysis

  • Castro M.
  • Iglesias L.
  • Rodríguez-Solano R.
  • Sánchez J.A.

New Transportation Research Progress - 1/12/2008

Cite count:
Open Access

Grasping in agriculture: State-of-the-art and main characteristics

  • Rodríguez F.
  • Moreno J.
  • Sánchez J.
  • Berenguel M.

Mechanisms and Machine Science - 1/1/2012


Cite count: 10 (Scopus)

Flipping the remote lab with low cost rapid prototyping technologies

  • Chacón J.
  • Saenz J.
  • de la Torre L.
  • Sánchez J.

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - 1/1/2018


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

On the fully automation of the vibrating string experiment

  • Tajuelo J.
  • Sáenz J.
  • de la Torre J.A.
  • de la Torre L.
  • Zúñiga I.
  • Sánchez J.

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - 1/1/2018


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Sostenibilidad "De la granja a la mesa": Desarrollo de un sistema IOT para el intercambio de datos en agricultura intensiva

  • Manuel Berenguel Soria
  • Cynthia Giagnocavo
  • Francisco Rodríguez
  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • Jan van der Blom

IX Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería: Libro de Actas - 2018

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Modelado del contenido de agua en el aire interior de un invernadero con sistemas de actuación de humidificación y deshumidficación

  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • Francisco Rodríguez
  • José Luis Guzmán
  • José María Cámara Zapata
  • Gladys Sánchez Garrido

IX Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería: Libro de Actas - 2018

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

AutomatL@bs consortium: A spanish network of web-based labs for control engineering education

  • Dormido S.
  • Vargas H.
  • Sánchez J.

Internet Accessible Remote Laboratories: Scalable E-Learning Tools for Engineering and Science Disciplines - 1/12/2011


Cite count: 11 (Scopus)

Highway geometry determination from GPS data

  • Castro M.
  • Iglesias L.
  • Rodríguez-Solano R.
  • Sánchez J.A.

Global Positioning Systems - 1/1/2011

Cite count:

Sensores virtuales del contenido de humedad del sustrato para su uso en controladores de riego. Aplicación a la fibra de coco


Control de trips en pimiento mediante nemátodos entomopatógenos frente al control qúımico

XXXVII Seminario de Técnicos y Especialistas en Horticultura: Almeŕıa, 2007 - 2009


Utilización del geranio (Pelargonium spp.) como planta reservorio de Nesidiocoris tenuis en un cultivo de tomate bajo abrigo en primavera

  • Juan Carlos Gázquez Garrido
  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • Francisco J. Fernández Maldonado
  • Carolina López
  • David Erik Meca Abad
  • Ana Arévalo
  • Alejo Soler Rodríguez
... View more Collapse

XXXVII Seminario de Técnicos y Especialistas en Horticultura: Almeŕıa, 2007 - 2009

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Uso del paradigma Take-Home Labs para la enseñanza del control automático en estudios de ingeniería

  • Ángeles Hoyo
  • Francisco García Mañas
  • Jerónimo Ramos Teodoro
  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • José Luis Guzmán Sánchez
  • Francisco Rodríguez



Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Diseño de un Sistema SCADA Modulable y Escalable para el Control de Clima y Riego en Invernaderos

  • R. Mena
  • Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina
  • Francisco Rodríguez Díaz
  • José Luis Guzmán Pérez
  • Manuel Berenguel Soria

VIII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingenieŕıa. Retos de la nueva agricultura mediterránea - 2015

Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Teaching Control supported by Virtual Labs under a Competency-based curriculum

  • Vargas H.
  • De La Torre L.
  • Chacón J.
  • Heradio R.
  • Farías G.
  • Fabregas E.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Dormido S.
... View more Collapse

Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology - 1/1/2018


Cite count:

Towards the Optimal Design and Control of Solar-biomass Heating Networks for Greenhouse Applications: Methodology and Preliminary Results

  • Juan D. Gil
  • Jerónimo Ramos-Teodoro
  • Marina Martínez-Molina
  • Jorge Sanchez-Molina
  • Manuel Pérez

Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2021 - 2021



Model Correction Mechanism for Nonlinear Time Variant Systems As Support to Predictive Control Strategies

  • Pérez-Castro
  • Agustín
  • Boje
  • Edward

Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress - 08/2014



Making EJS applications at the OSP digital library available from Moodle

  • Heradio R.
  • De La Torre L.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Dormido S.

