Galafat Díaz, Alba Author

Open Access

Feed Additives Based on N. gaditana and A. platensis Blend Improve Quality Parameters of Aquacultured Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Fresh Fillets

  • María Isabel Sáez
  • Alba Galafat
  • Silvana Teresa Tapia Paniagua
  • Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha
  • Francisco Javier Alarcón-López
  • Tomás Francisco Martínez Moya

Fishes - 1/6/2024


Cite count:
Open Access

Effects of feeding European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles with crude, hydrolysed and fermented biomass of the invasive macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta)

  • Vizcaíno A.J.
  • Sáez M.I.
  • Galafat A.
  • Galindo-Melero R.
  • Perera E.
  • Casal-Porras I.
  • Zubía E.
  • Vega J.
  • Figueroa F.L.
  • Martínez T.F.
  • Martos-Sitcha J.A.
  • Alarcón F.J.
... View more Collapse

Aquaculture Reports - 1/2/2024


Cite count: 2 (Scopus)

In vitro evaluation of algae and their effect as dietary ingredient on growth, chemical composition and intestinal functionality in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

  • Galafat A.
  • Sáez M.I.
  • Rodríguez C.
  • Hernández de Rojas A.
  • Vizcaíno A.J.
  • Martínez T.F.
  • Alarcón-López F.J.
... View more Collapse

Aquaculture - 15/11/2024


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

Different Diets Based on Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)—Part B: Modification of the Intestinal Inflammatory Response and the Microbiota Composition of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

  • Federico Melenchón
  • Ana María Larrán
  • Marta Hernandez
  • David Abad
  • Amalia Encarnación Morales Hernández
  • Héctor J. Pula
  • Dmitri Fabrikov
  • María José Sánchez-Muros
  • Alba Galafat Díaz
  • Francisco J Alarcón
  • H. M. Lourenço
  • Maria Pessoa
  • Cristina Tomás-Almenar
... View more Collapse

Fishes - 1/6/2023


Cite count: 1 (Scopus)
Open Access

Effect on Muscle Cellularity of Diet Supplementation with Nannochloropsis gaditana Microalgae in the Final Fattening Phase of Gilthead Seabream Culture up to Commercial Size

  • María Dolores Ayala
  • Elena Chaves-Pozo
  • María Isabel Sáez
  • Alba Galafat
  • Francisco Javier Alarcón
  • Tomás Francisco Martínez
  • Marta Arizcun
... View more Collapse

Fishes - 1/11/2023


Cite count:

Different Diets Based on Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)—Part A: Facing the Decrease in Omega−3 Fatty Acids in Fillets of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

  • Federico Melenchón
  • Ana María Larrán
  • Miguel Angel Sanz
  • D Rico
  • Dmitri Fabrikov
  • Fernando Barroso
  • Alba Galafat
  • Francisco J Alarcón
  • Amalia Encarnación Morales Hernández
  • Maria Carmen Hidalgo Jimenez
  • H. M. Lourenço
  • Maria Pessoa
  • Cristina Tomás-Almenar
... View more Collapse

Fishes - 1/05/2023


Cite count: 1 (Web of Science) 1 (Scopus)

Effects of raw and hydrolysed Nannochloropsis gaditana biomass included at low level in finishing diets for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) on fillet quality and shelf life

  • M. I. Sáez
  • A. Galafat
  • M. D. Suárez
  • E. Chaves-Pozo
  • M. Arizcun
  • M. D. Ayala
  • F. J. Alarcón
  • T. F. Martínez
... View more Collapse



Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 3 (Scopus)
Open Access

Evaluation of the Combined Administration of Chlorella fusca and Vibrio proteolyticus in Diets for Chelon labrosus: Effects on Growth, Metabolism, and Digestive Functionality

  • Jorge García-Márquez
  • Antonio Jesús Vizcaíno
  • André Barany
  • Alba Galafat
  • Gabriel Acién
  • Félix L. Figueroa
  • Francisco Javier Alarcón
  • Juan Miguel Mancera
  • Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha
  • Salvador Arijo
  • Roberto Teófilo Abdala-Díaz
... View more Collapse

Animals - 7/02/2023


Cite count: 3 (Web of Science) 4 (Scopus)
Open Access

Long-term Effects of a Short Juvenile Feeding Period with Diets Enriched with the Microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana on the Subsequent Body and Muscle Growth of Gilthead Seabream, Sparus aurata L.

  • María Dolores Ayala
  • Noemí Balsalobre
  • Elena Chaves-Pozo
  • María Isabel Sáez
  • Alba Galafat
  • Francisco J Alarcón
  • Tomás Francisco Martínez Moya
  • Marta Arizcun
... View more Collapse

Animals - 30/01/2023


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Long-term effect of a short pulse of dietary supplementation with algae on the quality of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) frozen fillets

  • Sáez M.I.
  • Galafat A.
  • Vizcaíno A.J.
  • Rodríguez C.
  • Hernández de Rojas A.
  • Alarcón F.J.
  • Martínez T.F.
... View more Collapse

Frontiers in Marine Science - 28/7/2022


Cite count: 2 (Web of Science) 2 (Scopus)
Open Access

Evaluación de hidrolizados de microalgas como ingredientes funcionales en la alimentación de la dorada (Sparus aurata)

  • Galafat Díaz, Alba

This author has no conferences.

This author has no patents.

This author has no reports or other types of publications.

Scopus: 8

Web of Science: 8

Scopus: 7

Web of Science: 7

Last data update: 9/28/24 5:06 AM
Next scheduled update: 10/5/24 3:00 AM