Kurasova, Olga Autor
Эмпатия как профессионально значимое качество личности современного блогера
Empathy as a professionally significant quality of a modern blogger’s
Integrating deep learning and data fusion for advanced keystroke dynamics authentication
- Budžys A.
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
Computer Standards and Interfaces - 1/3/2025
- CiteScore: 11,9 (2023)
- SJR: 1,698 (2023)
- SNIP: 1,828 (2023)
Deep learning-based aggregate analysis to identify cut-off points for decision-making in pancreatic cancer detection
- Dzemyda G.
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
- Šubonienė A.
- Gulla A.
- Samuilis A.
- Jagminas D.
- Strupas K.
Expert Systems - 1/1/2025
- CiteScore: 7,4 (2023)
- SJR: 0,761 (2023)
- SNIP: 1,001 (2023)
Exploring Multidimensional Embeddings for Decision Support Using Advanced Visualization Techniques
- Kurasova O.
- Budžys A.
- Medvedev V.
Informatics - 1/3/2024
Explainable AI (XAI) in image segmentation in medicine, industry, and beyond: A survey
- Gipiškis R.
- Tsai C.W.
- Kurasova O.
ICT Express - 1/12/2024
Deep learning-based authentication for insider threat detection in critical infrastructure
- Budžys A.
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
Artificial Intelligence Review - 1/10/2024
- CiteScore: 22 (2023)
- SJR: 3,26 (2023)
- SNIP: 5,068 (2023)
AutoML-Based Neural Architecture Search for Object Recognition in Satellite Imagery
- Povilas Gudzius
- Olga Kurasova
- Vytenis Darulis
- Ernestas Filatovas
- Factor Impacto JCR: 5 (2022)
- Impacto JCR a 5 años: 5,6
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Approach for Multi-Label Text Data Class Verification and Adjustment Based on Self-Organizing Map and Latent Semantic Analysis
- Stefanovič P.
- Kurasova O.
INFORMATICA - 1/1/2022
- Factor Impacto JCR: 2,9 (2022)
- CiteScore: 6,2 (2021)
- SJR: 0,607 (2021)
- SNIP: 0,814 (2021)
- Impacto JCR a 5 años: 3
Methodological Guidelines for Practical Sessions in the Academic Discipline "Presentation of Advertising Projects (in English)"
- O.V. Kurasova
- O.A. Vasilyeva
The problem of visual analysis of multidimensional medical data
- Bernatavičiene J.
- Dzemyda G.
- Kurasova O.
- Marcinkevičius V.
- Medvedev V.
Springer Optimization and Its Applications - 1/1/2007
- CiteScore: 0,8 (2020)
Optimal Cut-Off Points for Pancreatic Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques
- Dzemyda G.
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
- Šubonienė A.
- Gulla A.
- Samuilis A.
- Jagminas D.
- Strupas K.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - 1/1/2024
- CiteScore: 0,9 (2023)
- SJR: 0,171 (2023)
- SNIP: 0,282 (2023)
Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Models for Recognition of Skydiving Formations
- Skuodis A.
- Kurasova O.
Communications in Computer and Information Science - 1/1/2024
- CiteScore: 1,1 (2023)
- SJR: 0,203 (2023)
- SNIP: 0,246 (2023)
Behavioral Biometrics Authentication in Critical Infrastructure Using Siamese Neural Networks
- Budžys A.
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/1/2023
- CiteScore: 2,2 (2022)
- SJR: 0,32 (2022)
- SNIP: 0,542 (2022)
Enhancing Keystroke Biometric Authentication Using Deep Learning Techniques
- Medvedev V.
- Budzys A.
- Kurasova O.
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI - 1/1/2023
Semi-Supervised Learning with Pseudo-Labeling for Pancreatic Cancer Detection on CT Scans
- Kurasova O.
- Medvedev V.
- Suboniene A.
- Dzemyda G.
- Gulla A.
- Samuilis A.
- Jagminas D.
- Strupas K.
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI - 1/1/2023
Occlusion-Based Approach for Interpretable Semantic Segmentation
- Gipiskis R.
- Kurasova O.
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI - 1/1/2023
Techniques Involved in the Development of the New Dataset for Anomaly Detection in Computer Networks
- Vaišnoras Ž.
- Kurasova O.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - 1/1/2022
- CiteScore: 0,7 (2021)
- SJR: 0,151 (2021)
- SNIP: 0,249 (2021)
Convolutional neural network hyperparameters designed for highest object recognition accuracy in satellite imagery
- Gudzius P.
- Kurasova O.
- Filatovas E.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2/12/2019
- Categorías SJR: Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
- Scopus
Optimal U-net architecture for object recognition problems in multispectral satellite imagery
- Gudzius P.
- Kurasova O.
- Filatovas E.
- Categorías SJR: Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture; Signal Processing
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Comparative analysis of spectral and cepstral feature extraction techniques for phoneme modelling
- Korvel G.
- Kurasova O.
- Kostek B.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - 1/1/2019
- Cuartil SJR: Q3
- CiteScore: 0,9 (2019)
- SJR: 0,184 (2019)
- SNIP: 0,435 (2019)
- Categorías SJR: Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4)
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Índice h
Scopus: 11
Web of Science: 7
Índice i10
Scopus: 12
Web of Science: 5
Perfiles de autor
Web of Science ResearcherID
Scopus Author ID
Proyectos de investigación en la UAL
Diseño eficiente de circuitos cuánticos para problemas con altas demandas computacionales (DECCuHPC)Acrónimo P20_00748Desde: 5 de octubre de 2021Hasta: 31 de diciembre de 2022Financiado por: JUNTAImporte de financiación: 73.150,00 EURRol: Colaborador
Acrónimo UAL18-TIC-A020-BDesde: 1 de octubre de 2019Hasta: 30 de septiembre de 2021Financiado por: Universidad de AlmeríaImporte de financiación: 76.800,00 EURRol: Colaborador