Oller Alberola, Isabel Autor

Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics: A Simple and Easy Way for the Monitoring of Fluoroquinolone Mixture Degradation

  • Sciscenko I.
  • Thi MyHǎng H.
  • Escudero-Oñate C.
  • Oller I.
  • Arques A.

ACS Omega - 1/1/2021


Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

Determination of pesticides in sewage sludge from an agro-food industry using QuEChERS extraction followed by analysis with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

  • Ponce-Robles L.
  • Rivas G.
  • Esteban B.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.
  • Agüera A.



Número de citas: 32 (Web of Science) 34 (Scopus)

Optimization of mild solar TiO<sub>2</sub> photocatalysis as a tertiary treatment for municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents

  • Prieto-Rodriguez L.
  • Miralles-Cuevas S.
  • Oller I.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Agüera A.
  • Blanco J.
  • Malato S.
... Ver más Contraer

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental - 30/11/2012


Número de citas: 22 (Web of Science) 27 (Scopus)

Fresh-cut wastewater reclamation: techno-economical assessment of solar driven processes at pilot plant scale

  • Samira Nahim-Granados
  • Gracia Rivas-Ibáñez
  • José Antonio Sánchez Pérez
  • Isabel Oller
  • Sixto Malato
  • María Inmaculada Polo-López

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental - 5/07/2020


Número de citas: 15 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)

Degradation of pesticides in water using solar advanced oxidation processes

  • Pérez M.
  • Peñuela G.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Malato O.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Oller I.
  • Gernjak W.
  • Malato S.
... Ver más Contraer

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental - 2/5/2006


Número de citas: 133 (Web of Science) 125 (Scopus)

Solar light assisted photodegradation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide over iron-doped titania catalysts: Role of iron leached/readsorbed species

  • Adán C.
  • Carbajo J.
  • Bahamonde A.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.
  • Martínez-Arias A.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental - 11/10/2011


Número de citas: 18 (Web of Science) 16 (Scopus)

Influence of iron leaching and oxidizing agent employed on solar photodegradation of phenol over nanostructured iron-doped titania catalysts

  • Adán C.
  • Bahamonde A.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.
  • Martínez-Arias A.



Número de citas: 33 (Web of Science) 25 (Scopus)

Fe-zeolites as heterogeneous catalysts in solar Fenton-like reactions at neutral pH

  • Gonzalez-Olmos R.
  • Martin M.
  • Georgi A.
  • Kopinke F.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.



Número de citas: 135 (Web of Science) 127 (Scopus)

Mild solar photo-Fenton: An effective tool for the removal of Fusarium from simulated municipal effluents

  • Polo-López M.
  • García-Fernández I.
  • Velegraki T.
  • Katsoni A.
  • Oller I.
  • Mantzavinos D.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 64 (Web of Science) 62 (Scopus)

Commercial fertilizer as effective iron chelate (Fe3+ -EDDHA) for wastewater disinfection under natural sunlight for reusing in irrigation

  • Nahim-Granados S.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.
  • Sánchez Pérez J.
  • Polo-Lopez M.



Número de citas: 18 (Web of Science) 14 (Scopus)

Decontamination of water by solar irradiation

  • Malato S.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Fernández P.
  • Oller I.
  • Polo I.

Advanced Oxidation Technologies - Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Treatments - 1/1/2014

Número de citas: 6 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

Advanced Technologies for Emerging Contaminants Removal in Urban Wastewater

  • Oller I.
  • Polo-López I.
  • Miralles-Cuevas S.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Malato S.

Handbook of Environmental Chemistry - 1/1/2016


Número de citas: 6 (Scopus)

Removal and Degradation of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (PhACs) in Wastewaters by Solar Advanced Oxidation Processes

  • Malato S.
  • Giménez J.
  • Oller I.
  • Agüera A.
  • Sánchez Pérez J.A.

Handbook of Environmental Chemistry - 1/1/2021


Número de citas:

Overview on pilot-scale treatments and new and innovative technologies for hospital effluent

  • Badia-Fabregat M.
  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.

Handbook of Environmental Chemistry - 1/1/2018


Número de citas: 6 (Scopus)

Solar Photocatalytic Processes: Water Decontamination and Disinfection

  • Malato S.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Oller I.

New and Future Developments in Catalysis: Solar Photocatalysis - 1/1/2013


Número de citas: 9 (Scopus)

Solar Photocatalytic Pilot Plants: Commercially Available Reactors

  • Malato S.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Ignacio Maldonado M.
  • Oller I.
  • Inmaculada Polo-López M.

Photocatalysis and Water Purification: From Fundamentals to Recent Applications - 13/3/2013


Número de citas: 9 (Scopus)

Process integration. Concepts of integration and coupling of photocatalysis with other processes

  • Malato S.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Oller I.
  • Polo I.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Miralles-Cuevas S.
  • Sánchez R.
... Ver más Contraer

RSC Energy and Environment Series - 1/1/2016


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Decontamination of water by combined solar advanced oxidation processes and biotreatment

  • Malato S.
  • Oller I.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Maldonado M.

Solar Energy Sciences and Engineering Applications - 1/1/2013


Número de citas:

Approaches to Water and Wastewater Treatment for Removal of Emerging Contaminants: Ongoing Research and Recommendations for Future Work

  • Malato S.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Oller I.
  • Prieto-Rodriguez L.
  • Miralles-Cuevas S.
  • Cabrera-Reina A.

Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks - 1/1/2014


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

Advanced oxidation process-biological system for wastewater containing a recalcitrant pollutant

  • Oller I.
  • Malato S.
  • Sánchez-Pérez J.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Gernjak W.
  • Pérez-Estrada L.

Water Science and Technology - 14/8/2007


Número de citas: 9 (Web of Science) 10 (Scopus)

Solar photocatalytic degradation and detoxification of EU priority substances

  • Hincapié M.
  • Maldonado M.
  • Oller I.
  • Gernjak W.
  • Sánchez-Pérez J.
  • Ballesteros M.
  • Malato S.
... Ver más Contraer

Catalysis Today - 30/4/2005


Número de citas: 138 (Web of Science) 135 (Scopus)

Meeting daily drinking water needs for communities in Sub-Saharan Africa using solar reactors for harvested rainwater

  • Martínez-García A.
  • Oller I.
  • Vincent M.
  • Rubiolo V.
  • Asiimwe J.K.
  • Muyanja C.
  • McGuigan K.G.
  • Fernández-Ibáñez P.
  • Inmaculada Polo-López M.
... Ver más Contraer

Chemical Engineering Journal - 15/1/2022


Número de citas: 8 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Towards the Optimization of Advanced Oxidation Processes Using Machine Learning Modelling: The DIGIT4WATER Project

  • Vicente D.J.
  • Pascacio P.
  • Salazar F.
  • Rodríguez-Chueca J.
  • Polo M.I.
  • Oller I.

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - 1/1/2024


Número de citas:

Implementation of Machine Learning Models for Predicting the Inactivation Performance of Escherichia Coli in Wastewater Through Varied Photo-Chemical Processes and Aqueous Matrix Combinations

  • Pascacio P.
  • Vicente D.J.
  • Salazar F.
  • Berruti I.
  • Nahim S.
  • Polo M.I.
  • Oller I.
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - 1/1/2024


Número de citas:

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Scopus: 43

Web of Science: 46

Scopus: 102

Web of Science: 114

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 8:06
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00