Ferrando Frutos, Ignacio Autor

Open Access

Allomorphy in the Arabic broken plural. From the <i>Kitab</i> by Sibawayhi to Modern Arabic. The case of the singular pattern <i>fa</i> '<i>al</i>

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

AL-QANTARA - 21/05/2018


Número de citas:
Open Access

Arabic language throughout the history. Diachronic perspectives

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

AL-QANTARA - 21/05/2018


Número de citas:

Innovación y ruptura en la métrica de la poesía en Al-Maqāmāt al-Luzūmiyya al-Saraqusṭī

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

Al-Qantara - 2016

Número de citas:

Demonstratives in Andalusi Arabic as reflected by Ibn Quzmān’s Dīwān (12th century). A corpus based study

Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes - 2016


Enlarging Arabic Lexicon by non concatenative procedures. The case for faclala pattern in Modern Arabic

Folia orientalia - 2012


Sibawayhi and the broken plural

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam - 2010

Número de citas: 1 (Dialnet)

Plurals of Paucity in Arabic. From Ancient to Modern Usage

Folia Orientalia - 2006


Andalusi Arabic in its linguistic setting

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam - 2004


Sibawayhi y el concepto de jam‘u l-qilla

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

Al-Qantara - 2001


Número de citas: 1 (Dialnet)

Un poema estrófico (Musammat) en las Maqamat Luzumiyya de As-Saraqusti

  • Ignacio Ferrando Frutos

Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí, EDNA - 1996

Número de citas:

Diccionario Pocket [Ignacio Ferrando]

The adnominal linker -an in Andalusi Arabic, with special reference to the poetry of Ibn Quzmān (twelfth century)

Arabic Historical Dialectology. Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Approaches, ed. by Clive Holes - 1/10/2018


Broken versus regular plural in Modern Arabic: the case for taf’il

The Arabic language across the Ages, ed. By Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala and Nader Al Jallad - 2010


The Plural of Paucity in Arabic and Its Actual Scope: On two claims by Siibawayhi and Al-Farraa

Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XVI. Papers from the sixteenth annual symposium on Arabic linguistics, Cambridge, March 2002 - 2006


Introducción a la historia de la lengua árabe Ignacio Ferrando


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Última actualización de los datos: 8/03/25 5:31
Próxima recolección programada: 15/03/25 3:00