Pérez Fernández, Cristian Antonio Autor

Exposure to chlorpyrifos during pregnancy differentially affects social behavior and GABA signaling elements in an APOE- and sex-dependent manner in a transgenic mouse model

  • Biosca-Brull J.
  • Guardia-Escote L.
  • Basaure P.
  • Cabré M.
  • Blanco J.
  • Pérez-Fernández C.
  • Sánchez-Santed F.
  • Domingo J.L.
  • Colomina M.T.
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 3 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Medium and long-term effects of low doses of Chlorpyrifos during the postnatal, preweaning developmental stage on sociability, dominance, gut microbiota and plasma metabolites

  • Perez-Fernandez C.
  • Morales-Navas M.
  • Aguilera-Sáez L.M.
  • Abreu A.C.
  • Guardia-Escote L.
  • Fernández I.
  • Garrido-Cárdenas J.A.
  • Colomina M.T.
  • Giménez E.
  • Sánchez-Santed F.
... Ver más Contraer

Environmental Research - 1/5/2020


Número de citas: 30 (Web of Science) 11 (Scopus)

Neurodevelopmental consequences of gestational exposure to particulate matter 10: Ultrasonic vocalizations and gene expression analysis using a bayesian approach

  • Diego Ruiz-Sobremazas
  • Mario Ruiz Coca
  • Miguel Morales-Navas
  • Rocío Rodulfo-Cárdenas
  • Caridad López-Granero
  • Maria Teresa Colomina
  • Cristian Perez-Fernandez
  • Fernando Sanchez-Santed
... Ver más Contraer

Environmental Research - 1/1/2024


Número de citas:

Transcranial direct current stimulation as a motor neurorehabilitation tool: An empirical review

  • Sánchez-Kuhn A.
  • Pérez-Fernández C.
  • Cánovas R.
  • Flores P.
  • Sánchez-Santed F.

Biomedical Engineering Online - 18/8/2017


Número de citas: 47 (Web of Science) 29 (Scopus)

Developmental brain lipidomics is influenced by postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and APOE genetic background in mice

  • Laia Guardia-Escote
  • Judit Biosca-Brull
  • Maria Cabré
  • Jordi Blanco
  • Mikaela Mladenova-Koleva
  • Pia Basaure
  • Cristian Pérez-Fernández
  • Fernando Sánchez-Santed
  • José L. Domingo
  • Maria Teresa Colomina
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science)

Decision-making and frontoparietal resting-state functional connectivity among impulsive-compulsive diagnoses. Insights from a Bayesian approach

  • J.J. León
  • P. Fernández-Martin
  • A. González-Rodríguez
  • R. Rodríguez-Herrera
  • J. García-Pinteño
  • C. Pérez-Fernández
  • A. Sánchez-Kuhn
  • L. Amaya-Pascasio
  • M. Soto-Ontoso
  • P. Martínez-Sánchez
  • F. Sánchez-Santed
  • P. Flores
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

NMR-Based Metabolomics Approach to Explore Brain Metabolic Changes Induced by Prenatal Exposure to Autism-Inducing Chemicals

  • Ana Cristina Abreu
  • Miguel Morales Navas
  • Cristian Perez Fernández
  • Fernando Sánchez-Santed
  • Ignacio Fernández

ACS Chemical Biology - 17/03/2021


Número de citas: 13 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)

Behavioral endpoints in adult and developmental neurotoxicity: the case of organophosphate pesticides

  • L. Guardia-Escote
  • J. Biosca-Brull
  • M. Morales
  • C. Perez-Fernandez
  • F. Sanchez-Santed
  • M.T. Colomina

Toxicological Risk Assessment and Multi-System Health Impacts from Exposure - 1/08/2021


Open Access

The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over human motor function

  • Pérez-Fernández C.
  • Sánchez-Kuhn A.
  • Cánovas R.
  • Flores P.
  • Sánchez-Santed F.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - 1/1/2016


Número de citas: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)

Este autor no tiene conferencias.

Este autor no tiene patentes.

Reduced expression of the Htr2a, Grin1, and Bdnf genes and cognitive inflexibility in a model of high compulsive rats

  • Angeles Prados-Pardo
  • Elena Martin-Gonzalez
  • Santiago Mora
  • Carlos Martin
  • Manuela Olmedo-Cordoba
  • Cristian Perez-Fernandez
  • Fernando Sanchez-Santed
  • Margarita Moreno-Montoya
... Ver más Contraer



Número de citas:

Scopus: 6

Web of Science: 9

Scopus: 5

Web of Science: 9

Última actualización de los datos: 14/09/24 7:29
Próxima recolección programada: 21/09/24 3:00