Torres García, María Trinidad Author

The potential of groundwater-dependent ecosystems to enhance soil biological activity and soil fertility in drylands

  • M. Trinidad Torres-García
  • Cecilio Oyonarte
  • Javier Cabello
  • Emilio Guirado
  • Borja Rodríguez-Lozano
  • M. Jacoba Salinas-Bonillo

Science of The Total Environment - 20/02/2022


Cite count: 7 (Web of Science) 7 (Scopus)
Open Access

Modular growth and functional heterophylly of the phreatophyte Ziziphus lotus: A trait-based study

  • Torres-García M.T.
  • Salinas-Bonillo M.J.
  • Pacheco-Romero M.
  • Cabello J.

Plant Species Biology - 1/10/2021


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Physiological and metabolomic responses of the ethylene insensitive squash mutant etr2b to drought

  • Jessica Iglesias-Moya
  • Ana Cristina Abreu
  • Sonsoles Alonso
  • María Trinidad Torres-García
  • Cecilia Martínez
  • Ignacio Fernandez
  • Manuel Jamilena
... View more Collapse

PLANT SCIENCE - 1/09/2023


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

A multiple-trait analysis of ecohydrological acclimatisation in a dryland phreatophytic shrub

  • M. Trinidad Torres-García
  • María J. Salinas-Bonillo
  • Jamie R. Cleverly
  • Juan Gisbert
  • Manuel Pacheco-Romero
  • Javier Cabello

OECOLOGIA - 31/07/2021


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 5 (Scopus)
Open Access

Clonal mechanisms that matter in Agave fourcroydes and A. sisalana invasions in drylands: implications for their management

  • Salinas-Bonillo M.J.
  • Torres-García M.T.
  • Paniagua M.M.
  • Sánchez M.M.
  • Cabello J.

Management of Biological Invasions - 1/1/2023


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

A data-driven methodological routine to identify key indicators for social-ecological system archetype mapping

  • Manuel Pacheco-Romero
  • María Vallejos
  • José María Paruelo
  • Domingo Alcaraz-Segura
  • M. Trinidad Torres-García
  • María Jacoba Salinas-Bonillo
  • Javier Cabello
... View more Collapse

Environmental Research Letters - 15/03/2022


Cite count: 4 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)

Tree and stand characteristics jointly predict tree-related microhabitats on retention trees in production forests

  • Torres-García M.T.
  • Hedwall P.O.
  • Larrieu L.
  • Öckinger E.
  • Johansen H.
  • Niklasson M.
  • Petersson L.
  • Svensson E.
  • Uría-Díez J.
  • Felton A.
... View more Collapse

Biological Conservation - 1/11/2024


Cite count:
Open Access

Squandering water in drylands: the water‐use strategy of the phreatophyte Ziziphus lotus in a groundwater‐dependent ecosystem

  • M. Trinidad Torres‐García
  • María J. Salinas‐Bonillo
  • Fernando Gázquez‐Sánchez
  • Ángel Fernández‐Cortés
  • José I. Querejeta
  • Javier Cabello



Cite count: 11 (Web of Science) 13 (Scopus)
Open Access

Los ciclos del agua, el carbono y los nutrientes en ecosistemas terrestres dependientes de agua subterránea de zonas áridas: los matorrales de ziziphus lotus como caso de estudio

  • Torres García, María Trinidad

Open Access

Análisis de los patrones de distribución espacial de las poblaciones de agaves invasoras en la llanura costera eólica del parque natural de Cabo de Gata-Níjar

  • Torres García, María Trinidad


This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

Spatiotemporal variations in groundwater and evaporative demand drive ecophysiological functioning of a phreatophyte in drylands

  • Maria Trinidad Torres-García
  • Maria Jacoba Salinas-Bonillo
  • Jamie R. Cleverly
  • Manuel Pacheco-Romero
  • Javier Cabello




The choice of path to resilience is crucial to the future of production forests

  • Adam Felton
  • Rupert Seidl
  • David B. Lindenmayer
  • Christian Messier
  • Magnus Löf
  • Johannes H. C. de Koning
  • Thomas Ranius
  • Michelle Cleary
  • Per-Ola Hedwall
  • María Trinidad Torres García
  • Annika M. Felton
... View more Collapse

Nature Ecology and Evolution - 1/9/2024


Cite count:

Scopus: 4

Web of Science: 3

Scopus: 1

Web of Science: 1

Last data update: 10/26/24 3:02 AM
Next scheduled update: 11/2/24 3:00 AM