Cardoso Serrao da Cunha, Joâo Luis Autor

Association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the multinational Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

  • Ratanachina J.
  • Amaral A.F.S.
  • De Matteis S.
  • Lawin H.
  • Mortimer K.
  • Obaseki D.O.
  • Harrabi I.
  • Denguezli M.
  • Wouters E.F.M.
  • Janson C.
  • Nielsen R.
  • Gulsvik A.
  • Cherkaski H.H.
  • Mejza F.
  • Mahesh P.A.
  • Elsony A.
  • Ahmed R.
  • Tan W.C.
  • Loh L.C.
  • Rashid A.
  • Studnicka M.
  • Nafees A.A.
  • Seemungal T.
  • Aquart-Stewart A.
  • Al Ghobain M.
  • Zheng J.
  • Juvekar S.
  • Salvi S.
  • Jogi R.
  • Mannino D.M.
  • Gislason T.
  • Buist A.S.
  • Cullinan P.
  • Burney P.G.J.
  • Hafizi H.
  • Aliko A.
  • Bardhi D.
  • Tafa H.
  • Thanasi N.
  • Mezini A.
  • Teferici A.
  • Todri D.
  • Nikolla J.
  • Kazasi R.
  • Bengrait A.
  • Haddad T.
  • Zgaoula I.
  • Ghit M.
  • Roubhia A.
  • Boudra S.
  • Atoui F.
  • Yakoubi R.
  • Benali R.
  • Bencheikh A.
  • Ait-Khaled N.
  • Jenkins C.
  • Marks G.
  • Bird T.
  • Espinel P.
  • Hardaker K.
  • Toelle B.
  • Dawes T.
  • Lamprecht B.
  • Schirhofer L.
  • Islam A.
  • Ahmed S.M.
  • Islam S.
  • Islam Q.S.
  • Mesbah-Ul-Haque
  • Chowdhury T.R.
  • Chatterjee S.K.
  • Mia D.
  • Das S.C.
  • Rahman M.
  • Islam N.
  • Uddin S.
  • Islam N.
  • Khatun L.
  • Parvin M.
  • Khan A.A.
  • Islam M.
  • Kpangon A.
  • Kpossou K.
  • Agodokpessi G.
  • Ayelo P.
  • Fayomi B.
  • Mbatchou B.
  • Ashu A.H.
  • Wang W.
  • Zhong N.S.
  • Liu S.
  • Lu J.
  • Ran P.
  • Wang D.
  • Zhou Y.
  • Laja H.
  • Ulst K.
  • Zobel V.
  • Lill T.J.
  • Adegnika A.A.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 1 (Scopus)

EURAMET supplementary comparison of personal dose equivalent rate at 0.07 mm and 3 mm depth, Ḣ<inf>p</inf>(0.07) and Ḣ<inf>p</inf>(3), for beta radiation

  • Behrens R.
  • Cardoso J.
  • Pozuelo M.
  • Finta V.
  • Botos R.
  • Persson L.
  • Huikari J.
  • Lecante C.
  • Li D.
  • Yi C.Y.
  • Kim Y.H.
  • Chu C.H.
  • Kato M.
  • Pepenene R.
  • Jozela S.
  • Romero J.T.Á.
  • MacLeod A.
  • Mitch M.G.
  • Salas G.W.
  • Rodriguez N.G.
... Ver más Contraer

METROLOGIA - 1/1/2023


Número de citas:

The turtles from the middle Paleolithic site of Gruta Nova da Columbeira (Bombarral, Portugal): Update through an archaeozoological perspective

  • Iratxe Boneta Jiménez
  • João Luis Cardoso
  • Adán Pérez‐García

The Anatomical Record - 29/05/2023


Hunter-gatherer genetic persistence at the onset of megalithism in western Iberia: New mitochondrial evidence from Mesolithic and Neolithic necropolises in central-southern Portugal.

