Cañadas Alonso, María Author

Open Access

Results, difficulties and improvements in the model of personal and social responsibility

  • Martínez B.J.S.A.
  • Alonso M.C.
  • Valenzuela A.V.
  • Mármol A.G.
  • Funes A.

Apunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes - 1/4/2019


Cite count: 9 (Scopus)

Resultados, dificultades y mejoras del modelo de responsabilidad personal y social

  • Alfonso Valero Valenzuela
  • María Cañadas Alonso
  • Alberto Gómez Mármol
  • Bernardino Javier Sánchez Alcaraz Martínez
  • Antonio Funes

Apunts: Educación física y deportes - 04/2019


Cite count: 19 (Web of Science)
Open Access

Analysis of Training Plans in Basketball: Gender and Formation Stage Differences

  • Cañadas M.
  • Gómez M.
  • García-Rubio J.
  • Ibáñez S.

Journal of Human Kinetics - 1/1/2018


Cite count: 15 (Scopus)

Offensive rating-time coordination dynamics in basketball. Complex systems theory applied to basketball

  • García-Rubio J.
  • Gómez M.
  • Cañadas M.
  • Ibáñez S.

International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport - 3/4/2017


Cite count: 23 (Scopus)

Effect of rules modification and competition system on levels of satisfaction in basketball players under 14

  • Toro E.O.
  • Alonso M.C.
  • Egido J.M.G.

Revista de Psicologia del Deporte - 1/1/2017

Cite count: 5 (Scopus)

Changes in basketball rules and competition: Parents and coaches'opinion

  • Alonso M.C.
  • Toro E.O.

Revista de Psicologia del Deporte - 1/1/2017

Cite count: 1 (Scopus)

Effects of attendance, crowd density and capacity of arena in home advantage according to NBA conference

  • Rubio J.G.
  • Alonso M.C.
  • Medina A.A.

Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte - 1/1/2015


Cite count: 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Analysis of training tasks regarding game stages and situations in U'10 and U'13 categories

  • Cañadas M.
  • Solbes C.
  • Feu S.

Revista de Psicologia del Deporte - 1/1/2015

Cite count: 4 (Scopus) 1 (Dialnet)
Open Access

Relathionship between pedagogical content knowledge and coaching methods

  • Cañadas M.
  • Rodríguez G.
  • Feu S.
  • Parejo I.
  • García J.

Revista de Psicologia del Deporte - 27/5/2013

Cite count: 5 (Scopus) 5 (Dialnet)
Open Access

Complex system theory in team sports. example in 5 on 5 basketball contest

  • Garcia, Javier
  • Ibanez, Sergio J.
  • Canadas, Maria
  • Antunez, Antonio

Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte - 27/5/2013

Cite count: 15 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus) 2 (Dialnet)

This author has no books, chapters or theses.

This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

Open Access

El baloncesto como contenido curricular en educación secundaria. Propuesta para su enseñanza bajo un modelo comprensivo

  • Cañadas Alonso, María
  • García Rubio, Javier
  • Parejo González, Isabel



Scopus: 9

Web of Science: 8

Scopus: 9

Web of Science: 8

Last data update: 9/21/24 4:24 AM
Next scheduled update: 9/28/24 3:00 AM