Díaz Pérez, Manuel Author
Activation of the pro-phenoloxidase system in the haemolymph of the cockroach Blattella germanica A micro-method study
- Lario A.
- Mérida A.
- Díaz M.
- Peralta E.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata - 1/1/1993
- CiteScore: 3.7 (2020)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
An Overview of REBA Method Applications in the World
- Manuel Hita-Gutiérrez
- Marta Gómez-Galán
- Manuel Díaz-Pérez
- Callejon-Ferre
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2/04/2020
- JCR Quartile: Q1 (2020)
- JCR Impact Factor: 3.39 (2023)
- Category normalized Impact: 1.186 (2020)
- CiteScore: 3.4 (2020)
- SJR: 0.747 (2020
- SNIP: 1.356 (2020
- JCR 5-year Impact Factor: 3.789
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Application of logistic regression models for the marketability of cucumber cultivars
- Díaz-Pérez M.
- Carreño-Ortega Á.
- Salinas-Andújar J.
- Callejón-Ferre Á.
Agronomy - 3/01/2019
- JCR Quartile: Q1 (2019)
- SJR Quartile: Q1
- JCR Impact Factor: 2.603 (2023)
- Category normalized Impact: 0.433 (2019)
- CiteScore: 1.8 (2019)
- SJR: 0.7 (2019
- SNIP: 1.266 (2019
- SJR Categories: Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Application of Logistic Regression Models for the Marketability of Cucumber Cultivars
- Díaz Pérez, Manuel
- Carreño Ortega, Ángel
- Salinas Andújar, José Antonio
- Callejón Ferre, Ángel Jesús
Application of microalgae in cauliflower fertilisation
- Manuel Díaz-Pérez
- Juan Manuel Moreno Moreno
- José Javier Hernández García
- Ángel-Jesús Callejón-Ferre
Scientia Horticulturae - 1/11/2024
- CiteScore: 8.6 (2023)
- SJR: 0.833 (2023
- SNIP: 1.384 (2023
- Scopus
A quick method for the assessment of activity and inhibition of fish amylases
- Fernández I.
- Díaz M.
- Martínez T.
- Moyano F.
Aquaculture Nutrition - 1/12/2001
- JCR Quartile: Q2 (2001)
- SJR Quartile: Q2
- JCR Impact Factor: 0.896 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 0.084 (2001)
- CiteScore: 4.7 (2020)
- SJR: 0.804 (2001
- SNIP: 0.742 (2001
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q2)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Changes in digestive enzymes through developmental and molt stages in the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus
- Perera E.
- Moyano F.J.
- Díaz M.
- Perdomo-Morales R.
- Montero-Alejo V.
- Rodriguez-Viera L.
- Alonso E.
- Carrillo O.
- Galich G.S.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - 1/1/2008
- JCR Quartile: Q2 (2008)
- SJR Quartile: Q3
- JCR Impact Factor: 1.468 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 1.436 (2008)
- CiteScore: 3.8 (2020)
- SJR: 0.586 (2008
- SNIP: 0.769 (2008
- SJR Categories: Biochemistry (Q3); Physiology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Characterization and functional properties of digestive proteases in two sparids; gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and common dentex (Dentex dentex)
- Alarcón F.
- Díaz M.
- Moyano F.
- Abellán E.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - 1/1/1998
- CiteScore: 3.6 (2020)
- Scopus
Characterization of ?-amilasa activity in five Mediterranean sparids
- Fernández I.
- Moyano F.
- Díaz M.
- Martínez T.
Boletin - Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia - 1/12/2002
- JCR Quartile: Q3 (2002)
- SJR Quartile: Q4
- JCR Impact Factor: 0.656 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 2.8 (2002)
- SJR: 0.132 (2002
- SNIP: 0.345 (2002
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Characterization of ?-amylase activity in five species of mediterranean sparid fishes (sparidae, teleostei)
- Fernández I.
- Moyano F.
- Díaz M.