Proceedings of 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2014 - 1/1/2014


Cite count: 12 (Web of Science) 9 (Scopus)

An Event-based PI controller autotuning technique for integral processes

  • Beschi M.
  • Dormido S.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Visioli A.

Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, EBCCSP 2015 - 19/10/2015


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)
Open Access

Sistema combinado de calefacción y enriquecimiento carbónico a partir de biomasa

  • Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel
  • Fernández Sevilla, José María
  • López Hernández, Juan Carlos
  • Fernández Fernández, María Dolores
  • Rodríguez Díaz, Francisco de Asís
  • Sánchez Molina, Jorge Antonio


Control del crecimiento de cultivos bajo invernadero optimizando criterios de sostenibilidad, económicos y de eficiencia energética

  • Sánchez-Molina J.A.a
  • Rodríguez F.a
  • Guzmán J.L.a
  • Berenguel M.a

Unpublished - 2013


Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Geopolymers Based on a Mixture of Steel Slag and Fly Ash, Activated with Rice Husks and Reinforced with <i>Guadua angustifolia</i> Fibers

  • Aperador, Willian
  • Bautista-Ruiz, Jorge
  • Sanchez-Molina, Jorge



Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)

An Optimized Approach to Hourly Temperature and Humidity Setpoint Generation for Reducing Tomato Disease and Saving Power Cost in Greenhouses

  • Sánchez-Molina, J.A.
  • Wang, H.
  • Laktionov, I.
  • Díaz, F.R.
  • Li, M.

SSRN - 2024



Plastics and sustainable purchase decisions in a circular economy: The case of Dutch food industry

  • Nunez-Cacho, Pedro
  • Carlos Leyva-Diaz, Juan
  • Sanchez-Molina, Jorge
  • Van der Gun, Rody

PLOS ONE - 28/9/2020


Cite count: 17 (Web of Science)
Open Access

First report of Fusarium equiseti causing damping-off disease on Aleppo pine in Algeria

  • Lazreg F.
  • Belabid L.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Gallego E.
  • Garrido-Cardenas J.A.
  • Elhaitoum A.

PLANT DISEASE - 1/1/2014


Cite count: 17 (Web of Science) 22 (Scopus)

First report of Globisporangium ultimum causing Pythium damping-off on Aleppo pine in Algeria, Africa, and the Mediterranean region

  • Lazreg F.
  • Belabid L.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Gallego E.
  • Garrido-Cardenas J.A.
  • Elhaitoum A.

PLANT DISEASE - 18/7/2013


Cite count: 5 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)

First report of fusarium redolens as a causal agent of Aleppo pine damping-off in Algeria

  • Lazreg F.
  • Belabid L.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Gallego E.
  • Garrido-Cardenas J.
  • Elhaitoum A.

Plant Disease - 19/6/2013


Cite count: 6 (Web of Science) 10 (Scopus)

Effect of Immersion Time in Chloride Solution on the Properties of Structural Rebar Embedded in Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete

  • Aperador, Willian
  • Bautista-Ruiz, Jorge
  • Sanchez-Molina, Jorge

Metals - 11/2022


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science)

Conceptos de control automático mediante objetos de aprendizaje



Scopus: 24

Web of Science: 21

Scopus: 59

Web of Science: 47

Last data update: 6/29/24 9:53 AM
Next scheduled update: 7/6/24 3:00 AM