Yebra Muñoz, Luis José Autor

Solar field control for desalination plants

  • Roca, L.
  • Berenguel, M.
  • Yebra, L.
  • Alarcón-Padilla, D.C.

Solar Energy - 1/9/2008


Número de citas: 46 (Web of Science) 49 (Scopus)

Robust nonlinear predictive control applied to a solar collector field in a solar desalination plant

  • Torrico B.
  • Roca L.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Guzman J.
  • Yebra L.

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology - 1/11/2010


Número de citas: 29 (Web of Science) 34 (Scopus)

Robust constrained predictive feedback linearization controller in a solar desalination plant collector field

  • Roca L.
  • Guzman J.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Yebra L.

Control Engineering Practice - 1/9/2009


Número de citas: 46 (Web of Science) 48 (Scopus)

Repetitive control of tubular heat exchangers

  • Álvarez, J.D.
  • Yebra, L.J.
  • Berenguel, M.

Journal of Process Control - 1/10/2007


Número de citas: 46 (Web of Science) 53 (Scopus)

PSA Solar furnace: A facility for testing PV cells under concentrated solar radiation

  • Fernández-Reche, J.
  • Cañadas, I.
  • Sánchez, M.
  • Ballestrín, J.
  • Yebra, L.
  • Monterreal, R.
  • Rodríguez, J.
  • García, G.
  • Alonso, M.
  • Chenlo, F.
... Ver más Contraer

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells - 22/9/2006


Número de citas: 26 (Web of Science) 31 (Scopus)

Preliminary modeling and control studies in AQUASOL project

  • Roca, L.
  • Berenguel, M.
  • Yebra, L.
  • Alarcón, D.C.

Desalination - 1/3/2008


Número de citas: 12 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)

Port-Hamiltonian Modeling of Thermofluid Systems and Object-Oriented Implementation With Modelica I: Thermodynamic Part

  • Marquez F.M.
  • Zufiria P.J.
  • Yebra L.J.

IEEE Access - 1/1/2021


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Port-Hamiltonian Modeling of Multiphysics Systems and Object-Oriented Implementation With the Modelica Language

  • Marquez F.M.
  • Zufiria P.J.
  • Yebra L.J.

IEEE Access - 20/08/2020


Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Parabolic-trough solar thermal power plant simulation scheme, multi-objective genetic algorithm calibration and validation

  • Bonilla J.
  • Yebra L.
  • Dormido S.
  • Zarza E.

SOLAR ENERGY - 1/1/2012


Número de citas: 43 (Web of Science) 46 (Scopus)

On reduction of control effort in feedback linearization GPC strategy applied to a solar furnace

  • Beschi M.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Visioli A.
  • Yebra L.



Número de citas: 6 (Web of Science) 9 (Scopus)

Modelado orientado a objetos de colectores cilindro-parabólicos con modelica

  • Luis José Yebra Muñoz
  • Manuel Berenguel Soria
  • Sebastián Dormido Bencomo


Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

Contribuciones al modelado y control de una planta de desalación solar

  • Lidia Roca
  • Manuel Berenguel Soria
  • Luis José Yebra Muñoz


Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

Model-based intelligent control of a solar energy collector field

  • Juuso E.
  • Yebra L.

Proceedings - 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2013 - 8/1/2015


Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 8 (Scopus)

Improvements in BondLib, the Modelica bond graph library

  • De La Calle A.
  • Cellier F.
  • Yebra L.
  • Dormido S.

Proceedings - 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2013 - 8/1/2015


Número de citas: 4 (Web of Science) 6 (Scopus)

Hybrid control for a solar desalination plant

  • Roca, L.
  • Guzmán, J.L.
  • Berenguel, M.
  • Yebra, L.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) - 1/12/2009


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Filtered Smith predictor with feedback linearization and constraints handling applied to a solar collector field

  • Roca L.
  • Guzman J.
  • Normey-Rico J.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Yebra L.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) - 1/5/2010


Número de citas: 12 (Web of Science)

Extended moving boundary model for two-phase flows

  • Yebra, L.J.
  • Berenguel, M.
  • Dormido, S.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) - 1/12/2005


Número de citas: 14 (Scopus)

Exploiting openMP in the initial section of modelica models (Work in progress)

  • Bonilla J.
  • Yebra L.
  • Dormido S.

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools, EOOLT 2011 - 1/12/2011

Número de citas:

Experimental study of two event-based PI controllers in a solar distributed collector field

  • Chacon J.
  • Sanchez J.
  • Yebra L.
  • Visioli A.
  • Dormido S.

2013 European Control Conference (Ecc) - 1/12/2013


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Dynamic modeling and simulation study of falling film evaporation and condensation

  • De La Calle A.
  • Yebra L.
  • Dormido S.

Proceedings - 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, EUROSIM 2013 - 8/1/2015


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Distillate control to reduce electricity consumption in a solar multi-effect plant

  • Roca, L.
  • Yebra, L.J.

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) - 1/12/2013


Número de citas:

Copper sintering in a solar furnace through fuzzy control

  • Lacasa D.
  • Berenguel M.
  • Yebra L.
  • Martínez D.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications - 1/12/2007


Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

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Scopus: 16

Web of Science: 15

Scopus: 24

Web of Science: 21

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 7:07
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00