- Martínez T.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 15/7/2001
- JCR Quartile: Q1 (2001)
- SJR Quartile: Q1
- JCR Impact Factor: 1.469 (2022)
- Category normalized Impact: 2.124 (2001)
- CiteScore: 4.8 (2020)
- SJR: 1.39 (2001
- SNIP: 1.263 (2001
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
- Scopus
- Web of Science
Aplicación de regresiones estadísticas para evaluar la probabilidad de comercialización en frutas y hortalizas
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Angel Carreño Ortega
- Dialnet
Aplicación de regresión logística y lineal para definir indicadores de potencial de comercialización en cultivares de pepino
- Daniel Valverde Miranda
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Dialnet
Desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en trabajadores agrícolas del olivar de jaén (españa)
- Manuel Barneo Alcántara
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Dialnet
Efectos sobre la entomofauna de las modificaciones espectrales de plásticos y mallas en invernaderos mediterraneos
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Eduardo Jesús Fernández Rodríguez
- Francisco Camacho Ferre
Producción hortícola y seguridad alimentaria - 2004
- Dialnet
Ejercicios y cuestiones de clase para máquinas y motores térmicos: Elementos básicos de máquinas, motores alternativos de combustión interna y dinámica básica de vehiculos
- Angel Jesús Callejón Ferre
- Marta Gómez Galán
- Juan Antonio Martínez Lao
- Silvia Sánchez Salinas
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Dialnet
El injerto en el control de enfermedades telúricas en hortalizas
- Francisco Camacho Ferre
- Eduardo Jesús Fernández Rodríguez
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
Control de patógenos telúricos en cultivos hortícolas intensivos - 2006
- Dialnet
Equipamientos ganaderos: Casos prácticos para Grado de Ingeniería Agrícola – Explotaciones Agropecuarias
- Angel Jesús Callejón Ferre
- Marta Gómez Galán
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Pedro Gómez Calvache
- Patricio Jesús Martínez Carricondo
- Dialnet
Injerto de hortícolas, técnica conjugable con la ecología
- Marcia Ricárdez Salinas
- Francisco Camacho Ferre
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Eduardo Jesús Fernández Rodríguez
V Congresso Ibérico de Ciências Hortícolas ; IV Congresso Iberoamericano de Ciências Hortícolas: [comunicaçoes] - 2005
- Dialnet
Teoría de motores alternativos de combustión interna
- Angel Jesús Callejón Ferre
- Marta Gómez Galán
- Juan Antonio Martínez Lao
- Silvia Sánchez Salinas
- Manuel Díaz Pérez
- Dialnet
Characterization of digestive proteases in the Senegal sole Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858,Caracterización de las proteasas digestivas del lenguado senegalés Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858
- Sáenz de Rodrigáñez M.
- Alarcón F.
- Martínez M.
- Ruiz F.
- Díaz M.
- Moyano F.
Boletin - Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia - 1/12/2005
- SJR Quartile: Q4
- SJR: 0.115 (2005
- SNIP: 0.073 (2005
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
- Scopus
Effect of cutting angle in the speed of healing under splice grafting method
- Carreño-Ortega A.
- Pardo-Alonso J.L.
- Dıáz-Pérez M.
- Callejón-Ferre A.J.
Acta Horticulturae - 23/11/2020
- CiteScore: 0.6 (2023)
- SJR: 0.181 (2020
- SNIP: 0.276 (2020
- Scopus
Growth and digestive enzymes of Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858 larvae weaned onto different commercial diets,Crecimiento y enzimas digestivas de larvas de Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858 alimentadas con piensos comerciales
- Sáenz de Rodrigáñez M.
- de Oña C.
- Alarcón F.
- Martínez M.
- Díaz M.
- Moyano F.
Boletin - Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia - 1/12/2005
- SJR Quartile: Q4
- SJR: 0.115 (2005
- SNIP: 0.073 (2005
- SJR Categories: Aquatic Science (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
- Scopus
This author has no patents.
This author has no reports or other types of publications.
h index
Scopus: 21
Web of Science: 23
i10 index
Scopus: 32
Web of Science: 31
Research groups
Producción vegetal en sistemas de cultivos mediterráneos
Role: Responsable
Author profiles
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id
Research projects at UAL
Acronym LASASince: January 1, 2023Until: December 31, 2023Funded by: Junta de AndalucíaFunding / grant amount: 17,625.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym LASASince: January 1, 2022Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 17,625.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym CTC-2022121599Since: January 1, 2022Until: December 31, 2022Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 37,400.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym IPRL-LASA 2021Since: January 1, 2021Until: December 31, 2021Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 17,625.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym 001529Since: January 1, 2020Until: June 30, 2021Funded by: Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y UniversidadFunding / grant amount: 49,900.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym 001469Since: January 1, 2020Until: June 30, 2021Funded by: Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y UniversidadFunding / grant amount: 49,900.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym GOP2I-AL-16-0012Since: February 15, 2018Until: February 15, 2020Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 108,900.00 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym P08-AGR-04231Since: January 14, 2009Until: July 13, 2012Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 86,091.60 EURRole: Investigador
Acronym OTRI2003-04Since: January 1, 2003Until: June 30, 2005Funded by: JUNTAFunding / grant amount: 13,000.00 EURRole: Investigador