Fernández Carreño, David Author

Open Access

Addiction in existential positive psychology (EPP, PP2.0): from a critique of the brain disease model towards a meaning-centered approach

  • F. Carreno D.
  • Pérez-Escobar J.

Counselling Psychology Quarterly - 2/10/2019


Cite count: 9 (Web of Science) 6 (Scopus)
Open Access

An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style

  • Eisenbeck N.
  • Carreno D.F.
  • Wong P.T.P.
  • Hicks J.A.
  • María R.R.G.
  • Puga J.L.
  • Greville J.
  • Testoni I.
  • Biancalani G.
  • López A.C.C.
  • Villareal S.
  • Enea V.
  • Schulz-Quach C.
  • Jansen J.
  • Sanchez-Ruiz M.J.
  • Yıldırım M.
  • Arslan G.
  • Cruz J.F.A.
  • Sofia R.M.
  • Ferreira M.J.
  • Ashraf F.
  • Wąsowicz G.
  • Shalaby S.M.
  • Amer R.A.
  • Yousfi H.
  • Chukwuorji J.B.C.
  • Guerra V.M.
  • Singh S.
  • Heintzelman S.
  • Hutapea B.
  • Béjaoui B.
  • Dash A.
  • Schlosser K.K.
  • Anniko M.K.
  • Rossa M.
  • Wongcharee H.
  • Avsec A.
  • Kocjan G.Z.
  • Kavčič T.
  • Leontiev D.A.
  • Taranenko O.
  • Rasskazova E.
  • Maher E.
  • García-Montes J.M.
... View more Collapse

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology - 1/07/2021


Cite count: 35 (Web of Science) 19 (Scopus)

Boldine-derived Alkaloids inhibit the activity of DNA topoisomerase I and growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  • García M.T.
  • Carreño D.
  • Tirado-Vélez J.M.
  • Ferrándiz M.J.
  • Rodrigues L.
  • Gracia B.
  • Amblar M.
  • Ainsa J.A.
  • de la Campa A.G.
... View more Collapse

Frontiers in Microbiology - 24/7/2018


Cite count: 5 (Scopus)

Conceptuación de la fibromialgia: ¿Consenso o discrepancia entre profesionales clínicos de España?

  • Adolfo J. Cangas
  • Rubén Uclés Juárez
  • Sergio Fernández-Miranda López
  • David Fernández Carreño

Revista Española de Salud Pública - 10/01/2020


Cite count:
  • Dialnet

Conceptuation on fibromyalgia: consensus or discrepancy among healthcare providers from Spain?

  • Ucles-Juarez, Ruben
  • Fernandez-Carreno, David
  • Fernandez-Miranda Lopez, Sergio
  • Cangas Diaz, Adolfo J.

Revista Espanola de Salud Publica - 10/01/2020

Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)
Open Access

Coping styles mediate the association between psychological inflexibility and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A crucial role of meaning-centered coping

  • Avsec A.
  • Eisenbeck N.
  • Carreno D.F.
  • Kocjan G.Z.
  • Kavčič T.

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science - 1/10/2022


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science)

Corrigendum: Meaning-Centered Coping in the Era of COVID-19: Direct and Moderating Effects on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress.

  • Eisenbeck N.
  • Carreno D.F.
  • Pérez-Escobar J.A.

Frontiers in psychology - 5/05/2021


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science)
Open Access

Cross-Cultural Psychometric Analysis of the Mature Happiness Scale-Revised: Mature Happiness, Psychological Inflexibility, and the PERMA Model

  • Carreno D.F.
  • Eisenbeck N.
  • Greville J.
  • Wong P.T.P.

Journal of Happiness Studies - 1/1/2023


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Dataset study From Psychological Distress to Academic Procrastination: Exploring the Role of Psychological Inflexibility

  • Eisenbeck, Nikolett
  • Fernández Carreño, David


Open Access

Dealing With the Pandemic of COVID-19 in Portugal: On the Important Role of Positivity, Experiential Avoidance, and Coping Strategies

  • Ferreira M.J.
  • Sofia R.
  • Carreno D.F.
  • Eisenbeck N.
  • Jongenelen I.
  • Cruz J.F.A.

Frontiers in Psychology - 24/6/2021


Cite count: 19 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

Death acceptance and the meaning-centred approach to end-of-life care

  • Wong, Paul T. P.
  • Fernández Carreño, David
  • Góngora Oliver, Beatriz

Curing the Dread of Death. Theory, Research and Practice - 07/2018

Disposición de la población general para acudir a un profesional de la psicología y la psiquiatría. Un estudio preliminar.

  • David F. Carreno
  • García Alcázar, J. M.
  • Olea-Pérez, R.
  • Rubén Uclés-Juárez

Avances en Psicología Clínica. 2015 - 20/11/2015

Open Access

Impacto Existencial de un Diagnóstico de Cáncer. Cambio en Valores Personales

  • Fernández Carreño, David

Psicología, Salud y Educación - 02/2018

Open Access

Meaning in life and psychological well-being in addiction, cancer, and university students

  • Fernández Carreño, David


Open Access

Resumen tesis doctoral "Meaning in life and psychological well-being in addiction, cancer, and university students"

  • Fernández Carreño, David


This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

Open Access

Dataset Spanish validation PMP-B

  • Fernández Carreño, David


Open Access

Dataset study Reappraisal of Personal Values in Cancer: The Clinical Benefits of Meaning-in-Life Adaptability

  • Fernández Carreño, David
  • Eisenbeck, Nikolett


Open Access

Dataset study "Sexual and mental health in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: Exploring the role of meaning-centered coping"

  • Pérez-Escobar, José Antonio
  • Fernández Carreño, David
  • Pérez-Escobar, Rosalía
  • Eisenbeck, Nikolett


Open Access

Metodología Proyecto "Psychological Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"-PSICOV20-652016-P

  • Fernández Carreño, David
  • Eisenbeck, Nikolett
  • García Montes, José Manuel


Open Access

Scientific report Proyect PSICOV20-652016-P

  • Fernández Carreño, David
  • Eisenbeck, Nikolett


Scopus: 6

Web of Science: 11

Scopus: 4

Web of Science: 12

  • This author has no currently assigned projects.
Last data update: 10/26/24 3:00 AM
Next scheduled update: 11/2/24 3:00 AM