Peñaranda Ruiz, Ascensión Autor

A RING-finger protein regulates carotenogenesis via proteolysis-independent ubiquitylation of a White Collar-1-like activator

  • Silva F.
  • Navarro E.
  • Peñaranda A.
  • Murcia-Flores L.
  • Torres-Martínez S.
  • Garre V.

Molecular Microbiology - 1/11/2008


Número de citas: 43 (Scopus)

A White Collar 1-like protein mediates opposite regulatory functions in Mucor circinelloides

  • Navarro E.
  • Peñaranda A.
  • Hansberg W.
  • Torres-Martínez S.
  • Garre V.



Número de citas: 15 (Scopus)

Production of fruits with attached flowers in zucchini squash is correlated with the arrest of maturation of female flowers

  • Peñaranda A.
  • Payan M.
  • Garrido D.
  • Gómez P.
  • Jamilena M.

Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology - 1/1/2007


Número de citas: 29 (Web of Science) 24 (Scopus)

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Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 1

Scopus: 3

Web of Science: 1

Última actualización de los datos: 28/09/24 3:51
Próxima recolección programada: 5/10/24 3:00