Forti, Paolo Autor

(The importance of speleological studies for the development of mining, social and tourist activities in the Iglesias area, SW Sardinia).

  • Civita M.
  • Cocozza T.
  • Forti P.
  • Perna G.
  • Turi B.

Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia - 1/1/1982

Número de citas:

(Recent movements in the karst of Trieste ( Italy) suggested by stalagmite axis analysis).

  • Cucchi F.
  • Forti F.
  • Forti P.

Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria - 1/1/1983

Número de citas: 2 (Scopus)

Seismotectonic and paleoseismic analyses using karst sediments

  • Forti P.
  • Postpischl D.

Marine Geology - 1/1/1984


Número de citas: 49 (Scopus)

May the growth axes of stalagmites be considered as recorders of historic and prehistoric earthquakes? Preliminary results from the Bologna karst area, Italy.

  • Forti P.
  • Postpischl D.

Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia - 1/1/1986

Número de citas: 11 (Scopus)

La gaspeite magnesifera.

  • Cadoni E.
  • Forti P.
  • Perna G.

Rivista Mineralogica Italiana - 1/1/1986

Número de citas:
Open Access

Karst and physical speleology

  • Bini A.
  • Forti P.
  • Sauro U.

Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary - 1/1/1988

Número de citas:

Paleokarstic fills in Iglesiente (Sardinia, Italy): sedimentary processes and age

  • Bini A.
  • Cremaschi M.
  • Forti P.
  • Perna G.

Annales - Societe Geologique de Belgique - 1/1/1988

Número de citas: 6 (Scopus)

Palaeoseismicity from karst sediments: the "Grotta del Cervo" cave case study (Central Italy)

  • Postpischl D.
  • Agostini S.
  • Forti P.
  • Quinif Y.

Tectonophysics - 1/7/1991


Número de citas: 62 (Scopus)
Open Access

Preliminary study of the hydrodynamics of the St. Paul karst system, Palawan Island, the Philippines

  • Forti P.
  • Piccini L.
  • Rossi G.
  • Zorzin R.

Bulletin - Societe Geographique de Liege - 1/1/1993

Número de citas: 4 (Scopus)

The hydrogeology of some coastal paleodunes in an equatorial area and their karst related morphologies: the case of Gesira (Somalia)

  • Forti P.
  • Francavilla F.

Hydrogeological processes in karst terranes. Proc. international symposium and field seminar, Antalya, Turkey, 1990 - 1/1/1993

Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

Erosion rate, crystal size and exokarst microforms

  • Paolo Forti

Karren landforms: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Karren Landforms : Sóller on 19-24th of September 1995 - 1996

Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

Estrategias de conservación de los cristales de yeso gigantes

  • Fernando Gázquez
  • Giovanni Badino
  • José María Calaforra Chordi
  • Paolo Forti

Iberoamérica subterránea: CUEVATUR 2014, I Congreso Iberoamericano y V Congreso Español sobre Cuevas Turísticas - 2014

Número de citas:
  • Dialnet

The Puerto Princesa Underground River (Palawan, Philippines): Some peculiar features of a tropical, high-energy coastal karst system

  • Badino G.
  • De Vivo A.
  • Forti P.
  • Piccini L.

Geological Society Special Publication - 1/1/2018


Número de citas: 5 (Scopus)

What will be the future of the giant gypsum crystals of Naica mine?

  • Forti P.

Geological Society Special Publication - 1/1/2018


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

The hypogenic caves: A powerful tool for the study of seeps and their environmental effects

  • Forti P.
  • Galdenzi S.
  • Sarbu S.

Continental Shelf Research - 1/1/2002


Número de citas: 28 (Scopus)

A new hypogean karst form: The oxidation vent

  • De Waele J.
  • Forti P.

Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband - 1/12/2006

Número de citas: 17 (Scopus)

Este autor no tiene patentes.

Determining gypsum growth temperatures using monophase fluid inclusions-application to the giant gypsum crystals of naica, mexico

  • Garofalo P.
  • Forti P.
  • Günther D.

GEOLOGY - 1/1/2013


Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

Scopus: 18

Web of Science: 11

Scopus: 37

Web of Science: 11

Última actualización de los datos: 21/09/24 4:22
Próxima recolección programada: 28/09/24 3:00