Escribano Velasco, Paula Author
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Scopus: 0
Web of Science: 0
Author profiles
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Research projects at UAL
Acronym LIFE ADAPTAMEDSince: July 16, 2015Until: December 31, 2021Funded by: NaNFunding / grant amount: 161,570.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym CGL2011-29429Since: January 1, 2012Until: December 31, 2014Funded by: MECFunding / grant amount: 66,550.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym P05-RNM-1280Since: April 1, 2006Until: October 31, 2009Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 171,000.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym CGL2004-02063Since: December 13, 2004Until: December 12, 2007Funded by: MECFunding / grant amount: 54,300.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym REN2003-09427-C02-01Since: December 1, 2003Until: March 8, 2005Funded by: MECFunding / grant amount: 40,250.00 EURRole: Investigador
Last data update:
2/8/25 3:00 AM
Next scheduled update:
2/15/25 3:00 AM