  • João Luis Cardoso

Quaternary International - 30/03/2023


Les poteries campaniformes de la fortification chalcolithique de Leceia (Oeiras, Portugal): étude pétrographique , analyse des provenances et degraissants

  • João Luis Cardoso
  • Fabien Convertini

Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras - 2022


Europium-Implanted AlN Nanowires for Red Light-Emitting Diodes

  • Cardoso J.P.S.
  • Correia M.R.
  • Vermeersch R.
  • Verheij D.
  • Jacopin G.
  • Pernot J.
  • Monteiro T.
  • Cardoso S.
  • Lorenz K.
  • Daudin B.
  • Ben Sedrine N.
... Ver más Contraer

ACS Applied Nano Materials - 28/1/2022


Número de citas: 3 (Scopus)

Damage in InGaN/GaN bilayers upon Xe and Pb swift heavy ion irradiation

  • Jóźwik P.
  • Cardoso J.P.S.
  • Carvalho D.F.
  • Correia M.R.P.
  • Sequeira M.C.
  • Magalhães S.
  • Faye D.N.
  • Grygiel C.
  • Monnet I.
  • Bross A.S.
  • Wetzel C.
  • Alves E.
  • Lorenz K.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas:

The genomic history and global expansion of domestic donkeys

  • João Luis Cardoso
  • Evelyn T. Todd
  • Laure Tonasso-Calvière
  • Loreleï Chauvey
  • Stéphanie Schiavinato
  • Antoine Fages
  • Andaine Seguin-Orlando
  • Pierre Clavel
  • Naveed Khan
  • Lucía Pérez Pardal
  • Laura Patterson Rosa
  • Pablo Librado
  • Harald Ringbauer
  • Marta Verdugo
  • John Southon
  • Jean-Marc Aury
  • Aude Perdereau
  • Emmanuelle Vila
  • Matilde Marzullo
  • Ornella Prato
  • Umberto Tecchiati
  • Giovanna Bagnasco Gianni
  • Antonio Tagliacozzo
  • Vincenzo Tinè
  • Francesca Alhaique
  • Maria João Valente
  • Miguel Telles Antunes
  • Laurent Frantz
  • Beth Shapiro
  • Daniel G. Bradley
  • Nicolas Boulbes
  • Armelle Gardeisen
  • Liora Kolska Horwitz
  • Aliye Öztan
  • Benjamin S. Arbuckle
  • Vedat Onar
  • Benoît Clavel
  • Sébastien Lepetz
  • Ali Akbar Vahdati
  • Hossein Davoudi
  • Azadeh Mohaseb
  • Marjan Mashkour
  • Olivier Bouchez
  • Cécile Donnadieu
  • Patrick Wincker
  • Samantha A. Brooks
  • Albano Beja-Pereira
  • Dong-Dong Wu
  • Ludovic Orlando
... Ver más Contraer

SCIENCE - 9/09/2022

Número de citas: 7 (Web of Science)

Individual Vessels, Individual Burials? New Evidence on Early Neolithic Funerary Practices on the Iberian Peninsula's Western Façade

  • João Luís Cardoso
  • António Faustino Carvalho
  • Paulo Rebelo
  • Nuno Neto
  • Carlos Duarte Simões

European Journal of Archaeology - 25/08/2022


Mummification in the Mesolithic: New Approaches to Old Photo Documentation Reveal Previously Unknown Mortuary Practices in the Sado Valley, Portugal

  • Rita Peyroteo-Stjerna
  • Liv Nilsson Stutz
  • Hayley Louise Mickleburgh
  • João Luís Cardoso

European Journal of Archaeology - 3/08/2022


Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Funerary megalithism in the south of Beira Interior: architectures, spoils and cultural sequences

  • Cardoso, João

Megaliths and Geology - 2020


La colección anticuaria de la Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

  • João Luis Cardoso
  • Martin Almagro-Gorbea
  • Miguel Telles Antunes

Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - 12/2020


2700-1800 a.C. A questão campaniforme: origem e difusão no decurso do terceiro milénio a.C.

  • João Luis Cardoso

História Global de Portugal - 05/2020


A investigação da antiguidade do Homem no Portugal de Oitocentos

  • João Luis Cardoso

Memórias da academia das Ciências de Lisboa - 2019


Iberian variscite: ICP-MS-LA and PIXE analysis of recent prehistory beads andpendants from Spain and Portugal

  • João Luis Cardoso

La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen - 2019


Nos 150 anos da publicação da obra de Charles Darwin “On the Origin of Species”: a investigação da antiguidade do Homem no Portugal de Oitocentos

  • Cardoso, João

Anais da Academia Portuguesa da História - 2019


Los vasos campaniformes maritimos y su difusión desde el estuario del Tajo (Portugal)

Un brindis por el príncipe! El vaso campaniforme en el interior de la Península Ibérica (2500-2000 a.C.) - 04/2019


Carlos Ribeiro and Francisco António Pereira da Costa: dawn of the Mesolithic shellmiddens of Muge (Salvaterra de Magos).

