Gallego Nogales, Irene Author
The microalgal sector in Europe: Towards a sustainable bioeconomy
- Irene Gallego
- Nikola Medic
- Jakob Skov Pedersen
- Praveen Kumar Ramasamy
- Johan Robbens
- Elke Vereecke
- Jörg Romeis
New Biotechnology - 05/2025
Monitoring contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic systems through the lens of citizen science
- Nandini Vasantha Raman
- Asmita Dubey
- Edward Millar
- Veronica Nava
- Barbara Leoni
- Irene Gallego
- Web of Science
Ecology and evolution of competitive trait variation in natural phytoplankton communities under selection
- Irene Gallego
- Anita Narwani
- Web of Science
Interactive Effects of Lake Morphometry and Sticklebacks on the Trophic Position of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), across Lakes in Western Greenland
- Ignasi Arranz
- Thomas Alexander Davidson
- Lluís Benejam
- Sandra Brucet
- J. Sánchez-Hernández
- Frank Landkildehus
- Torben Lauridsen
- Néstor Mazzeo
- Nicolás Vidal
- Korhan Özkan
- Irene Gallego
- Juliane Wischnewski
- Rosemberg Menezes
- tserenpil
- Erik Jeppesen
Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research - 26/08/2022
Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll <i>a</i> at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer
- Donis D.
- Mantzouki E.
- McGinnis D.F.
- Vachon D.
- Gallego I.
- Grossart H.P.
- de Senerpont Domis L.N.
- Teurlincx S.
- Seelen L.
- Lürling M.
- Verstijnen Y.
- Maliaka V.
- Fonvielle J.
- Visser P.M.
- Verspagen J.
- van Herk M.
- Antoniou M.G.
- Tsiarta N.
- McCarthy V.
- Perello V.C.
- Machado-Vieira D.
- de Oliveira A.G.
- Maronić D.Š.
- Stević F.
- Pfeiffer T.Ž.
- Vucelić I.B.
- Žutinić P.
- Udovič M.G.
- Plenković-Moraj A.
- Bláha L.
- Geriš R.
- Fránková M.
- Christoffersen K.S.
- Warming T.P.
- Feldmann T.
- Laas A.
- Panksep K.
- Tuvikene L.
- Kangro K.
- Koreivienė J.
- Karosienė J.
- Kasperovičienė J.
- Savadova-Ratkus K.
- Vitonytė I.
- Häggqvist K.
- Salmi P.
- Arvola L.
- Rothhaupt K.
- Avagianos C.
- Kaloudis T.
- Gkelis S.
- Panou M.
- Triantis T.
- Zervou S.K.
- Hiskia A.
- Obertegger U.
- Boscaini A.
- Flaim G.
- Salmaso N.
- Cerasino L.
- Haande S.
- Skjelbred B.
- Grabowska M.
- Karpowicz M.
- Chmura D.
- Nawrocka L.
- Kobos J.
- Mazur-Marzec H.
- Alcaraz-Párraga P.
- Wilk-Woźniak E.
- Krztoń W.
- Walusiak E.
- Gagala-Borowska I.
- Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
- Toporowska M.
- Pawlik-Skowronska B.
- Niedźwiecki M.
- Pęczuła W.
- Napiórkowska-Krzebietke A.
- Dunalska J.
- Sieńska J.
- Szymański D.
- Kruk M.
- Budzyńska A.
- Goldyn R.
- Kozak A.
- Rosińska J.
- Szeląg-Wasielewska E.
- Domek P.
- Jakubowska-Krepska N.
- Kwasizur K.
- Messyasz B.
- Pełechata A.
- Pełechaty M.
- Kokocinski M.
- Madrecka-Witkowska B.
- Kostrzewska-Szlakowska I.
- Frąk M.
- Bańkowska-Sobczak A.
- Wasilewicz M.
- JCR Impact Factor: 5.019 (2021)
- JCR 5-year Impact Factor: 5.438
- JCR Categories: LIMNOLOGY
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Size differences predict niche and relative fitness differences between phytoplankton species but not their coexistence
- Irene Gallego
- Patrick Venail
- Bas W Ibelings
ISME JOURNAL - 1/5/2019
- Web of Science
Efectos del tratamiento con sulfato de cobre (CuSO4) sobre la calidad del agua de balsas de riego
- González Quintero, Ricardo
- Gallego Nogales, Irene
- Cazorla, Melchor Juan
- Fuentes Rodríguez, Francisca
- Bonachela Castaño, Santiago
- Casas Jiménez, José Jesús
Producción + Limpia - 2016
- Dialnet
Las balsas agrícolas en Andalucía: una oportunidad para enlazar desarrollo y conservación en climas mediterráneos
- M. Juan
- Julia Toja Santillana
- Francisca Fuentes Rodríguez
- P. Peñalver
- D. León
- J. Casas
- I. Gallego
- C. Pérez
- P. Sánchez
Chronica naturae - 2015
- Dialnet
Physical, chemical, and management-related drivers of submerged macrophyte occurrence in Mediterranean farm ponds
- Gallego I.
- Pérez-Martínez C.
- Sánchez-Castillo P.
- Fuentes-Rodríguez F.
- Juan M.
- Casas J.
HYDROBIOLOGIA - 19/12/2015
- JCR Quartile: Q2 (2015)
- SJR Quartile: Q1
- JCR Impact Factor: 2.051 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 0.354 (2015)
- CiteScore: 5.4 (2023)
- SJR: 1.023 (2015
- SNIP: 1.158 (2015
- JCR 5-year Impact Factor: 2.236
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q1)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Biocompounds of Commercial Interest from Freshwater and Marine Phytoplankton
- Irene Gallego
The Role of Plankton in Freshwater and Marine Ecology [Working Title] - 14/01/2025
Biodiversity of primary producers in farm ponds from andalusia. Biodiversidad de productores primarios en balsas de riego de andalucía
- Irene Gallego Nogales
- Pedro Miguel Sánchez Castillo
- José Jesús Casas Jiménez
- MªCarmen Pérez Martínez
- Dialnet
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h index
Scopus: 10
Web of Science: 12
i10 index
Scopus: 10
Web of Science: 13
Research groups
Ecología acuática y acuicultura
Role: Colaborador
Author profiles
Web of Science ResearcherID
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id
Research projects at UAL
Acronym P06-RNM-01709Since: April 12, 2007Until: April 11, 2010Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 188,036.30 EURRole: Investigador