Asensio Peral, German Autor
Myles na gCopaleen and the fate of “devocracy”: Cruiskeen Lawn and Irish electoral politics in the late 1950s
- Asensio Peral G.
Irish Studies Review - 1/1/2022
- CiteScore: 0,5 (2022)
- SJR: 0,269 (2022)
- SNIP: 1,216 (2022)
‘One does not take sides in these neutral latitudes': Myles na gCopaleen and The Emergency
- Germán Asensio Peral
IJES: international journal of English studies - 2018
- Dialnet
‘The Eminent English Writer’: Aldous Huxley's "Point Counter Point" and Flann O’Brien's "At Swim-Two-Birds"
- Germán Asensio Peral
Complutense Journal of English Studies - 2018
- Dialnet
“Madrid” Poem by John Liddy Translated into Spanish
- Beatriz Villacañas Palomo
- Germán Asensio Peral
Estudios irlandeses = Journal of Irish Studies - 2017
- Dialnet
Selection of Poems by David McLoghlin Translated into Spanish
- John Liddy
- Germán Asensio Peral
Estudios irlandeses = Journal of Irish Studies - 2017
- Dialnet
Flann O’Brien’s Creative Loophole
- Germán Asensio Peral
Estudios irlandeses = Journal of Irish Studies - 2015
- Dialnet
Myles na gCopaleen’s Cruiskeen Lawn (1940-66) and Irish Politics
- Asensio Peral, Germán
- Dialnet
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Proyectos de investigación en la UAL
Acrónimo P20_00790Desde: 5 de octubre de 2021Hasta: 31 de diciembre de 2022Financiado por: JUNTAImporte de financiación: 14.080,00 EURRol: Colaborador