Muge 150th: The 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of Mesolithic Shellmiddens - 2015


Polished stone tools

Bom Santo Cave (Lisbon) and the Middle Neolithic Societies of Southern Portugal - 2014

The prehistoric settlement of Leceia (Oeiras): results of the excavations of 1983-2002

Portugal - 2011


Muge Portal: a new digital platform for the las Hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugal

  • João Luis Cardoso
  • C. Gonçalves
  • A. Gomes

10th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe - 2020


Compositional and microstructural characterization of grave goods from Anta do Malhão and Soalheironas: An insight into the diachronic use of arsenical copper from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BC

X International Symposium on Materials - 2019


Limiting performance analisys of a head protection helmet using multicriteria control optimization

  • Moita P.P.
  • Antunes M.
  • Madeira J.F.A.
  • Cardoso J.E.B.
  • Valido A.J.

6th IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2019 - Proceedings - 15/4/2019


Número de citas:

Unraveling the genomes of ancient Iberian Canis

  • Cardoso, João

: XV Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva - 11/2019


Iberian Chalcolithic Canis: a genomic approach to know them better

  • Cardoso, João

8th meeting of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics, Morphometrics (AGPM) - 10/2019


The lost photos. Archaeothanatology applied to photo documentation from the 1960s reveals new data about Mesolithic burials, Sado valley, Portugal

European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting - 09/2019


Bioinformatic tools in the study of ancient dogs - preliminary results of an Iberian case study

Bioinformatics Open Days - 21/02/2019


Promoting IoT education for pre-university students with coloured QR codes : CColour multiplexed QR codes

  • Ramalho J.
  • Ferreira R.
  • Amante R.
  • Amaral M.
  • Cardoso J.
  • Ferreira I.
  • Almeida J.
  • Andre P.
... Ver más Contraer

3rd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2018 - 27/12/2018


Número de citas:

Translucent beads, shinier worls. A preliminar approach to fluorite beads from the Iberian Peninsula

XVIII Congrès Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques - 06/2018


O Tejo português durante o Bronze Final. Territórios comparados: los valles del Guadalquivir, el Guadiana y el Tajo en epoca tartesica

Anejos de AEspA LXXX - 2017


Este autor no tiene patentes.

Open Access

A persistent wheeze

  • de Aguiar Mendes B.
  • Santos J.D.
  • Figueiredo C.L.
  • Cabral M.C.
  • Gerardo R.L.S.
  • Mineiro M.A.
  • Cardoso J.A.D.
... Ver más Contraer

Breathe - 1/6/2021


Número de citas:

Os “báculos” das sociedades agropastoris do sul do território português (último quartel do 4.º milénio/inícios do 3.º milénio a.C.)

  • Cardoso, João

Ídolos Olhares milenares. O estado da arte em Portugal - 21/10/2021


Validation of app and phone versions of the control of allergic rhinitis and asthma test (Carat)

  • Jácome C.
  • Pereira A.M.
  • Almeida R.
  • Amaral R.
  • Correia M.A.
  • Mendes S.
  • Vieira-Marques P.
  • Ferreira J.A.
  • Lopes I.
  • Gomes J.
  • Vidal C.
  • López Freire S.
  • Méndez Brea P.
  • Arrobas A.
  • Valério M.
  • Chaves Loureiro C.
  • Santos L.M.
  • Couto M.
  • Araujo L.
  • Todo Bom A.
  • Azevedo J.P.
  • Cardoso J.
  • Emiliano M.
  • Gerardo R.
  • Lozoya C.
  • Pinto P.L.
  • Castro Neves A.
  • Pinto N.
  • Palhinha A.
  • Teixeira F.
  • Ferreira-Magalhães M.
  • Alves C.
  • Coelho D.
  • Santos N.
  • Menezes F.
  • Gomes R.
  • Cidrais Rodrigues J.C.
  • Oliveira G.
  • Carvalho J.
  • Rodrigues Alves R.
  • Moreira A.S.
  • Costa A.
  • Abreu C.
  • Silva R.
  • Morête A.
  • Falcão H.
  • Marques M.L.
  • Câmara R.
  • Cálix M.J.
  • Bordalo D.
  • Silva D.
  • Vasconcelos M.J.
  • Fernandes R.M.
  • Ferreira R.
  • Freitas P.
  • Lopes F.
  • Almeida Fonseca J.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas:

Metallurgical production evidences in the chalcolithic settlement of Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal)



The Chalcolithic of the Baixa Estremadura. Contributions for an essay, in reference to Leceia (Oeiras)



Scopus: 22

Web of Science: 5

Scopus: 49

Web of Science: 2

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 5:01
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00